Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Jiao Jiao saw that Chen Sanqiu was in high spirits after he made the call, so she couldn't help but smile.    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled and said to Jiao Jiao, "Do you think it's inconceivable that my super fertilizer could succeed in the experiment?"    


Jiao Jiao shrugged her shoulders and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Of course not, the fact that you can grow vegetables from the Three Autumn Vegetables with super fertilizer already shows that your super fertilizer is definitely extraordinary. But, I just didn't expect that your super fertilizer could produce five-colored strawberries, and it even has an anti-cancer effect."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and said to Jiao Jiao, "I didn't think of that either."    


At this point, Chen Sanqiu raised his head and said to Jiao Jiao, "This can be considered a good piece of news."    


Facing Chen Sanqiu, she said, "Don't think that your super fertilizer test is a success. Moreover, with so many people not optimistic about it, if you succeed, others will praise you and admire you. Actually, it's not like that."    


Chen Sanqiu twitched his mouth: "Why?"    


"Because of jealousy." Jiao Jiao slightly smiled and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Unless you have something even more powerful that can convince them."    


After saying that, she smiled and went upstairs to her room to rest.    


Chen Sanqiu twitched his mouth and changed into a different set. He ran out to bring the super dust sucking paint into the yard and then continued to paint in the yard.    


In the Shahara Desert, Fang Menglong once again held a press conference, this time in Fang Menglong's office building built in the desert.    


They thought all the famous media reporters from all over the world were here, so it was easier to gather all of them.    


Un, it was like when a large group of secretaries shouted out a horn in the village, everyone in the village could hear the sounds and they all gathered in the office building.    




Fang Menglong had prepared half a kilogram of five-colored strawberries for each reporter, which had won their goodwill. From this, it could be seen that Fang Menglong was a very good person.    


"From its establishment until now, the rich second-generation agricultural products sales company has been disgraced by vile people one step at a time. Our current image of the rich second-generation agricultural products sales company really makes me feel like I'm looking for a hole to hide in. It's too disgraceful." Fang Menglong shook his head and sighed, but his smile was like a blooming chrysanthemum.    


All the reporters present also burst out laughing one after another.    


As he ate the Five-colored Strawberry, the fragrance was both good and good. Listening to Fang Menglong's press conference made him feel much happier.    


"However, no matter how big the pit is and how big the stones are, we, the fuerdai, have finally stood up." Fang Meng Long immediately revealed a confident expression, smiled and said to the crowd: "I think everyone should know that our experiment of planting strawberries in the desert has been successful. Moreover, the five-colored strawberries that we grew are not only delicious, delicious, beautiful, but also nutritious."    


"This is the test report we got from the institute of agriculture. The strawberries we grew with super fertilizer are not only the new generation of fruit kings, but they also have anti-cancer amino acids, which is not low in content." Fang Menglong smiled and said, "When the results came out, I felt very complicated and excited. This shows the power of our super fertilizer, and it also shows that we are not f * cking cheating, right? We are not small soldiers of the Eight Nations Alliance who were drowned by fecal water in our previous lives. "    




When the reporters heard this, they immediately burst into laughter.    


The reporters all saw the story 'Chen Sanqiu's Previous Life and Death'. It was written in such a ruthless manner that it almost insulted Chen Sanqiu's ancestors.    


He didn't expect that after Fang Meng Long revealed this smile, his good impression of Fang Meng Long immediately multiplied.    


"The experimental project on the super fertilizer has come to an end. It is a successful end." Fang Meng Long laughed loudly and said to the reporters, "However, I have a few more things to announce."    


"Director Fang, if there's anything you want to say, just say it."    


"CEO Fang, are you going to start a war with those news clients?"    


"Director Fang, they've scolded you so fiercely. How do you want to retaliate?"    


Many of the reporters giggled as they asked Fang Meng Long this question.    


During this time, the reporters had been here all along, and Fang Menglong was a good man. Anyone could talk and drink a little wine. The first person to arrive was not a doctor, but Fang Menglong.    


As such, these reporters were quite familiar with Fang Menglong.    


Hearing the reporters' comments, Fang Menglong laughed and waved his hand, "Those mobile phone clients are just trash in our eyes. We don't mind what they say, but I'll put my word here. They will definitely pay the price for their words."    


"However, that's not what I want to talk about." Fang Menglong smiled and said, "I think everyone will feel that it's delicious after they've eaten these five-colored strawberries. You want to eat more, don't you?"    


"Yeah, CEO Fang, give us some more."    


"That's right, Chief Fang, give us another 10 catties and 8catties, haha."    


Fang Menglong bitterly laughed and said to the reporters, "I would like to as well, but we've already taken all our money to court. We can't wait for the strawberries to give us some money."    


"I won't hide it from everyone. I have a friend who called and wants a hundred and fifty-one catties of strawberries. He will take them all and export them abroad."    


"I think that won't do. We are a national enterprise, so we have to sell it to the domestic market even if we have to lose money. So, we decided to sell the five-colored strawberries at one hundred yuan per catty. "Not only is it beautiful, but it also has an anti-cancer effect. Tomorrow, we will be able to buy it at the Three Autumn Vegetables supermarket. However, it's best if we queue up early, otherwise, we might not be able to get it."    


Speaking to this, Fang Menglong continued, "One more thing, the chairman of our rich second generation agricultural products sales company, Chen Dong, in order to repay the society, in the Shahara Desert, we rented a thousand mu of desert, and announced that within ten years, we will make an oasis out of that thousand mu of desert, and within the surrounding thousand mu of desert, we will build another thousand mu of sand forest for free within two years."    




"Holy sh * t, what a big investment."    




"The desert has become an oasis. Awesome."    


"Damn, if others say that, we might think that they are pretending. However, since CEO Fang said that, I feel that he will definitely turn this thousand mu of desert into an oasis."    


Fang Menglong laughed and waved: "Everyone can come visit us at the Thousand Acre Desert when you have time, but you can't stay here today, because Mr. Chen is going to launch a new product conference in Beijing. Tsk tsk, if everyone wants to stay, I can drink with everyone, but you have to wait, don't run so fast, we have a car to take you back home."    


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