Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Qi Sisi pointed behind Zhao Lingling. Zhao Lingling was stunned for a moment. She turned around and saw the suave and elegant Liang Chengyu, dressed in a white suit, walking towards her from afar with a bouquet of roses in his hand. She couldn't help blushing.    


Ever since he came to Hedong City Business School to study, he and Liang Chengyu had been in the same class, and Liang Chengyu had always been pursuing him.    


Although she never agreed on the surface, she still went out to watch two movies with Liang Chengyu and had nothing else to do. In Zhao Lingling's opinion, if she wanted to give her body to Liang Chengyu, she would have to wait until after marriage before she could give her body to Liang Chengyu.    


However, most importantly, the reason why Zhao Lingling had been unable to make up her mind to stay with Liang Chengyu was because when she was with Liang Chengyu, she would always have a strong sense of insecurity. Furthermore, when she was with Liang Chengyu, she would always make it difficult for Zhao Lingling to let go.    


In his mind, he couldn't help but think of the time when Chen Sanqiu peeked at him taking a bath in the lake at the back of Fallen Phoenix Mountain and was chased and beaten by his mother. Chen Sanqiu ran into the lake and hugged him from behind.    


She couldn't help but blush and pouted at Qi Sisi, saying, "Don't spout nonsense."    


Qi Sisi was stunned for a moment. She stretched out her body and put her head on Zhao Lingling's shoulder. She bit her ear and said with a smile, "Isn't that your Prince Charming?" Look at him, he's not much better than that bastard Chen Sanqiu. "    


After she finished speaking, Qi Sisi blew a breath into Zhao Lingling's ear.    


It caused Zhao Lingling's entire body to go numb, from her ears all the way to the soles of her feet, causing her body to shiver.    


Qi Sisi rolled her eyes, blushing from shyness. "You're the only one who's blabbering."    


"Lingling, I saw you from afar. I was looking for you. Is this fate?" Liang Chengyu smiled as he walked to Zhao Lingling's side and handed the rose in his hand over to her. Then, he turned to Qi Sisi and said, "Sisi is also here. You and Lingling are good friends, you have to take care of Lingling more."    


Qi Sisi giggled and said to Liang Chengyu, "You really are an infatuated child. Tsk tsk, don't worry. I'll definitely take good care of Ling Ling at home."    


Zhao Lingling felt a burst of discomfort in her heart. When she heard Liang Chengyu say that he wanted Qi Sisi to take care of her more than usual, she felt even more discomfort. She reached out and stuffed the rose into Liang Chengyu's arms, then turned around and said to Qi Sisi, "Come, let's go back to the dorm."    


After saying that, Zhao Lingling picked up the plastic bag with the vegetables in it. Leaving the dumbfounded Liang Chengyu and Qi Sisi behind, she walked into the campus by herself.    


Liang Chengyu did not expect Zhao Lingling to not give him face at all. He frowned as anger arose in his heart. He had chased after Zhao Lingling for so long, yet Liang Chengyu had only taken her hand.    


He had initially thought that he could capture Zhao Lingling if he kept pursuing her. Who knew that this time, Zhao Lingling would not give him any face in front of Qi Sisi.    


Clenching her teeth and looking at Qi Sisi beside her, a wry smile immediately appeared on Liang Chengyu's face. He turned to Qi Sisi and said, "Sigh, Zhao Lingling has such a temper. You must be joking."    


Qi Sisi looked at Liang Chengyu with a smile and chuckled. She said to Liang Chengyu, "In the future, you must work hard to chase after him."    


Finished speaking, she playfully patted Liang Chengyu's shoulder, twisted her butt and laughed before chasing after Zhao Lingling.    


After Qi Sisi left, Liang Chengyu's expression instantly turned gloomy and cold. With a wave of his hand, he ruthlessly threw the rose in his hand onto the ground and ruthlessly crushed it with his foot.    


At this moment, two or three mischievous people walked over from the shadows at the school gate, and arrived beside Liang Chengyu.    


One of the young men grinned at Liang Chengyu and said, "Young Master Liang didn't succeed again. Tsk tsk, we're going to have a meal at the rich and powerful winery again tonight. Haha."    


Liang Chengyu frowned and he turned his head around to glare at the young man. "Su Qihu, you should think more about your cousin."    


Su Qiong Hu shrugged and said indifferently, "His fiancee has denied his face in front of so many people. Tsk tsk, even my big brother can endure it. With such a small matter like this, can't you endure it?"    


After saying that, Su Qiong Hu chuckled, "However, my elder brother is chasing the young miss of the Qin family. You can chase her, haha, but you are just a damn pauper in the countryside. I didn't expect you to not be able to catch her! Haha, so embarrassing! Haha."    


Liang Chengyu couldn't help but grit his teeth when he heard Su Qiong Hu's words. His entire body shuddered as he fiercely swept a glance at Zhao Ling Ling's departing figure. "Zhao Ling Ling Ling, if you don't follow me, don't blame me for being ruthless."    


"Yo, Liang Chengyu is really going to get angry. Haha, I'm quite worried about how much Young Master Liang will torture Zhao Ling. Tsk tsk, but don't forget about us brothers when the time comes." Su Qihu smiled at Liang Chengyu and said, "Isn't it just a country bumpkin woman? She's just a bit handsome, and with Liang Shaoyang's status, a lot of women can play around with him."    


Liang Chengyu gritted his teeth and coldly said, "When the time comes, everyone will play together."    


"Good, haha, young master Liang is truly satisfying."    


"Haha, it's still Liang Shaohang."    


"This kind of woman, just play around with her. Haha, after playing with her, throw her over to Mommy Liu. She can definitely be tamed beyond compare."    


The four of them looked at each other before getting into the car and driving away.    


At this time, Chen Sanqiu drove to the rented house for Li Xiaolin and the others. When he reached to open the door, he found that someone was locked inside.    


He frowned and smiled bitterly as he lightly knocked on the door.    


"Who is it?" Li Xiaolin's choked voice came from inside.    


Chen Sanqiu sighed. He couldn't figure out why Li Xiaolin was crying so suddenly, so he said softly, "It's me, Chen Sanqiu."    


He thought that Li Xiaolin would not open the door for him, but after five or six minutes, the door was opened from the inside.    


Chen Sanqiu saw Li Xiaolin raise her head and look at him with a pitiful and haggard expression. Chen Sanqiu's heart skipped a beat when he saw that.    


Hurriedly, he reached out and held Li Xiaolin in his arms, patting her gently on the back. With a bitter smile, he asked, "What's wrong with you? Why are you crying like this? "    


Li Xiaolin, who was hugged by Chen Sanqiu, cried even harder, "Wuu wuu, do you not want me anymore? Wuu wuu, I've never thought of being your wife. I've always wanted to work hard, as long as I can stay by your side. Wuu, do you feel annoyed when you see me now? That's why you have to push me out of the country. Am I annoying? "Howl, howl."    


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