Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



After Chen Sanqiu heard what Lee Goudan said, it was impossible for him to not be angry. There's no need to think about it, this must be because Carefree Palace activated the power of their mortal world.    


If it was a business in the capital, then the one billion RMB order would be cancelled.    


However, this was a business deal that brought down Phoenix Village. It was directly linked to the shares of the villagers, which meant that it was directly linked to the money the villagers would receive in the future.    


If the 1 billion order was cancelled, Chen Sanqiu would definitely be Alexander.    


Chen Sanqiu frowned and said to Lee Goudan, "How much is the penalty for signing the contract?"    


"Ten percent." Lee Goudan hurriedly said, "This is all in accordance with the contract lines signed by First Young Master Fang Menglong and someone else."    


Chen Sanqiu nodded after hearing what Lee Gou Dan said.    


Ye Zichen scratched his head and patted Lee Goudan's shoulder.    


Lee Goudan was shocked. He looked at Chen Sanqiu in fear that Chen Sanqiu would vent his anger on him.    


Chen Sanqiu said: "Don't worry about it, let's take back the 100 million in penalty fee first. Then, we will return the 100 million penalty according to the shares to the villagers."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Lee Goudan was stunned.    


"Big Bro, isn't, isn't this a bit too much?" Lee Goudan hurriedly said to Chen Sanqiu, "Those are all your hard-earned money."    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders and said to Lee Goudan, "Am I the kind of person who values money a lot?"    


Lee Goudan's mouth twitched and he looked at Chen Sanqiu with a face full of admiration.    


He thought to himself, when can I compare with Chen Sanqiu's current act. 100 million, giving it away so easily without batting an eyelid.    


This kind of awesome, Li Goudan's heart was full of admiration.    


Am I the kind of person who values money?    


Tsk tsk.    


How awesome.    


"Then what should we do?" Lee Goudan hurriedly said to Chen Sanqiu, "We can't just leave those pills in the factory. It would be such a pain to look at them."    


Chen Sanqiu acknowledged and his eyes suddenly lit up. He said to Lee Goudan, "I have a way."    


"What method?" Lee Goudan looked at Chen Sanqiu with excitement on his face. He thought, "Chen Sanqiu is amazing. Big Bro is indeed worthy to be called Big Bro. He can think of a solution just by thinking of a solution."    




Chen Sanqiu waved at Lee Goudan, and he quickly went over to listen to what Chen Sanqiu had to say.    


"This way, this way, this way." Chen Sanqiu told Lee Gou Dan his thoughts.    


Lee Goudan's expression immediately changed. Then, a look of joy appeared on his face. He said to Chen Sanqiu in pleasant surprise, "Big Brother, you're really powerful. You're a talent!"    


Chen Sanqiu snorted complacently and said to Lee Goudan, "Those dealers really take themselves too seriously. This era is the Internet era, do they really think that if we don't have a dealer, these male drugs can't be sold? We are better medicine than Weibo. "    


Lee Gou Dan, who was troubled before and was thinking about how he could solve this problem, suddenly lost all his worries. He immediately said to Chen Sanqiu: "Brother, then, then I'll do it now."    


"En!" Chen Sanqiu nodded.    


He turned to Lee Gou Dan and said, "Bring more medicine and money. Bring more, do you understand?"    


"En!" Lee Gou Dan said firmly. He immediately turned around and left in excitement.    


After Lee Goudan left, Chen Sanqiu finally felt relieved. His face immediately turned cold.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't expect the Carefree Gate to press on him so hard. They were trying to force him into a dead end.    


Previously, when he took action against his business in the capital, it had already made Chen Sanqiu a little flustered. Now, Xiao Yao Sect was actually reaching out their hand to the Da Lou Phoenix Village.    


It is intolerable.    


Chen Sanqiu felt that he had endured to a certain degree. If he continued to tolerate it, perhaps he would become a cripple first.    


Gritting his teeth, Chen Sanqiu made up his mind. Anyways, he and Xiao Yao Sect had already fallen out. Since Xiao Yao Sect activated the power of the mortal world, trying to attack him and make him homeless.    


Then, he must call her back.    


Having made up his mind, Chen Sanqiu let out a sigh of relief. Then, he walked towards his home on the mountain with a carefree mood.    




Li Muhong was extremely shocked with what she saw and heard since she came to the Fallen Phoenix Village.    


Originally, she thought that this was just a remote village, but after walking into the Great Luo Phoenix Village, she felt extremely neat and tidy, not losing out to the clean and spacious northern cities. There were villas, small high-rise houses, Yang Liuyi, and even the grass surrounding the village.    


Looking at the passersby walking back and forth on the road, it was obvious that they were farmers.    


However, looking at their spirited appearance and their incomparably positive and optimistic expressions, Li Muhong suddenly felt an incomparable amount of interest towards this Great Fallen Phoenix Village.    


When Li Muhong saw the azure and blue Cloud Locking Lake drop onto the ground like an emerald, she was completely shocked.    


"This, this is Chen Sanqiu's village?" Li Muhong mumbled to himself.    


If he didn't know that the Da Lou Feng Village was a village, seeing such a scene, Chen Gouzi would have thought that this was simply a luxurious villa complex in the city.    


It was too shocking.    


"Yes, yes." Chen Gouzi opened his mouth and said.    


Arriving at the edge of the Guanyun Lake, he saw an old picture of the Fallen Phoenix Village from less than a year ago. Looking at its dilapidated appearance, he then saw the description of the development of the village and told the story of how Chen Zuyin, the secretary of the Da Lou Phoenix Village, had led the villagers to become rich.    


But neither Chen Gouzi nor Li Muhong were stupid.    


Unless Chen Sanqiu could do it, no one else could.    


Li Muhong and Chen Gouzi looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths twitched.    


He never expected Chen Sanqiu to be such a capable person.    




When Chen Sanqiu arrived at his home on the summit of Fallen Phoenix Mountain with his tired body, the moment he entered, he saw a beautiful figure standing in the yard outside, next to his father, Chen Zuyin, and his mother, Tan Lianxiang.    


Suddenly, Chen Sanqiu's face changed. He rushed over and grabbed Li Muhong, "What did you do to them?"    


Li Muhong's eyes instantly turned red, and tears of grievance rolled down her face.    


Chen Zuyin and Tan Lianxiang were stunned for a moment.    


Chen Zuyin instantly kicked Chen Sanqiu's butt. Tan Lianxiang dragged her stomach and slapped Chen Sanqiu's shoulder.    


The old couple said angrily at Chen Sanqiu, "How did you treat your wife?"    




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