Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes, seeing Li Zhenghua's painful and conflicted face, as if he was going to take Li Xiaoyu away from Li Zhenghua. The corner of his mouth twitched, he lowered his head to look at himself, then said to Li Zhenghua, "Even if I wanted to be your brother-in-law, I won't throw your face away, right?"    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu say that, Li Zhenghua almost cried. He quickly said to Chen Sanqiu, "Sanqiu, Big Bro, can I call you Big Bro? I really only have this little sister. It's not bad that you think of her as my sister-in-law, but I really want Xiao Yu to find someone who she has an honest relationship with to marry to her in this lifetime. "    


Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes and felt depressed in his heart. Chen Sanqiu felt really good about himself these days, not to mention that he didn't want to marry Li Xiaoyu, he just wanted to complete the mission.    


Damn, I didn't expect Li Zhenghua to have such a huge reaction.    


"Sanqiu, don't be angry, this is also for your own good. Kid, you will definitely not lack women in the future, and in the future, countless women will leap into your arms. You know what the temper of my little sister is, and you also know that if she becomes your wife, it will be bad for both of you." Li Zhenghua said to Chen Sanqiu with a grin.    


Chen Sanqiu laughed dryly and sighed.    


His self-satisfied heart was taken aback, he helplessly said to Li Zhenghua, "Actually it's nothing, I just saw that Xiao Yu did a lot of things and I just wanted to reward her for it."    


Li Zhenghua let out a sigh of relief and asked Chen Sanqiu, "Is there really no other meaning?"    


Chen Sanqiu nodded and looked at Li Zhenghua speechlessly, "Your words really gave me a shock. Do you know what I'm talking about?"    


Li Zhenghua bitterly smiled and said to Chen Sanqiu after a while, "So that's how it is. It's very simple, my sister's biggest dream before was to open a dojo."    


Hearing Li Zhenghua say that, Chen Sanqiu immediately clapped and said to Li Zhenghua, "Okay, I'll give her a dojo."    


Li Zhenghua …    


"Brother, you really aren't interested in Li Xiaoyu are you? For a woman like her, marrying home is marrying a family member. You have to respect her every day and serve her every day. How boring." Li Zhenghua said seriously to Chen Sanqiu, "You have to think about it. What I said is all for your own good."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and patted Li Zhenghua on the shoulder with a serious expression, "No need to explain, I understand."    


Li Zhenghua …    


Chen Sanqiu came over and looked at Ah Zhu lying on the bed. A lot of color had gradually returned to Ah Zhu's face, and her body looked much better than before, but because she had suffered too much damage, there was too much poison in her body. It was not something she could do in such a short period of time to completely get rid of the poison in her body.    


"How is Ah Zhu?" Li Zhenghua asked Chen Sanqiu worriedly.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and smiled at Li Zhenghua, "Your body is much better than before. When your body is almost recovered, I will perform another surgery on my sister-in-law to clear the poison in her body."    


Li Zhenghua nodded in excitement. When he first saw Ah Zhu, Li Zhenghua had already lost hope of Ah Zhu's body. He took Ah Zhu through so many hospitals, but still couldn't find a cure.    


In the end, Ah Zhu began to explain the aftermath, and Li Zhenghua accepted the result of Ah Zhu's death.    


He didn't expect that there would be a chance for him to recover completely. Li Zhenghua was naturally incomparably excited.    


Chen Sanqiu paused for a moment and then pulled Li Zhenghua out of the room, saying to Li Zhenghua, "But we may not have any more children in the future."    


After that, Chen Sanqiu said to Li Zhenghua, "Don't be discouraged, maybe I can find a solution in the future."    


Li Zhenghua smiled and patted Chen Sanqiu's shoulder, saying to Chen Sanqiu, "I am happy to have a daughter. For someone like me, having a daughter is the greatest gift the heavens have given me."    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Li Zhenghua to have such a high level of awareness.    


He turned around and left.    


"Where are you going?" Li Zhenghua was inexplicably anxious as he called out to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm going to Hedong City to find a room for Xiao Yu and get her a dojo."    


Li Zhenghua …    


"Three Autumn's, my sister really is a tigress. Please don't seduce her." Li Zhenghua wailed at Chen Sanqiu's back.    


Chen Sanqiu waved his hand, not leaving a single cloud behind.    


He grinned and snorted. "Sh * t, I saved you and your wife, yet you treat me like this. You're sad, sad, and really, damn sad."    


Walking out of the Three Autumn Herbs Hall, Chen Sanqiu suddenly remembered that his car was still in the police station. He had to buy a van, a single-row, a black dog, and a mouse to deliver tomorrow. He could only ride his bicycle bitterly to Dragon Lake Town and take the bus to Hedong City.    


After arriving at Hedong City, Chen Sanqiu called Wang Xiaofeng and got her to pick him up. He found a two-storey shop that was about 500 square meters in the center of Hedong City Square and rented it out.    


When Wang Xiaofeng received Chen Sanqiu's call, she was quite happy. She thought Chen Sanqiu was missing her, so she went out after taking a shower. Who knew that Chen Sanqiu would take her all over the street to find a shop.    


After they found the store, they thought Chen Sanqiu was going to rent it and open a vegetable supermarket. Who knew that Chen Sanqiu was going to open a martial arts school here?    


He pouted at Chen Sanqiu with his lips pouting and his eyes were filled with tears. "Who did you open this dojo for?"    


Chen Sanqiu didn't mind and chuckled: "It was opened for Li Xiaoyu. That girl always wanted to open a dojo. I'll set it up first and give her a surprise."    


Wang Xiaofeng felt a tinge of jealousy in her heart as she mumbled, "It turns out to be that pretty young man."    


No matter how foolish Chen Sanqiu was, he could hear the jealousy in Wang Xiaofeng's words. He hugged Wang Xiaofeng and kissed her twice before saying, "Her brother is my brother, and during this time, Li Xiaoyu helped me a lot. She was surprised and thanked me."    


"Oh, so it's like that." Wang Xiaofeng mumbled sourly, "She has helped you a lot. I'm surprised that you've given her such a nice surprise."    


Chen Sanqiu laughed. He lowered his head and whispered in Wang Xiaofeng's ear, "I will be staying at your place for the next two days."    


Wang Xiaofeng's face turned red and her ears went numb. She looked at Chen Sanqiu and said, "You little rascal."    


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