Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Fang Meng Long's eyes lit up as he looked at Chen Sanqiu and said: "Big brother, I think your dishes are very reliable. I chatted with Fatty and the rest and they all want to follow big brother."    


Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but grin when he heard this. His whole body felt bad and the corner of his mouth twitched. He laughed dryly when he saw the excited look on Fang Menglong's face.    


Damn it, let these rich second generations farm? This was a very impressive thing.    


However, Chen Sanqiu felt that it would be unreliable no matter how unreliable it was.    


Sneering dryly, Chen Sanqiu said to Fang Menglong, "Let's talk about it when the time comes. Planting vegetables is not as easy as you think."    


Fang Menglong grinned. Seeing Chen Sanqiu's reluctant look, he knew he couldn't chase him too hard. After all, he only had a few days left to get on Chen Sanqiu's good side. He had to take his time.    


Chen Sanqiu looked at the lonely Fang Meng Long, smiled bitterly and said to him: "You guys don't need to worry about food or drink, don't think too much. Moreover, the vegetable supermarket in Beijing is not open yet, I wonder how the situation is. We'll check it out after it opens, it won't be too late."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Fang Meng Long's lonely expression became a bit happier. He sighed and said to Chen Sanqiu: "Brother, some things are not like what you think. Ai, let's not talk about it anymore. Let's go eat first."    


Fang Menglong drove to the Residence of the Prime Minister, got off the car, and took Chen Sanqiu, Yue Ling'er, and Hu Zi to their usual place. As soon as Chen Sanqiu entered the door, he saw Fatty, as well as those rich second generations who had been following Fang Menglong well.    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu walk in, everyone immediately stood up. The fatty said to Chen Sanqiu excitedly, "Big Brother, you finally came. We have to be extremely anxious."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and said to Fatty, "What's the rush?"    


Sigh, you don't know, ever since last time I ate a meal made from your vegetables in that hotel you stayed in and then let me eat another meal, I'm not in the mood to eat anymore. Sigh, you don't know, ever since last time I ate a meal made from your vegetables in that hotel and then let me eat another meal made from your vegetables in another hotel, then I was not in the mood to eat another meal. The fat guy said to Chen Sanqiu with a pained expression, "Brother, we ate the vegetables you grew, we're really going to die here."    


When Chen Sanqiu heard the fatty's words, he grinned and said to him, "The shop will be ready in two days. When the time comes, we'll bring the vegetables over. You can have any meal."    


Fatty smiled bitterly and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Brother, let's sit down and talk."    


Those rich second generations looked at each other and quickly pulled Chen Sanqiu, Yue Ling'er, and Hu Zi to sit down.    


At the beginning, no one said anything. After three rounds of wine, everyone had pretty much drunk their fill.    


A fuerdai actually couldn't hold back his head and started crying.    


Seeing this, Chen Sanqiu was stunned. Yue Ling'er looked at that handsome fuerdai who was dressed quite well. She did not understand why this rich second-generation suddenly started crying. She felt quite puzzled.    


He heard the rich second generation saying, "Big bro, my name is Yan Hu. Sigh, don't you know how much pain my heart is feeling?"    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and said to Yan Hu, "Tell me, what pain do you have?"    


Yan Hu let out a painful sigh and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Big brother, we, the fuerdai, don't seem to have anything to suffer about. It looks like we're here to eat, but who knows how much pain we're feeling right now? "Don't just look at the five of them, there are also a group of brothers outside. They seem so awesome, but at home, in the homes of relatives, it's as embarrassing as it gets. Everyone looks down on us."    


"Sigh, before this, I also worked so hard to achieve some results. I wanted to succeed, wanted to make father think highly of me, and wanted to make my relatives think highly of me. However …"    


Yan Hu's eyes reddened as tears welled up in his eyes. He said to Chen Sanqiu with a reddened face, "I didn't study well in the past, and although I invested in some things after finishing my job, I've lost everything. Now, I can only be considered as settling the score, ahem, it's very shameful."    


When Chen Sanqiu heard Yan Hu's words, he grinned.    


Unexpectedly, the surrounding rich second generations all began to cry after Yan Hu's words.    


"Big brother, we are actually all very bitter in our hearts. You said that we always wanted to do some results so that we could raise our heads at home, but, who knows, no matter what we do, we just can't do it well. This makes us feel very miserable and conflicted in our hearts."    


"Big brother, I beg of you, please help us this time."    


"Big brother, since you have already opened a vegetable supermarket in the capital, why can't you grow vegetables in the capital? "Before, we bought more than 200 mu of land in the countryside of Beijing. We originally wanted to make an ecological farmhouse, but we didn't manage to do it. Now that we've planted wheat, if Big Brother needs it, we brothers can provide it for you free."    


"I only hope that Big Bro can point us to a clear path."    


Many of the rich second generations began to talk among each other, in a miserable way. They, the rich second generation, were the most miserable people in this world.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


Yan Hu's face was livid with anger. He was so angry that he almost flipped the table.    


The heck, in Yan Hu's opinion, these rich second generations were just like bears, making things difficult for themselves.    


There aren't many people who are miserable, f * ck.    


Fang Meng Long coughed twice, calming down all the rich second generations. He immediately said to Chen Sanqiu with a face full of grief: "Big brother, we want to join you. We'll work with you."    


Chen Sanqiu rubbed his forehead, not knowing if he should act tough or refuse.    


A green light flashed before his eyes.    


"Super System Quest."    


"Set up a joint stock company made up of these rich second generations. Chen Sanqiu, you have 33% of the shares. The rest are divided equally among these rich second generations."    


"Mission completed, reward 20 points."    


"Young man, the great era that truly belongs to you is about to come."    


Chen Sanqiu stared at this super system quest in shock. He grinned and immediately said, "Sigh, actually, I don't want you guys to join my company, but on account of your hardships, I feel that if I can help you guys, I can."    


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