Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu didn't expect Li Muhong to be so straightforward and take the initiative to accompany him to find Master Rage.    


Originally, when Chen Sanqiu heard Master Fury's request, he was still thinking about how he should trick Li Muhong to go over there.    


He didn't expect Li Muhong to have such a high level of awareness, she actually agreed without even waiting for him to speak.    


At the end of the day, even if Li Muhong didn't agree, Chen Sanqiu couldn't ask for too much.    


After all, since Master Fury had called for Li Muhong, it meant that Master Fury definitely had other intentions for Li Muhong. Otherwise, he wouldn't have called for Li Muhong.    


This was a matter of life and death.    


Seeing Li Muhong take the initiative to go and hand over her life to him, Chen Sanqiu felt a burst of shame in his heart. He was truly underestimating Li Muhong a little too much.    


"If I live, you live." Chen Sanqiu hit his chest and said to Li Muhong, "I can only promise you this."    


Li Muhong pouted, "You can't beat that monk?"    


Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes and said to Li Muhong, "Do you think that there are many people in this world who are confident that they can beat Master Kuang Nu?"    


Li Muhong twitched her lips and pouted her lips. She nodded to Chen Sanqiu and said, "I believe in you."    


Chen Sanqiu blushed and nodded.    


He immediately brought Li Muhong down the mountain and drove outside of Fallen Phoenix Village. Just as they left, they received a call from Li Zhenghua.    


"Three Autumn's. I've already found traces of Qin Mingyue. Go and rescue Hu Zi and the others first. I'll be here. Don't worry." Li Zhenghua calmly said to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu was so grateful that he almost cried.    


This was what you called a brother. Saying it out loud would make people feel at ease.    


If not for Li Zhenghua's words, Chen Sanqiu would be in a dilemma. On one side was Hu Zi, Lao Shu and the others, and on the other was Qin Mingyue. He couldn't give up on her.    


Now that Li Zhenghua said this, Chen Sanqiu immediately felt reassured. He knew Li Zhenghua's capabilities. If it was a life and death battle, Chen Sanqiu believed that even the genius disciple Zuo Qingfeng of Sky Mountain Sword Sect might not be a match for Li Zhenghua.    


After locking up Li Zhenghua and Zuo Qingfeng in the same cage, the one who came out alive was most likely Li Zhenghua.    


Li Zhenghua was the King of Weapons Specialists, the strongest among weapons specialists. His experience in life or death battles was not something Zuo Qingfeng could compare with.    


And when it was time to go all out, the one who survived was not necessarily the strongest, but the most experienced and confident one.    


And Li Zhenghua was that kind of person.    


After hanging up Li Zhenghua's phone, Chen Sanqiu suddenly stepped on the throttle, wishing that he could directly kick the throttle into the gas tank and crazily rushed towards the direction of the customs.    


Li Muhong, who sat in the front passenger seat, was so scared that her face turned pale. She suddenly reached out her hand to grab hold of Chen Sanqiu's hand and said in panic, "Slow down, slow down, I don't want to die in your hands without being killed by that Rager Master."    


Chen Sanqiu's face    


Embarrassed, seeing that Li Muhong's face was filled with fear, he lowered his speed and drove towards the location where Lao Shu had left off.    


On the way.    


Li Muhong watched Chen Sanqiu drive the car with rapt attention, her face showed her worry for Tiger and Mouse, and her heart trembled lightly.    


Ever since she was young, when Li Muhong realized that she should have a friend, she tried her best to find one. However, because of the God's Illusory Pupil, no child was willing to approach Li Muhong, and even the adults had expressions of fear and loathing when facing Li Muhong.    


When Li Muhong found out that her gaze could make others loyal and devoted to her, she no longer desired to make a good friend.    


He only needed to use his eyes to make others loyal to him.    


Over time, Li Muhong felt that there weren't any true friends in this world, only true family love. Everything was just a reflection of the moon and the mirror, nothing was as effective as her gaze.    


Until they met Chen Sanqiu, until they saw Li Zhenghua, how concerned Lao Shu and the others were for Chen Sanqiu, and how much they thought about Chen Sanqiu.    


On the other hand, Chen Sanqiu cared a lot about Li Zhenghua, Hu Zi, and Lao Shu.    


"I really envy you all." Li Muhong suddenly said to Chen Sanqiu in a deep tone.    


Chen Sanqiu was confused by Li Muhong's sudden words.    


Puzzled, she turned her head to look at Li Muhong. "Envy at what?"    


"I envy your friendship with Li Zhenghua." Li Muhong pouted and smiled, "I'm even more jealous that you care about me as much as Li Xiao Yu and the rest."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and said to Li Muhong, "You'll have one too."    


"Really?" But everyone is afraid of me. " Li Muhong sighed with a sad face as she spoke to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu bitterly smiled and said to Li Muhong, "Just don't use your God's Illusory Pupil."    


"Are you afraid of me?" Li Muhong suddenly turned her head towards Chen Sanqiu, her face full of confusion as she asked Chen Sanqiu, "Did I do anything that would injure you?"    


Chen Sanqiu was asked by Li Muhong.    


His heart and lungs instantly felt extremely painful.    


Every time he was controlled by Li Muhong's Divine Illusionary Flash, even if it lasted 0.01 seconds, a 1000 points of achievement would be deducted.    


Was this not considered an injury?    


Sigh, there was no way to say such a thing.    


I can't explain.    


Chen Sanqiu could only bitterly smile and shake his head. He said to Li Muhong, "No."    


"Then why are you afraid of me?" Li Muhong stubbornly asked Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu scratched his head: "Am I scared of you?"    


"Why not?" Li Muhong said with a huff, "You think it's interesting to deceive yourself?"    


Chen Sanqiu had an awkward expression as he said to Li Muhong, "I'll give you an explanation in the future."    


After saying that, Chen Sanqiu no longer bothered with Li Muhong anymore, and quickly drove towards the location given to him by Lao Shu.    


One day and one night, Chen Sanqiu drove his car to the hill outside the mountain customs office.    


Li Muhong woke up from her sleep and looked at her drowsily …    


The expression on the gloomy face of the hill changed slightly.    


Chen Sanqiu extended his hand to hold onto Li Muhong's little hand, and said resolutely to Li Muhong, "With me here, only if I die will you be taken away by that bastard, Master Fury."    


Li Muhong's face turned red, bit her cherry lips and nodded.    


He followed Chen Sanqiu and walked towards the hill.    


Halfway up the mountain, a bald monk stood in front of the two.    


Master Fury's eyes were filled with tears as he looked lovingly at Li Muhong, "Daughter, my daughter … sob sob, I've been looking for you for such a long time."    


Chen Sanqiu …    




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