Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Li Zhenghua thought he was a man with a firm heart, and he wasn't a man who liked to cry. Li Zhenghua believed in a saying, "A man doesn't cry, but he doesn't feel sad.    


However, looking at Chen Sanqiu standing next to Chen Yang Jiao's corpse, he looked at himself with a smile and said that we were brothers.    


Li Zhenghua's eyes immediately turned red, and tears kept flowing out of his eyes, as if they could flow out at any time. Li Zhenghua didn't like this feeling before, but now, Li Zhenghua was enjoying this feeling.    


Ye Zichen smiled wryly at Chen Sanqiu, then turned his head hurriedly and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. Then, he said to Chen Sanqiu, "You're f * cking pretentious again."    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled, he glanced at the 200 odd lackeys in the factory and coldly said, "Scram."    


The delinquents, who were willing to die for their brothers just a moment ago, immediately turned around and ran away when they heard Chen Sanqiu. They hated the fact that their mother had given them two legs less. F * ck, that was too slow.    


After all the people had run away, Chen Sanqiu slowly walked to Chen Xionghu's side. Chen Xionghu was lying on the ground, his eyes staring at Chen Yangjiao, who was lying on the ground with a deathly pale face. No one knew what Chen Xionghu was thinking, but Chen Xionghu could only silently look at Chen Yangjiao, who was lying on the ground.    


Even when Chen Sanqiu walked to his side, Chen Xionghu didn't seem to feel anything.    


"I did your brother a heart surgery, I only took back my heart surgery." Chen Sanqiu lowered his head and looked at Chen Xionghu and said, "If you want to kill me in the future, you can come find me directly. Don't act against my brother, otherwise, I will never forgive you."    


Chen Xionghu opened his mouth and waited until Chen Sanqiu left with Li Zhenghua and Liu Zhichao before shouting, "Why didn't you kill me? Why didn't you kill me? "Ah, why?"    


"Ah …"    


Chen Xionghu shouted crazily as tears gushed out of his eyes. He was crying crazily as he looked at Chen Yang Jiao who had collapsed inside the factory.    


Previously, when Chen Yang Jiao was still alive, Chen Xionghu was very disgusted with his elder brother. He looked down on him and thought that no matter what his elder brother did, he would always look after him. Moreover, whatever he did was too feminine.    


The domineering Chen Xionghu had always looked down on him, but now …    


When Chen Yang Jiao really died in front of him, the sorrow in Chen Xiong Hu's heart didn't stop for a long time.    


"Sasha …"    


A series of soft footsteps came from outside the factory door. Chen Xionghu turned around and saw the person who came in, and his face immediately turned gentle.    


Zhou Yaru walked into the workshop with a sorrowful look on her face. She looked at Chen Xionghu on the ground and then at the pale face of Chen Yang Jiao on the ground, tears welling up in her eyes.    


He ran over to Chen Yang Jiao's side while crying and threw himself at Chen Yang Jiao's body.    


Seeing that Chen Yang Jiao died with grievances, even if she died, her eyes were still filled with fear. Zhou Yaru cried as she touched and closed Chen Yang Jiao's eyes.    


"Sister-in-law, don't cry. I'm still alive. As long as I'm alive, I will avenge my brother. I will kill Chen Sanqiu and make him rest in peace." Chen Xionghu gritted his teeth, clenched his fist, and said fiercely to Zhou Yaru.    


Zhou Yaru looked at Chen Xianhu with sadness in her eyes. She stood up, walked up to Chen Xionghu, and slapped him.    


The slap caused Chen Xionghu to shiver, and he looked at Zhou Yaru in confusion.    


"Go and pick up your big brother. Let's go." Zhou Yaru didn't even look at Chen Xionghu's face as she said to him, "Bury your brother, we will go abroad."    


Chen Xionghu suddenly opened his eyes wide, gritted his teeth and asked, "Don't tell me you don't want to take revenge for Eldest Brother?"    


Zhou Yaru turned her head to Chen Xionghu in grief and said, "You guys have been ungrateful, repeatedly wanting to kill the savior that saved your brother. If it wasn't for Chen Sanqiu, your brother would have died a long time ago, yet you guys did this. You guys are not men, now that everything is over, you should leave."    


Zhou Yaru walked out in pain, "It's all over, I don't want my children to be like you guys, fighting and killing. They are ungrateful, from now on, I will never return home again."    




After Chen Sanqiu, Li Zhenghua, and the gunman Liu Zhichao got in the car, Li Zhenghua was silent for a while. He turned to Chen Sanqiu and opened his mouth, wanting to tell him what kind of existence he offended.    


However, Chen Sanqiu shrugged, waved his hand, and said to Li Zhenghua, "Don't explain anything to me, and don't apologize to me. You didn't do anything wrong."    


Li Zhenghua's eyes turned red again, and he hastily turned his head, wiping away his tears. Li Zhenghua bitterly laughed, he did not know when he actually liked crying so much.    


Previously, Li Zhenghua would never have this kind of situation happen, no matter what kind of danger he encountered, no matter what kind of sadness he encountered, Li Zhenghua would never shed tears.    


Who would have thought that it would be now.    


With a bitter smile, Li Zhenghua laughed and said to Chen Sanqiu, "We are brothers."    


"Right." Chen Sanqiu chuckled and said to Li Zhenghua, "That's more like it."    


"It's a brother, if they're in trouble, they'll do it together. A brother's heart is sharp enough to break gold, but a brother's afraid of a bird, right? Even if the Pentagon wants to cause trouble for you, we'll f * cking fight it out with them, what's there to be afraid of? " Chen Sanqiu said arrogantly to Li Zhenghua, "As long as we brothers are together, even the heavens will give us something."    


Gunner Liu Zhichao was very touched and excited when he heard that.    


He was so moved that he cried.    


"Brother, wuu, what you just said is too good. We are brothers, wuu, your words are too touching. No matter what danger I encounter in the future, I won't be afraid anymore. I know that you will definitely save me, wuu.    


Chen Sanqiu twitched his mouth and said to the gunner Liu Zhi Chao with a grin: "F * ck your sister, what do you want?"    


Gunner Liu Zhichao grinned and said to Chen Sanqiu with a red face, "There's something that I shouldn't say."    


"Speak." Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes.    


Gunner Liu Zhichao's face turned red. He rubbed his hands and said embarrassedly to Chen Sanqiu, "I've got the daughter of a mercenary group leader. Cough, cough, the leader of this mercenary group is chasing me all over the world."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


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