Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu smiled bitterly and looked at the dream butterfly with her charming eyes, saying that she was an interesting man.    


He smiled bitterly, "Actually, I am not only an interesting man, but also a very profound man."    


The dream butterfly giggled happily.    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned. It seemed like what he said just now was not a joke. Wasn't it funny to say that he was a very profound man?    


On the other side, Fang Meng Long had already called the hotel manager, and the chef took all the vegetables that Chen Sanqiu sent over and sent to the restaurant. Fang Meng Long waved at Chen Sanqiu and said, "Let's go to the restaurant now, I've already told the hotel chef to cook for us, and we should be careful not to slap your face when the time comes."    


"It's too late for you to regret it now. If you don't, we can take these vegetables and bring them back to the Prince Xiang's mansion and have the chefs inside use your vegetables to cook for us. Perhaps they might even be better than the food in the Prince Xiang's mansion." Fang Meng Long squinted his eyes and said to Chen Sanqiu with a smile.    


Chen Sanqiu shook his head with a smile and followed the others to the restaurant.    


When they arrived at the restaurant, many of the fuerdai were sitting around excitedly waiting. They felt that this matter was more interesting than getting them to go for a ride and pick up girls.    


Looking at the excited and happy expressions on the faces of the rich second generations.    


Chen Sanqiu sighed in his heart. Damn, he only wanted to make them so excited because he wanted to know how delicious his vegetables were.    


He sighed in his heart. Being a fuerdai was really something.    


After about 20 minutes, the chef personally pushed the food cart out. With a dazed look and tears in his eyes, he waited for the waiters to serve the dishes. Then, the chef unexpectedly cried out.    


When Fang Meng Long saw this, his jaw dropped in shock. He turned to the restaurant's chef and asked in confusion, "What are you crying for?"    


Wuu, wuu, in my lifetime, I have been able to cook with such top quality vegetables. I have had enough for my entire life, but unfortunately, I do not have any top quality water. The head chef said while crying.    


When Fang Menglong heard the chef's words, his whole body shivered.    


He turned his head and glanced at the dishes on the table. On the surface, they didn't look as pretty as the ones from the Prince Charming's mansion. It was obvious that the chef at this hotel wasn't as good as them, but from what the chef said, it seemed like the vegetables grown by Chen Sanqiu were really powerful.    


With a grin, he picked up the chopsticks and placed them on a plate of fried eggs with tomatoes.    


He stuffed it into his mouth.    


Fang Meng Long couldn't help but shiver.    


What sort of feeling was this? When the tomato entered his mouth, it melted immediately. That kind of sour and sweet feeling was like drinking sweet ice-cold water on a hot summer day. That kind of comfortable feeling made Fang Meng Long feel like he was about to fly.    


A pleasant and refreshing feeling spread from the taste buds on his tongue to his entire body. Finally, his body shivered and he opened his eyes.    


It felt like he had just tricked and tricked a beauty he had been chasing for a long time into bed. It felt like he was enjoying the moment after a good night's bed exercise.    




Fang Meng Long took a deep breath and opened his eyes again.    


However, he discovered that the entire table of people was immersed in eating their dishes, causing him to act like a fool, pretending to enjoy himself.    


"Damn, do you guys still have any of the pride of a rich second generation?" Fang Meng Long shouted loudly, but no one paid any attention to him.    


This dish was simply too delicious.    


Thinking about these rich second generations, having everything other people dreamed of having right after they were born. Their entire lives, they had only ever wanted to enjoy the sight of eating, sleeping, and killing Dou Dou.    


Now that they had such a high quality dish in front of them, how could they not go crazy?    


A gust of wind swept away the clouds.    


The rich second generations, who had just finished their meal at the Residence of Prime Minister, had already finished all the food on the table in a frenzy. The fat man even picked up the plate and sucked at the soup before putting it down in satisfaction.    


When Ye Zichen looked at Chen Sanqiu.    


"Big brother, you are simply my new parents. Big brother, after eating your vegetables, I know what is special about food, damn it, I thought that I had eaten all the delicious food in the world before, but now I know that all the delicious food here, to you, is nothing but fart. Big brother, I knelt down for you, it's nothing."    


Many of the rich second generations also cried and called out for their big brother, wishing that they could climb onto Chen Sanqiu one by one and repay him with their bodies.    


Chen Sanqiu reached out to cover his own body, opened his mouth to kiss his Fang Menglong and laughed loudly: "Stop messing around."    


A big mouth was slapped.    


Fang Meng Long …    


"As long as everyone feels that it's delicious." Chen Sanqiu smiled and said to the rich second generation, "Alright, everyone has eaten and drank. Everyone has dispersed. Let's go home and rest."    


"Big Bro, can, can I take some vegetables with me?"    


"Big brother, give me some."    


"Me too."    


"Give me some."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and shook his head: "No."    


Everyone cried out miserably.    


"You've all taken it, what do you want to eat?" Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes and said, "Just wait, my vegetable supermarket in Beijing is about to open. You guys can go buy some if you want to eat."    


Saying that, Chen Sanqiu turned around and was about to leave.    


The big hand was grabbed by a small hand.    


As he turned around, he saw the dream butterfly biting her cherry lips as she stared at him with her charming eyes.    


He couldn't help but shiver. Was it possible that the dream butterfly was going to repay him with her body?    


Should he agree, or agree, or agree?    


"Sanqiu, my father is currently in the hospital and has always disliked the food in the hospital. Can you let me bring some back for my father to eat?" The dream butterfly pouted and said to Chen Sanqiu charmingly.    


Chen Sanqiu shuddered.    


He swallowed a mouthful of saliva.    


"Oh, then, then alright, you can take some with you, we still have to keep them to eat." Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched as he nodded.    


After the crowd of rich second generations dispersed and Yue Ling'er was sent back to her room, Chen Sanqiu finally went downstairs. He wanted to go to the main hall to collect the vegetables that had been delivered.    


At the reception desk in the lobby.    


Looking at the single vegetable box placed by the reception of the hall, he was stunned.    


"What about the rest of the boxes?" Chen Sanqiu asked with a scream.    


The lobby attendant trembled and cried out, "Didn't you say you were going to let that beauty take it away? She took away eight boxes and left one box behind, saying that if she were to give it to your father-in-law to eat, you wouldn't feel any heartache. "    


Chen Sanqiu …    


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