Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Whether it was Chen Sanqiu or Li Xiaolin, neither of them expected to be able to sell a turnover of 1.3 million on the very first day of the store. This made everyone extremely excited.    


However, Chen Sanqiu was still a bit conflicted. After all, the task given to him by the Super System was to make his daily turnover of Three Autumn Vegetables Supermarket reach over a million. This was not an easy task for Chen Sanqiu.    


In the evening, Chen Sanqiu invited everyone to have a dinner at the hotel outside, and then everyone returned to the Fallen Phoenix Village. Chen Sanqiu invited everyone to eat a dinner at the hotel outside, and then everyone returned to the Fallen Phoenix Village.    


Chen Sanqiu had wanted Li Xiaolin to return to Fallen Phoenix Village tonight. After all, they had just rented a new house and didn't have the furniture ready yet.    


However, Li Xiaolin insisted on staying in Hedong City, so Chen Sanqiu agreed and told Luo Xiangyu and Zhao Jianzhong to stay in Hedong City with Li Xiaolin.    


He brought Li Xiaoxiao and Li Xiaoyu back to Fallen Phoenix Village.    


Now that the market was open for business, Chen Sanqiu clearly felt that he was short on manpower. His dad, Chen Zuyin, wholeheartedly did farm business, while his mother, Tan Lianxiang, could not drive, so Chen Sanqiu had no choice but to become the driver.    


The next morning, he ran to the vegetable base and got the vegetables ready. He then drove Li Xiaohong to Wang Xiaofeng's hotel.    


On the way back, Chen Sanqiu said to Li Xiaohong, "You know how to drive, right?"    


Li Xiaohong's eyes immediately lit up when she heard Chen Sanqiu's question. She looked at Chen Sanqiu with her faint eyes and said, "I know how to drive, I learned it a long time ago."    


Chen Sanqiu smiled and said to Li Xiaohong, "That's great. How about I buy you a cart?"    


Li Xiaohong thought Chen Sanqiu was going to let her drive Chen Sanqiu's Mercedes-Benz. Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, she pouted and said faintly, "Okay, but I want to drive a car that is better than Li Xiaolin's."    


Chen Sanqiu laughed and nodded. He brought Li Xiaohong to the auto market and bought her a single-row car. Li Xiaohong was so angry that her face turned green.    


This was not even worth as much as Li Xiaolin's Wuling. How could a pretty girl like him drive a single row like this? Was it not shameful?    


Chen Sanqiu giggled and asked Li Xiaoxiao, "I don't like it. If you don't like it, let Li Xiaoyu send the goods."    


Li Xiaohong rolled her eyes, thinking that it was better to drive a car than not to drive it, but she still agreed and agreed to drive it herself. She muttered to herself, "Your business is getting bigger and bigger, you can't always rely on us to deliver goods, you still have to find a few people to work with."    


Chen Sanqiu agreed with what Li Xiaohong said. He frowned and said, "How about this? You are responsible for delivering the goods to Wang Xiaofeng. You can hire someone."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Li Xiaohong felt happy in her heart. Chen Sanqiu's words gave her a great deal of authority.    


He had always envied Li Xiaolin for her privilege of being a sales manager. Now, Chen Sanqiu told him to recruit more people. He was so happy. Now, he was gradually catching up to Li Xiaolin.    


After completing the formalities, Li Xiaohong drove a round on the road with the car before finally driving back to Fallen Phoenix Village with Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu drove the car back to Three Autumn Herbs Hall, while Li Xiaohong drove the car to the vegetable base. A group of busy aunties drove back when they saw Li Xiaohong go out.    


All of them gave Li Xiaoxiao a thumbs up.    


"Yo, little sister Xiao Hong, you've struck the jackpot. Why are you getting on so quickly?"    


"Hehe, just look at Li Xiaolin's family of sisters. They're all so pretty, and your little sister is so amazing. If she got in the car earlier, your sister would have driven a car right away. Truly amazing."    


"Sister Xiao Hong, how is Three Autumn's performance?" A young daughter-in-law from the neighboring village walked over to Li Xiaohong with a smile, reached out her hand and patted her buttocks, smiling as she asked.    


Li Xiaohong's face turned red as she glared at the young wife of the neighboring village and said, "What do you mean what do you think?"    


"You're still playing dumb." Zhang Chun Yan rolled her eyes at Li Xiao Hong and whispered with a smile: "You didn't go to bed with Chen Sanqiu, why would Chen Sanqiu buy you a car?" "You think I'm stupid?"    


Li Xiaoxiao blushed. She reached out her hand to pat Zhang Chunyan's butt. She glared at Zhang Chunyan and said, "Don't talk nonsense. I want to hook up with Chen Sanqiu. He really likes me."    


Zhang Chunyan was shocked when she heard Li Xiaohong's words, "You guys didn't do anything, so Chen Sanqiu bought you a car."    


Li Xiaohong then said proudly, "That's because I did a good job and was able to buy a car for me. As long as you work hard, you won't be mistreated by Three Autumn's treatment."    


When everyone heard Li Xiaohong's words, they were filled with excitement.    


He thought that he wouldn't have much time left in the future when he had a car.    


Chen Sanqiu went back to the Three Ball Herbs Hall and got off the car. He then went to the Sky Cavern's herb field. Looking at the good herbs growing in the herb field, Chen Sanqiu called Qin Mingyue, wanting to sell some herbs.    


After receiving Chen Sanqiu's call, Qin Mingyue let out an "oh". However, it sounded like she was very tired: "I'm not going to pull the herbs. You have a car now, can you bring it over to me?"    


When Chen Sanqiu heard Qin Mingyue's extremely tired voice, and also heard Qin Mingyue's words, he felt a burst of worry in his heart, "Okay, send me the address of your company. I'll drive the herbs there today."    


Qin Mingyue said embarrassedly: "I was too busy recently, so I can't go over. I'll send you the address right now."    


Chen Sanqiu nodded and hung up the phone. He let the herbaceous A model robot harvest all the herbs he wanted to sell and then sent them outside to carry them down the mountain.    


He then borrowed Li Xiaoxiao's row and packed the herbs before following the address given to him by Qin Mingyue and drove towards Hedong City. When he arrived at Qin Mingyue's company, he looked around the vast company building.    


Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched.    


What was a company? What was a company? What was a company?    


After stopping the car, Chen Sanqiu called Qin Mingyue, but no one answered.    


He then went to the first floor of the company's main hall and asked Qin Mingyue where her office was.    


When they arrived at the reception area on the first floor, a pretty girl was standing there. Chen Sanqiu smiled and asked the pretty girl, "Beautiful lady, I'm looking for Qin Mingyue to sell herbs. Before, I was able to call her. Do you know where Qin Mingyue's office is? I'll go up and take a look. "    


The beautiful receptionist glanced at Chen Sanqiu and sneered: "So you're Chairman Qin's client. I advise you, you'd better not find Chairman Qin right now. Hurry up and send the herbs to the company's herb purchasing office.    


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