Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Leng Rushuang felt angry, angry, and afraid at the same time. Could it be that her pure body would be ruined by Chen Sanqiu?    


His girl's dream, all of his dreams, had been completely ruined because of his marriage with Chen Sanqiu.    


Thinking of this, Leng Rushuang wanted to cry, but no tears came out.    


Now that Leng Rushuang was helpless, with so many people, he couldn't just leave. There was no way he could escape, and once he entered the bridal chamber, he was no match for Chen Sanqiu. What could he do? Wuu wuu, what should I do?    


Leng Rushuang followed Chen Sanqiu to the door with a bitter face. Chen Sanqiu immediately stopped the people who were about to enter and said with a laugh: "I'm going to get a bridal chamber. Haha, you guys can be jealous outside, haha."    


When Leng Rushuang heard Chen Sanqiu's words in front of so many people, she felt extremely embarrassed. She was so angry that she almost died from embarrassment.    


[That bastard Chen Sanqiu actually said he wants to get married to me in front of so many people.    


What was a bridal room for?    


As long as you're not a fool, you know that the bridal ceremony is about men and women." As long as you're not a fool, you know that the bridal ceremony is about men and women.    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Leng Rushuang really blushed from the bottom of her feet all the way to her ears. She hurriedly stomped on Chen Sanqiu's foot.    


Chen Sanqiu cried out, grinned, and hurriedly said to the crowd in all seriousness, "You guys hurry up and go, my wife is in a hurry to enter the bridal chamber with me. She kicked me just now, stop messing around, I'm going to go in quickly to serve my wife."    


Icy cold as frost …    


Fuck, can't you at least show some of your face?    


Was it because I wanted to quickly enter the bridal room with you? F * ck, are you even going to be shameless?    


F * ck, I'm not asking you to speak nonsense, okay?    


Who would have thought that after kicking Chen Sanqiu, Chen Sanqiu would start talking even more nonsense.    


He was infuriated to the point that he nearly vomited blood.    


Leng Rushuang hurried into the room with a blush on her face. Chen Sanqiu also laughed out loud and followed her into the room. He then closed the door.    


After closing the door, Chen Sanqiu grinned and looked at Leng Rushuang, who was standing beside the bed. He chuckled and walked toward Leng Rushuang, coming to her side.    


"If you dare to move recklessly, I'll kill you." Leng Rushuang gritted her teeth and shouted angrily at Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders and said to Leng Rushuang, "You and I have already kowtowed to the heaven and earth, so we are now husband and wife. Besides, it's not like I haven't seen your appearance before, what about it? Don't you want me to lift your red cap? "    


Leng Rushuang's face turned red.    


Chen Sanqiu had already lifted off the red cap on Leng Rushuang's head as fast as lightning, exposing her delicate and rosy face.    


Seeing Leng Rushuang put on a bit of red makeup and her bright face, under her blushing and bashful expression, Chen Sanqiu felt his heart beating faster. He couldn't help but grin and gulp.    


When Leng Rushuang heard Chen Sanqiu swallow and saw Chen Sanqiu's pair of eyes staring straight at her, she became even more coy and angry.    


Gritting his teeth, he said to Chen Sanqiu, "Bastard, let me tell you, if you dare to even touch me once more, do you believe that I won't be polite to you anymore?"    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders and sat beside Leng Rushuang with a smile.    


Leng Rushuang shivered all over with tears in her eyes. She gritted her teeth as she looked at Chen Sanqiu, feeling bashful and wronged.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't have any intention of showing mercy to the fairer sex, and he immediately hugged Leng Rushuang in his arms.    




Leng Rushuang felt her body stiffening as if someone had opened up her acupoints and was unable to move.    


Leng Rushuang felt a burst of panic in her heart, not knowing what to do.    


"The people outside are all watching." Chen Sanqiu whispered into Leng Rushuang's ear, "I know you don't want to marry me, this is all the old lady's intention. You should have your acupoints pierced and the Genuine Qi in your body sealed, so you can't resist me, right?"    


Chen Sanqiu bit Leng Rushuang's ear as she spoke to him. She felt a tingling sensation and immediately passed it to her whole body. She shivered and blushed, not knowing what to do.    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled and said to Leng Rushuang, "I'm a person, I never make things difficult for others, you don't like me and I don't like you, but since the old lady wants to marry you to me, there must be some difficulties. How about this, let's put on an act."    


Leng Rushuang was stunned and a bit annoyed in her heart. What do you mean you don't like me, and I don't like you either?    


What do you mean? Is this young miss really that likeable? Pfft.    


You f * cking want to like me, but I don't agree.    


Women, especially beautiful women. I can dislike you, but you can't not like me.    


After Chen Sanqiu finished speaking, he put his hand in his mouth and gently bit on it. Then, he carelessly smeared the white bedsheet twice. It was so cold that his face turned red and he subconsciously understood what was going on.    


Looking at the blood that was smeared on Chen Sanqiu's finger on the white bed sheet, and the red color falling off bit by bit, Leng Rushuang didn't dare to look at Chen Sanqiu anymore.    


Just as Jiao Jiao became embarrassed, Chen Sanqiu pushed Leng Rushuang onto the bed.    


In the midst of the frigid scream, Chen Sanqiu blew out the candle and then patted down on Leng Rushuang's butt.    


"Clap clap clap clap …"    


After a series of loud noises, Icy Cold like Frost was beaten into screaming. Chen Sanqiu covered his mouth which was as cold as frost and kept shaking the wooden bed, creating creaking sounds.    


After about ten minutes, Chen Sanqiu shouted.    


Everything stopped.    


Icy cold as frost …    


Wuuu ….    


"Alright, take off your outer clothes and sleep on the bed in your pajamas. I'll go out and greet the guests." Chen Sanqiu was so tired that his forehead was covered in sweat. He climbed down from the bed and whispered with a grin, "F * ck, it feels like I'm pretending to do something, but it's so damn tiring."    


Icy cold as frost …    


Woo, woo.    


The small face felt as if it was on fire.    


Too embarrassing.    


Chen Sanqiu tidied up his clothes and walked out with a smile.    


As soon as he opened the door, he saw more than a dozen big and thick women guarding outside. When they saw Chen Sanqiu come out, all of them ran away shyly.    


He called out.    


"Young Master's ability is so amazing. The bed creaks and creaks. Haha."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


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