Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



The dream butterfly did not expect Chen Sanqiu to be so infuriating as he spanked her twice. Moreover, looking at what Chen Sanqiu meant, she wanted to slap her butt. This made her feel both embarrassed and angry.    


"Oh, you, you little rascal."    


When the dream butterfly heard her own numb and soft voice, her face blushed red. She quickly covered her mouth and looked at Chen Sanqiu shyly.    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu's pair of black and bright eyes looking down at him with a smile, he was at a loss for words. He didn't dare to say anything for a long time.    


Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but smile as he looked down at the dream butterfly. Slowly retracting his hand, he smiled and said to the dream butterfly, "You came to find me because I told Fang Meng Long and the rest to dig the ground?"    


The dream butterfly pouted and took a deep breath. She felt a burning sensation on her butt. With a red face, she said angrily to Chen Sanqiu, "Although my brother isn't a good person, I can't let you treat him like a monkey."    


"Just because I said I wanted to start a two trillion dollar company?" Chen Sanqiu asked while narrowing his eyes.    


The dream butterfly nodded at Chen Sanqiu and said, "If you were a large supermarket, like Wal-Mart which spans the entire world, I might believe you if you said $2 trillion. But how can a company that sells agricultural products sell for $2 trillion?" "And with a trillion dollars, and a dream 2 trillion dollars, it sounds like how easy it is to earn money. If earning money was as easy as you say, then there would have been a super company existing in this world long ago.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and shrugged his shoulders. He said to the dream butterfly, "You have to have a dream. What if it comes true?"    


The dream butterfly …    


Ye Zichen rolled his eyes at Chen Sanqiu, then said to the dream butterfly, "Pfft, you think you're Daddy Ma?"    


"A miracle will be witnessed in front of your eyes. You will understand that sometimes, a fool's dream is not a delusion, but instead something that can be realized. For example, I know that there are many people in this world who cannot eat, maybe I can help them."    


The dream butterfly looked at Chen Sanqiu in shock. She felt that Chen Sanqiu had a kind of arrogance that even the dream butterfly was shocked by. What shocked the dream butterfly even more was that Chen Sanqiu had a strong confidence and arrogance.    


That inexplicable confidence.    


He was looking at a dream butterfly …    


They all wanted to go up and slap Chen Sanqiu.    


F * ck, you're just a vegetable farmer. Can you not be so pretentious? "Although Chen Sanqiu had made an astonishing achievement in the field of growing vegetables, the fact that the vegetables were so delicious shocked the dream butterfly.    


However, it would be wishful thinking to get a turnover of two trillion, or even two trillion, just by growing such delicious vegetables.    


Looking at Chen Sanqiu standing in front of her like a great man, scolding her, the dream butterfly really wanted to bite Chen Sanqiu to death.    


He felt that Chen Sanqiu was sick, and it was a very serious illness.    


Pretending to be ill.    


"I don't want to talk about 2 trillion. 2 trillion is just wishful thinking. However, I want you to stop talking about this with Fang Menglong and the others. They might not be that smart, but they are not idiots either." The dream butterfly said angrily to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu looked back at the furious appearance of the dream butterfly and couldn't help but smile. He said to the dream butterfly, "You will soon know whether I am talking about wishful thinking or the essence of the matter."    


The dream butterfly …    


Ye Zichen stomped his feet and drove away angrily.    


A person could never wake up a person who pretended to be asleep. In the dream butterfly's eyes, Chen Sanqiu had always been indulging in wishful thinking. He even brought Fang Meng Long and the rest to follow Chen Sanqiu's wishful thinking.    


After leaving the main street of the palace, the dream butterfly angrily drove to a village in the outskirts of the capital. She went to the village where Fang Menglong, Fatty, Yan Hu, and the other rich second generations rented land from the village.    


Seeing that Fang Menglong, Fatty, Yan Hu, and the others were still passionately digging the ground, and their suits had all been changed into sports suits from who knows where, which made them work harder and harder.    


Frowning, Fang Meng Die wanted to go over and teach Fang Meng Long and the others a lesson so that they would understand Chen Sanqiu's so-called two trillion, one trillion, two trillion was all a f * cking wishful thinking. She wanted Fang Meng Long and the others to immediately leave with her and stop being deceived by Chen Sanqiu.    


However, looking at Fang Meng Long, Fatty, and Yan Hu, they started to get excited.    


The dream butterfly's heart trembled. She gritted her teeth, turned around, and drove away.    


He thought, even if it couldn't be like what Chen Sanqiu said, if he could get Fang Menglong and the other rich kids to take it seriously and do a serious business every day, it would still be a good thing.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned as he watched the dream butterfly drive away. After a long time, he finally came back to his senses. He looked at the three-autumn vegetable supermarket that was about to be renovated and smiled.    


"A dream is always a dream." Chen Sanqiu chuckled.    


After entering the Three Autumn Vegetable Supermarket, Chen Sanqiu asked the decorating workers about it and found that it would be open for business the day after tomorrow. Chen Sanqiu nodded in excitement.    


He left the Three Autumn Vegetables supermarket and returned to the hotel. He called his home and told Zhang Chunyan to prepare the vegetables to be sent to Beijing.    


He had asked the black dog to bring the vegetables to the capital the day after tomorrow. It couldn't be too early, or the vegetables wouldn't be fresh. He couldn't let it be too late, or he would miss the opening hours.    


The black dog immediately nodded in excitement.    


Hu Zi and Yue Ling'er watched Chen Sanqiu's calm expression from the side, both of them extremely excited.    


It wasn't because Chen Sanqiu was excited that he finally opened a branch store in Beijing, the Three Autumn Vegetable Supermarket.    


Instead, they were excited that they would finally be able to eat fresh vegetables grown at home in the capital.    


Chen Sanqiu thought about it and felt that since he would be working with Fang Menglong and the others in the future, he should at least tell them about this.    


He then called Fang Menglong and the others, and told them about the opening of the vegetable supermarket in the third autumn of the day after tomorrow.    


Fang Menglong excitedly ran home and told her about the opening of the Three Autumn Vegetables supermarket.    


The dream butterfly said with disdain, "Isn't it just a vegetable supermarket that is about to open? What's there to be excited about?" "Hmph, in my opinion, the Three Autumn Vegetables supermarket might be doing pretty well in Hedong City, but in Beijing, it's not even good at all. Who knows who it is?"    


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