Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Zuyin looked down at Chen Sanqiu's palms, wrists, and arms. There were rows upon rows of teeth marks, and he felt a pang in his heart.    


This was his own son.    


He hadn't moved a finger against Chen Sanqiu since he was young. Usually, it was Tan Lianxiang who beat Chen Sanqiu up, but he never did. Now that his son was bitten like this by Liu Xiaotian, how could he not feel sorry for her?    


He grinned: "What the hell did you do to Liu Xiaotian to make him so angry at you?"    


Chen Sanqiu gritted his teeth in anger and said, "Liu Xiaotian is a f * cking dog. He had already bitten me before. If not, he would bite me."    


Chen Zuyin frowned and glared at Chen Sanqiu: "Don't bullsh * t me, tell me what happened."    


Although Chen Zuyin didn't attack Chen Sanqiu much and didn't even scold him often, in Chen Sanqiu's heart, the person he was most afraid of was his old man, Chen Zuyin.    


It was one thing if you weren't angry, but if you were truly angry, then you really wouldn't be allowed to eat.    


He hurriedly grinned and said to Chen Zuyin, "Isn't this what Liu Qiangfu called me today, saying that Liu Xiaotian came over to study why our land could produce such good vegetables? So I waited until the afternoon, when Liu Xiaoyang came, I pulled her along and wanted to go through the small forest to look for you guys, and in my heart, I was thinking that we could still fish at Cloud's Fishing Lake, and eat roasted fish. Who knows, just after walking two steps, Liu Xiaoyang already started crying and started biting me."    


Chen Sanqiu said bitterly to Chen Zuyin, "This is how it is, she bit me, I naturally have to resist, right?"    


Chen Zuyin glanced at Chen Sanqiu, seeing the evasive look in Chen Sanqiu's eyes, he knew that Chen Sanqiu was not like a father. He knew that Chen Sanqiu did not tell him everything, so he immediately frowned and said angrily to Chen Sanqiu: "What did you do to Liu Xiaotian?"    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and quickly said to his father, Chen Zuyin, "Nothing much, just spanking Liu Xiaotian's butt."    


He didn't dare to say it out loud. Instead, he reached his hand into Liu Xiaotian's collar and grabbed him.    


If this matter were to be revealed, it was highly likely that the old man, who had never fought with him, would starve him for a week. This was not something that the old man could do.    


Don't look at the smiling old man Chen Zuyin, who didn't want to make a move on Chen Sanqiu, but he was extremely strict with Chen Sanqiu. His eyes couldn't tolerate any sand, and as long as old man Chen Zuyin was truly angry, even the old lady Lian Xiang couldn't do anything about it.    


He could only let Chen Sanqiu get hungry.    


"That's it?" Chen Zuyin asked Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu nodded and didn't dare to say anything else.    


"In that case, come with me to Liu Xiaotian and apologize in front of me." Chen Zuyin said coldly, "If Liu Xiaotian can't accept your apology, then apologize to me. When will she accept your apology before we can have dinner?"    


Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched. He was starving right now. He raised his head and looked at Chen Zuyin, then asked softly: "Then I can get some food now, how about it as a cushion?"    


"No." Chen Zuyin snorted coldly and led Chen Sanqiu out of Chen Sanqiu's room. They came to his living room and saw Tan Lianxiang wiping Liu Xiaotian's tears, scolding Chen Sanqiu for being a heartless little bastard.    


He coughed lightly.    


Qin Lianxiang's heart skipped a beat when she saw Chen Zuyin's gloomy expression. She looked at Chen Sanqiu and Chen Sanqiu winked at her, indicating that she should help him speak a few words.    


Now that his father, Chen Zuying, was truly angered, other than Tan Lianxiang, who could say a few words, no one could suppress his anger anymore.    


Tan Lianxiang opened her mouth and said to Chen Zuyin, "Son's father, Lil 'Tian told me that he hit her butt in the middle of autumn."    


Liu Xiaotian's face reddened. Back then, Tan Lianxiang had asked him what Chen Sanqiu had done to him. He couldn't possibly say that he was a shameless bastard like Chen Sanqiu. He reached into his collar and grabbed him.    


I'm still a big girl, not married yet, not even in a relationship. If this gets out, wuu, wouldn't it be embarrassing?    


Now hearing the Tan Lotus to Chen Zu Ying said Chen Sanqiu hit his butt, still blushing red in the ear.    


If Chen Zuyin and Tan Lianxiang found out about the most despicable thing Chen Sanqiu did to him, he would be so embarrassed to death.    


Chen Sanqiu was relieved when he heard his mother, Tan Liuxiang's words. Luckily, he had thought correctly. Liu Xiaotian would not tell him that he had captured Liu Xiaotian. That way, it would be easy to explain.    


"Apologize." Chen Zuyin snorted coldly, walked to his teacher's chair and sat down. He lit a cigarette and looked coldly at Chen Sanqiu.    


This gave Liu Xiaotian a fright as he gulped down a mouthful of saliva.    


This kind of line-up, why does it look like it's a scene from a movie where the three court hearings are held? It's really scary.    


Chen Sanqiu looked like a little chick, with a forced smile on his face, he walked in front of him.    


"Little Tian, everything was my fault, I didn't tell you the real reason, it was all my fault, I was careless, I didn't think you were a girl, it was my fault, you also bit me, although I hit your butt, there was no other way, look, can we settle this?" Chen Sanqiu said politely to Liu Xiaotian while winking at him.    


Tan Lianxiang still didn't know that her son had been bitten by Liu Xiaotian. Only now did she see the teeth marks on Chen Sanqiu's arm, palm, and wrist. It was almost the same as being bitten by an infantry company.    


His heart couldn't help but shiver, and his eyes couldn't help but turn red.    


His son was the mother's flesh and blood. When he saw Chen Sanqiu's miserable state, tears fell from his eyes uncontrollably.    


Liu Xiaotian was also a bit embarrassed, but thinking about how Chen Sanqiu had grabbed him, he gritted his teeth and said, "I won't forgive you."    


Upon hearing Liu Xiaotian's words, Chen Zuyin immediately gave a cold snort, "Go stand at the side. Xiao Tian, let's eat."    


Qin Lianxiang didn't dare to say anything else as she hastily went to the kitchen to cook a few dishes, stewed pork ribs, and brought them over to eat with Liu Xiaotian, Yue Ling'er, and Chen Zuyin.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


He had been starving for a long time.    


He could only stand there, standing next to the table.    


Seeing Chen Zuyin throw a pork chop to a cub on the ground to pick up its food, he couldn't help but gulp.    


They really didn't do as well as a little wolf cub.    


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