Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Zhou Qingfu excitedly reached out and grabbed Chen Sanqiu's arm. He excitedly said to Chen Sanqiu, "Sanqiu, did you do this?"    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah, the Three Autumn Herbs Hall was lit up by me when I was free. I was wondering if I could get a stronger place to stay, so I thought of this."    


"I had no idea about this place before." Zhou Qingfu said excitedly.    


Chen Sanqiu acknowledged and said to Zhou Qingfu, "Other than me, no one knows about this place."    


Saying this, Chen Sanqiu turned to Zhou Qingfu and said, "I've basically done most of the work here, all that's left is the decoration work. This is the decoration effect map that I designed, you have done it well."    


As he said that, Chen Sanqiu took out a decorating effect map from his chest pocket. Looking at the effect map, it was like a dream, a garden, a fairy tale, the castle made Zhou Qingfu jump up in excitement, quickly nodding his head.    


Jiao Jiao at the side looked at the decoration effect picture and her eyes couldn't help but light up. She looked up at Chen Sanqiu in surprise. She didn't expect a lecherous dog like Chen Sanqiu would actually design and decorate the house. This surprised Jiao Jiao. From the information she had on Chen Sanqiu, she never mentioned that Chen Sanqiu knew how to design buildings and decorations.    


There was no mention that Chen Sanqiu was a construction engineer. He could actually turn a huge sky ditch into a suitable place for people to live in. This was too shocking.    


However, when she looked up and saw Chen Sanqiu's smug look, she rolled her eyes and said with disdain, "Isn't it just converting a sky ditch into a residential contract? What's so special about that?"    


When Zhou Qingfu saw that Jiao Jiao and Chen Sanqiu seemed like they were about to start a war, he hurriedly left the Sky Cavern Castle and left the mountain.    


After Zhou Qingfu left, Chen Sanqiu smiled, turned around and said to Jiao, "This sky ditch has been transformed into this one. The outside walls, parks, gardens, and ponds were all built by me in three days."    


At the beginning, Jiao Jiao looked at Chen Sanqiu with disdain.    


However, when Chen Sanqiu finished speaking, these things were all done in three days. This was too shocking.    


For Jiao Jiao, being the daughter of a crazy doctor, she could be considered one of the few people on Earth that had seen the power of technology. However, in such a short period of time, she was able to transform such a huge sinkhole into her current state.    


This was definitely a huge project.    


More importantly, Jiao Jiao discovered that all the stone walls in the Sky Cavern were very smooth. This was a very surprising thing.    


This kind of martial arts couldn't be accomplished in a day and a night.    


"Whew." Jiao Jiao couldn't help but take a deep breath, and she couldn't help but feel a strong sense of danger deep within her heart.    


She frowned and sneered, "Are you trying to scare me?"    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged and suddenly hit Chen Sanqiu's head with her hand. Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment, then quickly retreated four to five meters before saying angrily: "Jiao Jiao Jiao, don't you like to kill people? What have I offended you for? If you were to suddenly make a move, what in the world is the meaning of this? "    


Jiao Jiao's face turned red as she glared at Chen Sanqiu. She chuckled and said, "You have a piece of dust on your head. I'll wipe it off for you."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to pat his head, Jiao Jiao suddenly kicked Chen Sanqiu.    


This speed and strength made Chen Sanqiu break out in a cold sweat. It couldn't be that Jiao Jiao wanted to kick off the dust on his crotch with her feet, right?    


It felt like he was going to be killed.    


Without waiting for Chen Sanqiu to get angry, suddenly, a rapid sprinkling sound came from behind Chen Sanqiu. Jiao who was rushing towards Chen Sanqiu suddenly saw a red python rushing out from the room behind Chen Sanqiu. She was so scared that she almost peed her pants.    


Jiao Jiao was brave enough, but facing such a red python, the girl's emotions burst out in an instant. Her whole body shuddered as she hurriedly stopped and looked in panic at the incoming red python.    


Seeing that the red python had passed Chen Sanqiu and was charging straight for him, she was stunned for a moment.    


Previously, he thought that this red python was a wild beast in the forest, but it suddenly discovered this place and came here to hide. Now, it seems that this guy is like Chen Sanqiu's own red python.    


Jiao Jiao was so scared that her heart trembled. She quickly turned around and ran. However, the red python's speed was incredibly fast. It instantly rushed to Jiao Jiao's side and coiled around her body.    


"Ahh, don't eat me, don't eat me! Ahh, save me, save me! Bastard Chen Sanqiu, you pervert Chen Sanqiu, why aren't you saving me?" Jiao Jiao angrily said to Chen Sanqiu. She turned around and saw the red python leaning closer and closer to her with its head held high.    


Jiao Jiao was about to cry. She suddenly remembered that she still had a dagger in her hand and immediately stabbed it towards the red python's body.    






Jiao Jiao was dumbstruck as she looked at the broken blade of her dagger. She looked at the red python in a daze.    


Damn, how is this possible?    


Could this red python have become a flood dragon? The scales were actually so tough that even his own dagger wasn't able to pierce through the scales of the red python. On the contrary, it even shattered the blade.    


Although the red python's scales weren't punctured by Jiao Jiao's dagger, it still felt pain. Its pair of small eyes instantly flashed with a cold light. It opened its mouth and was about to bite down on Jiao Jiao's head.    


He wanted to swallow Jiao Jiao whole.    


She looked at the mouth of the red python that was getting closer and closer to her head with incomparable paleness. She said to Chen Sanqiu in fear, "Chen Sanqiu, quickly save me, if you don't save me, my father will know that I died here, and all of you in Fallen Phoenix Village will die. Chen Sanqiu, quickly save me."    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly to Jiao Jiao, "You can talk about it after you die. What does it have to do with me?"    


The red python suddenly opened its mouth. Its mouth was as large as a computer table and it immediately tried to bite down on Jiao Jiao's head.    


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