Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu looked at Old Mrs. Liu speechlessly. That was too domineering.    


No matter what, I am still a living person, right? Damn it, although Leng Rushuang looks pretty good, with you doing this, I am not mentally prepared for it.    


Besides, I'm not very familiar with Leng Rushuang. I've only met her for a few times, and she didn't even give me a small grasp. How do I get married later?    


If Leng Rushuang was really cold to him, how would he be so f * cking embarrassed?    


Do it yourself or not? Is that right?    


Chen Sanqiu turned around and stealthily glanced at Leng Rushuang, who was sitting beside Old Mrs. Liu. He looked at Leng Rushuang, who was wearing a red dress.    


Tsk tsk, damn it, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.    


"You're forcing me." Chen Sanqiu grinned, raised his head and said to Old Mrs. Liu with a wry smile.    


"What's the difference if I force you?" Old Madam Liu smiled faintly and pointed to Leng Rushuang, who was standing to the side. She narrowed her eyes and asked, "Does it look good?"    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and smiled bitterly: "She looks good, but she doesn't have me in her heart. She thinks about Zhen Xiaoyao, and I'm also a man. Don't you think it's a little boring for me to marry her like this?"    


"Gradually, feelings will be formed." Old Mrs. Liu scoffed coldly, "My wife and I first met when we were married. Didn't we love each other for a lifetime?"    


Chen Sanqiu …    


"But, even my parents weren't present when it came to my marriage, don't you think?" Chen Sanqiu grinned and said to Old Mrs. Liu, "This is too bad."    


Don't worry, I've already informed your parents of this matter. They already knew about it yesterday, and they all agreed. You guys entered the bridal chamber, and when we return home the day after, we'll hold the wedding ceremony. Old Mrs. Liu slightly sat up and said to Chen Sanqiu, "I'll tell your parents about this."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


What did he mean by 'disrespectful old man'? That was the f * cking truth.    


Relying on his old age, he dared to do anything.    


They were both married, and their wives had come home three days ago. Yet, as a man, it was his turn to marry and marry at his wife's side. Then, he brought his wives home.    


F * ck me.    


It was just like a son-in-law.    


Chen Sanqiu twitched his mouth and stood up in annoyance. He glanced at Leng Rushuang, then walked toward her with a grin. He then walked to the side of Leng Rushuang and sat on the chair next to her.    


Leng Rushuang shivered all over.    


The audience cheered loudly.    


"Young Master, good job! Haha, you're young and handsome. Old Liu, have you found a good husband for Miss Ru Shuang?"    


"That's right, Elder Liu has his eyes on this. Of course, there's no mistake."    




"Since Young Master has also appeared, let the wedding begin."    


An old man walked out from the crowd and laughed, "Red apricot branches spring, jade fence bridge, the new bride and groom come." An old man walked out from the crowd and laughed, "Red apricot branches spring, the new bride and groom come, the new bride and groom are married to each other, the new bride and groom are married to each other.    


Old Mrs. Liu snorted, "There's no need to talk about such mundane things."    


The old man grinned, cold sweat beading on his forehead.    


Chen Sanqiu also grinned, thinking that old lady Liu was really overbearing, how about waiting for the pitiful old man to finish quickly.    


Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at Leng Rushuang who was standing beside him. He then turned his eyes and reached out his hand to grab Leng Rushuang's hand with a smile.    


Leng Rushuang instantly shivered all over. She wanted to reach out and shake off Chen Sanqiu's stinky hand, but Chen Sanqiu, this b * stard, could not shake off Leng Rushuang even with his tight grip.    


"What are you shy about? You are my woman, and you have nothing to be afraid of, right? " Chen Sanqiu chuckled as he whispered to Leng Rushuang.    


Leng Rushuang's entire body shivered, and she trembled as she pulled back her small hand. She was angry and upset at the same time, but her heart was also incomparably disappointed and sad.    


Marry Chen Sanqiu?    


Leng Rushuang had never thought that she would ever marry a bastard like Chen Sanqiu. Ever since Chen Sanqiu appeared in front of her, he had never given her any good impression.    


Since he wanted to capture Jiao Jiao, this b * stard Chen Sanqiu would go save Jiao Jiao.    


No matter what he did, Chen Sanqiu would always be against him.    


Moreover, the man that was as cold as ice in his dream was a man like Zhen Xiaoyao.    


How carefree and unrestrained was Zhen Xiaoyao. With a wave of his sword, he appeared unrestrained.    


He was like a wandering spirit.    


Chen Sanqiu?    


Pfft, Chen Sanqiu is a piece of sh * t wandering around in the human world!    


Chen Sanqiu …    




"Who's thinking of me?" Chen Sanqiu suddenly sneezed out of nowhere. With a grin, he asked Leng Rushuang with an unblushing face, "Did you miss me?"    


Leng Rushuang's face instantly flushed red.    


Ye Zichen rolled his eyes. I was really thinking about Chen Sanqiu just now. I think Chen Sanqiu is just a pile of sh * t wandering around in the mortal world.    


At this point, Leng Rushuang couldn't help but burst out laughing.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and also chuckled.    


The smile on Leng Rushuang's face grew even happier.    


Chen Sanqiu's smile became even wider …    


If Chen Sanqiu knew that Leng Rushuang thought of him as a pile of sh * t wandering around in the mortal world, he wondered if Chen Sanqiu would be able to smile like that.    


"I bow to the heavens and the earth."    


"Second bow to the hall."    


"Husband and wife bow to each other."    


"Enter the special room huh? Cough cough, enter the bridal room?"    


The old man was straightforward as well. He didn't even bother saying a word of blessings after Old Lady Liu's scolding. He just went straight to the bridal chamber to pay his respects to the heaven and earth, to the great hall, and to the couple.    


Old Madam Liu smiled in satisfaction.    


Everyone in the courtyard immediately stood up and clapped their hands.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and laughed. He waved his hand at everyone, "Brat, go into the bridal room first. When you come out later, pour some wine for everyone. Don't go back until you're drunk. Haha."    


Icy cold as frost …    


"Pah! Truly shameless." Leng Rushuang said angrily with a red face.    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled and walked towards the courtyard where he had woken up, holding onto Leng Rushuang's small waist with a smile. He had almost angered Leng Rushuang to the point that she almost vomited blood. His heart trembled.    


Now that Chen Sanqiu dared to be so bold to him, what would he do if he entered the bridal room?    


Wuu wuu, wasn't he going to be ruined by Chen Sanqiu, this piece of sh * t that wandered around in the mortal world?    


Wuu wuu.    


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