Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu looked at Jiao Jiao with a grin, he didn't expect Jiao Jiao to say this to him. Chen Sanqiu grinned and said, "Sure, I didn't invent a brick that can absorb dust."    


"If you can even invent a super vacuum paint, you can just add some of the components onto the brick. just a little is enough. " She rolled her eyes at Chen Sanqiu and said, "Are you stupid?"    


Hearing Jiao Jiao's words, Chen Sanqiu felt that his IQ had been sullied.    


She smiled at Jiao Jiao and said, "That's fine, but the bricks have to be built inside the walls. Even if you add the ingredients of the Super-Dust-absorbing Paint into the brick, it would be useless."    


"Are you dumb? Are you stupid? Are you sure you can throw those tiles on the road or if you want to show off your tile?" When I say brick, is that the brick that is used to build walls? " Jiao Jiao Jiao said while looking at Chen Sanqiu with disdain.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he excitedly said to Jiao Jiao, "Sure, you can. This little head, this ability to cheat. Tsk tsk, I have to admire it."    


Jiao Jiao …    


Her small face blushed and she immediately snorted coldly. Her charming smile returned to her cold and arrogant face of someone who wanted to be strong enough to be a queen. She narrowed her eyes and asked Chen Sanqiu, "You still want to chase me away now?"    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and smiled dryly at Jiao Jiao, "No, no. You are not here with me. I can't even be happy. How could I chase you away?"    


"How happy?" Jiao Jiao asked Chen Sanqiu with a smile.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and said to Jiao Jiao, "I'm so happy that I want to cry."    


Jiao Jiao …    


Yue Ling'er: "Pfft."    


Jiao Jiao rolled her eyes at Chen Sanqiu. She snorted and said to Chen Sanqiu, "It seems that I have really underestimated you."    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Jiao Jiao to say something like that. He squinted his eyes and said, "Listening to you say that, it seems like you've underestimated me?"    


"En!" She answered with a deadpan expression and nodded her head resolutely.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


With a helpless and bitter laugh, he said to Jiao Jiao, "Actually, there is no need for us to be enemies."    


Jiao Jiao was stunned and her whole body trembled. She looked deeply at Chen Sanqiu and said to Chen Sanqiu, "I have never been your enemy."    


"I have nothing to do with my father." Jiao Jiao's expression immediately became cold. She said to Chen Sanqiu, "Whether you kill my father in the future or my father kills you, it has nothing to do with me."    


After she finished speaking, Jiao Jiao immediately got up and returned to Yue Ling'er's villa.    


Yue Ling'er looked at Jiao Jiao's back as she left. She opened her mouth and turned to look at Chen Sanqiu with concern. "Brother Sanqiu, do you really have no room for discussion with Jiao Jiao Wei?"    


Chen Sanqiu scratched his head and said to Yue Ling'er, "I feel that what Jiao Jiao said just now was quite true. There really isn't any enmity between me and Jiao Jiao. Otherwise, I wouldn't have kept Jiao Jiao Jiao following me like this.    


"Isn't it because you couldn't do anything to Sister Jiao and couldn't support her, that's why you kept asking her to follow you around?" Yue Ling'er asked Chen Sanqiu with her eyes wide open.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


"Ling'er, do you know that after being together with Jiao Jiao for so long, you've also turned bad?" Chen Sanqiu grinned and said bitterly to Yue Ling'er, "Are you still my cute and tender little sister?"    


Yue Ling'er's face immediately flushed red as she ran into the villa in a delicate manner.    


Seeing that Yue Ling'er had also ran in, leaving him alone in the courtyard, Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but twitch his mouth. Thinking back to Jiao Jiao telling him about the floor tiles and other things that were needed for the construction of the city, Chen Sanqiu's heart skipped a beat.    


It had to be said that Jiao Jiao's brain was good. She could think of the floor tiles needed for the construction of the city from the super dust absorbent paint. It was a huge demand for her to develop her mind in the area of tiles.    


Thinking about that, Chen Sanqiu looked at the window on the second floor where Jiao Jiao was at.    


He raised his head and loudly shouted towards the window, "Jiao Jiao, thank you."    


After two shouts, Jiao Jiao's room didn't have the slightest movement. There wasn't even a shadow of a person at the window.    


Inside Jiao Jiao's room, she blushed as she heard Chen Sanqiu shout "Jiao Jiao" to thank you. Her face blushed and she humphed.    


"What are you yelling for? You don't feel ashamed of yourself. You're crazy, just crazy."    




Just as she was blushing and moaning to herself that Chen Sanqiu was a lunatic, a 'clang' sound was suddenly heard.    


The glass was shattered by a small stone.    


She jumped up and staggered, nearly falling to the ground. She was so scared that her heart was thumping non-stop.    


The sudden appearance of this small stone smashing the window glass was very frightening.    


She immediately jumped up in anger and rushed to the window. Chen Sanqiu was as scared as a mouse, sneakily running out.    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu acting like a bear, Jiao Jiao was both angry and amused. She shouted angrily at Chen Sanqiu: "Chen Sanqiu, you bastard, did you smash my glass?"    


Chen Sanqiu ran even faster.    


Jiao Jiao …    


Ye Zichen stomped his foot in anger, then chuckled after seeing that Chen Sanqiu had disappeared without a trace.    


"Chen Sanqiu, you bastard, you pervert, you pervert, you will fall into my hands sooner or later." Jiao Jiao grunted.    


Chen Sanqiu drove a broken car that came from the suburbs of Beijing and drove back to the suburbs of Beijing while clamoring. Chen Sanqiu was panicking all the way. Damn it, he just wanted to knock on a cute window with a small stone.    


F * ck, I didn't expect to break that window.    




Chen Sanqiu suddenly sneezed. He was stunned for a moment and then stepped on the accelerator even more deeply.    


He rushed to the vegetable shed in the suburbs. When he arrived at the vegetable shed in the suburbs, Chen Sanqiu saw Fatty standing there in the vegetable shed in the suburbs. He looked dumbfounded.    


After getting out of the car, Chen Sanqiu came to Fatty's side, patted on Fatty's shoulder and said, "What happened to you?" Are you stupid? "    


Fatty turned his head and looked at Chen Sanqiu in a daze. When he saw Chen Sanqiu clearly, he immediately screamed: "Big Brother! What the f * ck! What the f * ck! What the f * ck is going on?!" F * ck, big brother, did I die to come to heaven? What the heck, is this the Immortal World? What about the fog? "He actually disappeared? Big brother, what spell did you cast?"    


Chen Sanqiu grinned. Looking at Fatty's shocked expression, Chen Sanqiu's eyes turned red. This guy was too f * cking good. He finally felt satisfied.    


Good brother.    


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