Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



In the evening, Fang Menglong was drinking and singing with the workers, leading a happy and god-like life.    


Suddenly, a worker on his cell phone cried out in shock. He was so shocked that Fang Meng Long almost jumped off the table.    


Staring speechlessly at the worker who had cried out in surprise, he grinned and said drunkenly, "Damn it, what's wrong with you? How do you like the food I treat you to? What if you don't drink well? "    


The worker cried out and quickly shook his head, "Boss Fang, what have you done to us? Have I not figured it out yet? "Say, you're treating us to seafood in the Shahara Desert? If anyone dares to say that you treat us badly, I'll f * cking kill them. But Boss Fang, please take a look at this news."    


The worker hurriedly ran to Fang Menglong's side with his phone and handed it to him. He pointed at the two messages on the screen and said, "Director, take a look."    


Fang Menglong was drunk and his face was filled with disdain as he looked at the news report on the cell phone that the worker was pointing at with a shriek. With just a single glance, Fang Menglong's phone made a clanging sound.    


He got out of the chair and went under the table.    


A burst of cold sweat flowed from his soles of his feet to his forehead as they rushed out together. The alcohol in their bodies instantly vanished.    


He was stunned for a moment before shouting, "Damn!"    


He immediately snatched the worker's phone from him and was about to throw it into the hotpot.    


"D-CEO Fang, this, this is my cell phone." The worker forced a smile at Fang Menglong.    


Fang Meng Long was stunned for a moment before he laughed dryly and handed his phone over to the worker. He then took out his phone with a grin and went to look at the news clientele, only to see that these two pieces of news had occupied the headlines.    


The people who left the message were separated into two factions. The people from one faction supported Chen Sanqiu firmly.    


"Fuck, is there something wrong with your brains?" Five thousand dollars abroad and twenty thousand yuan in the country. How could he say that the rich second-generation agricultural products sales company was a traitor? Damn, is there something wrong with your head? You don't know how to f * cking convert? If these are all traitor, then some computer company is a Chinese enterprise, selling overseas is cheaper than at home. Moreover, the configuration at home is lower than at abroad, then wouldn't that mean they are also traitors? "" No, no. "Is there something wrong with your brains?    


"This is f * cking gun text. F * ck, there's really something wrong with it. These are all traitor who sold the country. They're way too easy to do."    


On the other hand, the members of the other faction were very determined to belittle Chen Sanqiu and the super fertilizer.    


"F * ck, there must be something wrong with you guys. Even now, we haven't succeeded in experimenting with super fertilizer yet, but those two foreign fertilizer companies have already signed such a huge contract with the fuerdai agricultural products sales company, don't tell me you bought it for five thousand dollars. Besides, don't mention how expensive you are, they are earning US dollars, spending US dollars, we are earning Renminbi, spending Renminbi, why should we spend twenty thousand for them?" If this isn't a traitor, then what is it? "    


"Yes, that's right. Our country is still a developing country and we don't have much money. Why should we set the price at twenty-one thousand tons? "Pfft, earning black-hearted money."    


Everyone had their own reasons and their own perseverance, cursing each other on the internet.    


Seeing this, Fang Meng Long gulped. He suddenly slammed his phone on the table, gritted his teeth and said angrily: "F * ck! This is definitely a gun! It is purposely discrediting us!"    


"That's right, CEO Fang. I saw that a lot of these messages were intentionally made bad by them, especially when they were posted online. There's no need to look. It must have been made by public opinion companies to make things difficult for us." The worker who was the first to notice the news hastily turned to Fang Menglong and asked, "Boss Fang, have we offended someone?"    


Fang Menglong was stunned, he scratched his head, "I've offended many people, I know who they are."    


The worker …    


"Who did our company offend recently?" the worker asked hastily.    


While Fang Meng Long was scratching his head in confusion, one of the security guards immediately slapped his thigh and said to Fang Meng Long: "Chief Fang, do you remember that you had a meeting today and asked us to take a fatty out? Remember that? "    


When Fang Meng Long heard what the guard said, his eyes lit up: "F * ck, I just remembered. I never thought that bastard would dare to mess with me like this. F * ck, I won't forgive him."    


The worker hurriedly said, "Chief Fang, quickly send someone to investigate this matter and see if it was caused by that fatty. If it is, you can ask him what the conditions are and we can negotiate with him first to have him take the initiative to withdraw the news. That way, it would be the most reasonable thing for us."    


Hearing the worker's words, Fang Menglong could not help but grin and ask: "What's your name?"    


"Director Fang, my name is Ma Yun." The horse rider said embarrassedly to Fang Menglong.    


"Oh? What did you do before? " Fang Meng Long asked in surprise.    


Ma Yun's face reddened. "I was in the online business before, but I failed to start up a business, so I came back."    


Fang Menglong nodded and said to the horse carriage, "From now on, you will be the … well, the personnel manager of the Shahara Desert Vegetable Shack."    


He did not expect that after just saying a few words, Fang Meng Long would actually promote himself to the position of personnel manager. He thanked Fang Meng Long with gratitude and said: "Boss Fang, do you need to give me the information of the fertilizer dealer? I will go find that fertilizer dealer and discuss it with him to see how to deal with this matter with minimal damage."    


Fang Meng Long waved his hand and smiled, then said to the horse carriage, "This is a f * cking big deal, I can solve it with just a phone call."    


After saying that, Fang Meng Long picked up his phone and confidently opened the screen. He then dialed a number.    


Seeing this, Ma Lun and the other workers and security guards who were eating with him all shot looks of admiration at Fang Menglong. The head of the house was indeed an awesome fellow.    


Then, he saw Fang Meng Long waiting for the call to go through.    


His expression instantly changed as he cried, "Brother Sanqiu, have you seen the news? "F * ck, hurry up and finish it. It's not good for us, bro. Un, I'll leave it to you."    


After hanging up the phone, Fang Meng Long's expression changed again. With a pleased look on his face, he laughed out loud at the crowd: "Awesome, you can do it with one phone call. Haha, drink, drink."    


… …    


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