Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but swallow his saliva when he saw Fan Jinhua's pretty face. Although she was in her thirties, her skin was still well cared for, and she looked like a 20-year-old girl.    


Moreover, Fan Jinhua was really charming. Biting her lips and blinking at him, it made Chen Sanqiu feel a burning sensation in his chest, almost making him turn into a wild beast.    


With a dry cough, he thought, why did Fan Jinhua suddenly come to find him today?    


As long as one wasn't a fool, one could imagine why. It was because of the matter of Fan Jinhua and Zhao Baoliang being discovered by him in the corn field.    


He thought to himself, "Could it be that Fan Jinhua already knew that I was the one who found Fan Jinhua and Zhao Baoliang in the corn field?"    


If Fan Jinhua knew it was him, he would have been embarrassed.    


Originally, Chen Sanqiu didn't want to be a busybody. He had nothing to do with his own matters. Not only had he offended Zhao Baoling and Fan Jinhua, but he had also offended Zhao Dabao.    


Wouldn't that make up for the loss?    


But now that he saw Fan Jinhua's charming face blinking at him, Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but feel excited. After a while, he said to Fan Jinhua, "Sister-in-law, do you have a stomachache?" I just happened to be fine, so I'll help you take a look. "    


Fan Jinhua saw Chen Sanqiu's flustered expression and felt very proud of himself.    


Fan Jinhua was very confident in his appearance and figure. His own man, Zhao Dabao, was good at everything, and always made him unhappy.    


This caused Fan Jinhua great pain. Every time he was about to get excited, it would be over.    


This was how Zhao Baoliang took advantage of the situation and barged in.    


Now that he saw Chen Sanqiu was so handsome and had such a good figure, Fan Jinhua had already forgotten about Zhao Baoliang and Zhao Dabao, and was thinking about how he could hook Chen Sanqiu up.    


No matter if Chen Sanqiu had found out about the matter between him and Zhao Baoliang, his mother was determined on this little piece of fresh meat.    


After following Chen Sanqiu into the ward, Chen Sanqiu looked back and saw Fan Jinhua's eyes staring at him. Chen Sanqiu was scared and thought Fan Jinhua was going to be angry at him.    


Chen Sanqiu thought in his heart, should I be frank and open-minded first? Furthermore, he had told Fan Jinhua that although he had discovered the matter between them, he had not told anyone else. How could Fan Jinhua not be worried?    


After thinking for a while, he decided to not talk about it. He first wanted to know what Fan Jinhua wanted from him.    


"Sister-in-law, where do you hurt?" Chen Sanqiu let Fan Jinhua lie on the bed, took a deep breath, and tried his best to maintain a calm expression as he asked Fan Jinhua.    


Fan Jinhua pouted, pouting as he reached out to press his hand against his stomach. "I don't know what's going on, but this place is already in pain this morning, so I'm afraid that I might have contracted some sort of illness or appendicitis. I heard that I have to undergo surgery."    


Chen Sanqiu looked at the place where Fan Jinhua had pressed his hand down and smiled, "Sister-in-law, don't worry. The appendix isn't growing here. It's the stomach."    


Saying that, Chen Sanqiu gently pressed Fan Jinhua's lower abdomen and asked, "Does it hurt?"    


"It doesn't hurt here." Fan Jinhua bit her lips and looked at Chen Sanqiu with her charming eyes, her voice trembling.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


"Gu Dong!"    


Swallowing his saliva, he thought to himself, just what is this woman up to?    


He was f * cking trying to hook up with her.    


Forcing himself to calm down, Chen Sanqiu pressed his hand on Fan Jinhua's stomach and whispered: "Does it hurt here?"    




Fan Jinhua immediately opened his mouth and let out a long sound. No one could tell if it was a comfortable sound or a sound of pain, which almost made Chen Sanqiu's blood boil.    


"Right here." Fan Jinhua looked at Chen Sanqiu charmingly. She bit her lips and said to Chen Sanqiu, "How can you tell what's wrong with me through the clothes?"    


As he said that, Fan Jinhua took the initiative to lift up his shirt, which made Chen Sanqiu dizzy.    


Chen Sanqiu did not expect Fan Jinhua to be so proactive, and he was shocked.    


Looking at Fan Jinhua's fair and elastic skin, Chen Sanqiu was secretly speechless. How was this the skin of a country girl? It was even better than the skin of a city person.    


He swallowed a mouthful of saliva.    


Chen Sanqiu's heart was beating wildly. He felt like there were two little rabbits jumping up and down in his heart, until blood almost flowed out of Chen Sanqiu's nose.    


Fan Jinhua looked at Chen Sanqiu, who seemed to have gone into a daze, and felt proud of himself.    


With his figure and skin, not many men could endure it.    


"Cough cough, I've looked at it. It must be because of the cool breeze, that's why my stomach hurts. I'll help you massage it." Chen Sanqiuqiang endured the blood boiling in his heart, and gently rubbed Fan Jinhua's belly.    


Fan Jinhua felt Chen Sanqiu's strong hand slowly rub his belly, it felt really comfortable, he felt like Chen Sanqiu was rubbing his stomach until it almost fell off. The pain in his stomach was now under Chen Sanqiu's heavy and slow massage, it actually started to feel very comfortable.    


Looking at Chen Sanqiu's handsome face, he couldn't help but feel hot inside.    


Her eyes were almost filled with tears as she looked at Chen Sanqiu charmingly.    


"You really are a powerful person. You can use your hands to rub me until my soul feels like it's about to fly out." Fan Jinhua looked at Chen Sanqiu in a gentle manner, and from time to time he would let out a groan.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't dare to look into Fan Jinhua's eyes because he was afraid that this was a trap that Fan Jinhua had set for him.    


Perhaps this was what Zhao Baoliang told Fan Jinhua to do. Chen Sanqiu was more and more scared as he saw Fan Jinhua take the initiative in front of him.    


He tried his best to maintain a decent appearance, turning his head from time to time to look outside.    


"Little Scoundrel, you're so evil, but you don't have the guts to do so." Fan Jinhua turned around and looked at Chen Sanqiu's pants. He couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat and snorted at Chen Sanqiu.    


Hearing Fan Jinhua's words, Chen Sanqiu instantly felt a bit embarrassed. He looked down at his pants and cursed. Chen Sanqiu felt embarrassed.    


He looked at Fan Jinhua with an awkward expression, and said with a wry smile, "Sister-in-law, I'll fix it for you. It's fine now. You lie down for a while. I'll go first."    


Chen Sanqiu didn't understand what was going on with Fan Jinhua at the moment. He was not confident and felt guilty.    


When Chen Sanqiu finished, he turned around. Fan Jinhua who had been lying on the sickbed suddenly grabbed Chen Sanqiu's hand and pulled Chen Sanqiu to the sickbed.    


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