Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chu Xinxuan read an entire piece of work by her old master with a flushed face, bit her cherry lips, and fell into a daze while hugging her laptop.    


"Oh, so the thing between a man and a woman that shameless bastard Chen Sanqiu talked about is like this."    


"Oh, too filthy, oh, too shameless."    


"Hmm, why does that woman look like she's very happy?"    


"Oh, why does that man look so happy?"    


After a long while, she finally bit her lips. Then, she gritted her teeth and threw her laptop to the side. She felt her entire body was hot and dry. She felt thirsty and also wanted to pee.    


"Oh, filthy things, filthy things."    


Chu Lianxuan hurriedly got off the bed. She ran to the bathroom to take a good cold shower, then sat on the bed with her legs crossed.    


"My Dao-heart is stable and empty."    


"Calm your mind, calm your mind."    


It wasn't until 2 in the morning that Chu Lianxuan finally stopped feeling impatient. She glanced at her laptop and thought to herself, That old teacher really is amazing.    


It could actually cause his Dao heart, which he had cultivated for so many years, to become unstable for such a long time just by looking at the images on the screen. It could even make his Dao heart unstable for such a long time.    


Did he feel hot all over?    


Just now, his mouth was completely dry.    


Did it feel like I had to pee?    


Just now, his mind was filled with thoughts about the time when he was bathing outside the customs office with Leng Rushuang, did Chen Sanqiu not wear any clothes?    


Wuu wuu, especially the last one. Just now, Chu Lianxuan's mind was filled with thoughts about Chen Sanqiu, who wasn't wearing any clothes at the time.    




What should I do? What's wrong with me?    




Should I go to my mother? Tell mother about it?    


A wave of tiredness passed through her, causing her to fall into a deep sleep on the bed.    


The next day, Chen Sanqiu walked out of his room full of energy. He wanted to go out and run for a bit. It was best if he trained in the morning, Chen Sanqiu still wanted to run back and train in the Inexplicable Cultivation Technique.    


However, the moment she opened the door, she did not see Chu Lianxuan. She could not help but be stunned for a moment and felt very surprised. According to Chen Sanqiu's understanding of Chu Lianxuan, she should be a very persistent little girl.    


"Could he have left?" Chen Sanqiu grinned, thinking that it was very possible that Chu Lianxuan had left. He immediately felt happy inside and immediately skipped out to run a circle, then came back covered in sweat.    


The living room was still empty.    


Ever since Chu Lianxuan had arrived at Yue Ling'er's villa, she had been watching Big Bear and Big Bear everyday. She enjoyed it, did not think much of it, and there were no traces of her television watching being switched on, causing Chen Sanqiu to scratch his head.    


She thought to herself, it seems that Chu Xuanxuan has really left.    


His heart suddenly felt a little lonely as he returned to his room, closed the door, and began cultivating the Inexplicable Cultivation Technique.    


After a full cycle, Chen Sanqiu opened his eyes in high spirits and felt hunger pangs coming from his stomach. Now that Hu Zi was going to accompany Yue Ling'er to film, Chen Sanqiu could only go out and look for food on his own.    


Chen Sanqiu was so scared that he trembled and swallowed his saliva.    


She looked at the red-eyed, furious Chu Xinxuan, who was sitting on the sofa looking at Big Bear Two with a tired face.    


"Ga, why are you still here? Didn't they leave already? " Chen Sanqiu asked Chu Yingxuan in bewilderment.    


The angry expression on Chu Lianxuan's face suddenly turned even more furious.    


F * ck, this shameless bastard! If it wasn't for the fact that this shameless bastard didn't tell him anything yesterday, he would have been dead by now.    


Why would he look for Old Master's video?    


If he hadn't looked for Old Master's video, how could he have seen such a filthy scene?    


Wuu wuu, if I hadn't seen such a filthy scene, why would I have taken a cold shower?    


If he had not gone to take a cold bath, how could he have not slept soundly at night and had even had a filthy dream?    


In the dream, he became an old teacher while Chen Sanqiu became the man in the video.    


Wuu wuu.    


Too despicable, too shameless.    


"What's wrong with you? How did you catch a cold? " Chen Sanqiu stared at the blushing Chu Lianxuan for a long time before suddenly falling into a daze. He worriedly asked Chu Lianxuan, "As an ancient martial artist, how could you catch a cold?"    


After saying that, Chen Sanqiu hurriedly went to get some cold medicine and poured some water for Chu Yingxuan. After he finished making the cold medicine, he handed it to her: "Eat quickly. You won't feel uncomfortable after you eat it."    


Chu Lianxuan was originally looking at Chen Sanqiu with a face full of anger, but when she saw Chen Sanqiu suddenly show such concern for her and that busy figure act as if it was her father who was taking care of her, her heart couldn't help but tremble.    


With a blush on her face, she pouted. "I won't eat."    


"Hurry up and eat, it'll be better if you eat it." Chen Sanqiu glared and said to Chu Lianxuan, "Stop messing around, hurry up and eat."    


Under Chen Sanqiu's coaxing and deceiving words, Chu Xuanxuan had no choice but to pout her little red face and swallow the cold medicine.    


After Chu Yingxuan finished eating, Chen Sanqiu pressed his hand against her forehead. After feeling it for a moment, he frowned, "Lie down for a while. I'll go cook."    


After saying that, Chen Sanqiu went to make some light food. Then, he carried it to the living room and ate breakfast with Chu Lianxuan.    


After they finished eating, Chen Sanqiu told Chu Shixuan to practice the Shaman Martial Arts. After Chu Shixuan broke out in a sweat, he forced her to take a hot bath, and then forced her to take a cold medicine for lunch.    


Then, he looked at Chu Xuanxuan's temperature and let out a sigh of relief.    


He left Chu Xuanxuan at home and drove to the super dust absorption paint factory in the outskirts of Beijing to check out the situation.    


After all, only he himself had the most important material for the Super Dust Absorbing Painting. Without that material, he wouldn't be able to create the Super Dust Absorbing Painting, right?    


Moreover, today was the first day that the Great Wall and Tiananmen Gate were painted for free. No matter what, Chen Sanqiu had to go and supervise the work.    


After finishing all of his work, Chen Sanqiu returned to Yue Ling'er's villa at ten o'clock at night and saw Chu Yingxuan sitting on the sofa with her lips pursed, looking at Chen Sanqiu with a wronged expression: "Why did you just return? I haven't eaten yet. "    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and said speechlessly to Chu Lianxuan, "You've got a cold and your limbs are healthy. Can't you do it yourself? If I don't know how to do it, wouldn't I be able to buy it? "    


With a displeased expression, he went to prepare dinner. After finishing his meal, he ran back to his room to rest, regardless of whether it was Chu Shixuan.    


Chu Yingxuan …    


He didn't expect that Chen Sanqiu's attitude towards him in the morning and afternoon had changed so much.    


Damn it.    


F * ck, didn't you show me your old master's video when I got a cold?    




Chu Lianxuan angrily went upstairs to her own room. After thinking about it for a moment, she angrily ran off to take a cold shower.    


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