Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu saw a bloody Lee Goudan walk out from behind Li Zhenghua. He kneeled down in front of him and kowtowed as he called out "big brother", causing Chen Sanqiu to tremble.    


"Aiyo, don't be like that. You can't randomly call her by that name." Chen Sanqiu hurriedly jumped to the side and said to Lee Goudan, "Go back to where you came from. I don't dare to be your big brother."    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu jump to the side, he hurriedly said to him, "Big brother, I know I was wrong before, it was my fault. I was just thinking about getting something without any effort before, this time I understand, if you don't pay, you won't get anything. Big brother, I really know I'm wrong."    


Tears welled up in his eyes, and he said to Chen Sanqiu while crying, "Brother, you know what my family is like, I have that father who never let me go to school, and since I was young, people have always looked down on me. After I beat up a child who bullied me, people started to fear me, and no longer called me a bastard, so that's why I became like this."    


He looked at Lee Goudan's crying face and revealed his true feelings. Then he recalled what Lee Goudan did, Chen Sanqiu still said coldly: "Since you know you're wrong, then work hard in the future and don't let your family's land be desolate forever, wanting to make a vegetable shed, I'll help you when the time comes, you should go back. Brother, I don't know how to do it."    


Lee Gou Dan kneeled down, not saying a word.    


Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched. Damn, what was going on with him?    


Glancing at Li Zhenghua, Li Zhenghua grinned and bitterly smiled. Without saying anything, he went straight back to his room to take care of Ah Zhu.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't have any other choice. No matter what he said, Lee Goudan just knelt at the door without moving and didn't have any intention of leaving. This made Chen Sanqiu speechless.    


When Chen Sanqiu woke up the next morning, he opened the door and saw Lee Goudan still kneeling at the entrance. He was so shocked that he almost jumped up.    


"Damn, are you done yet?" Chen Sanqiu lowered his head and said to Lee Goudan, "You can go back. As long as you can go back and start anew, we'll all be in the same village. I won't harm you."    


Lee Goudan raised his head and gave Chen Sanqiu a fright.    


He saw that Lee Goudan's eyes were bloodshot and his face was extremely haggard and pale. Chen Sanqiu grinned and said, "Damn, Lee Goudan, did you really kneel here all night last night?"    


Lee Goudan said to Chen Sanqiu with a wronged expression, "I did kneel for the whole night. If you don't act like my big brother, I won't get up."    


Chen Sanqiu was really angry. Damn, I don't owe you anything. Do you think you're some kind of a big brother? Besides, you're older than me, so I'm going to be your big brother since I have nothing better to do?    


Besides, Lee Gou Dan had been doing all sorts of evil deeds before, and he never did a f * cking good thing. This time, Lee Gou Dan suddenly ran over and told him that after being beaten up by Li Zhenghua, he suddenly got an epiphany. Who the hell would believe that?    


Unless he was a fool, who the hell would believe that Lee Goudan had changed?    


Did he become a person who had been thinking about doing good deeds with morals?    


"Why are you so willing to kneel? Just kneel." Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes. Seeing Li Zhenghua coming out of his room, Chen Sanqiu called out to Li Zhenghua and the two of them ran up the mountain to exercise.    


He felt as if all the pores on his body were opening, as if he was absorbing the spiritual energy of the world. He comfortably took out a cigarette, passed one to Li Zhenghua, and smoked one to Li Zhenghua, "I say, Big Brother, I told you to beat Li Zhenghua up. Why did you bring him back?"    


Li Zhenghua took a puff on his cigarette, narrowed his eyes and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Do you believe that Lee Gou Wu will follow you without hesitation?"    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and said to Li Zhenghua speechlessly, "You think I would believe you? If I believe that a bad person can suddenly become good, then I am a fool. "    


Li Zhenghua chuckled, and patted Chen Sanqiu's shoulder and said, "Take it slow. In fact, ever since I first saw Lee Gou Wu, I had the feeling that Lee Gou Wu actually isn't a real bad guy, he's different from Zhao Shao Lin. Just by looking at their eyes, you can tell that Zhao Shao Lin is a beast that does all sorts of evil deeds, and Li Goudan is only a weakling that disguises himself with martial arts."    


When Chen Sanqiu heard Li Zhenghua say that, he grinned, looked at the time, took out his phone and dialed a number.    


Zhou Qingfu would never have thought that just because he was working so carefully and just after finishing his work, he would be able to tell the other party that he had done some work before, but that he had gone bankrupt. That morning, he would be able to receive such a pleasant surprise from the heavens.    


"Brother Zhou, it's Chen Sanqiu."    


I just happen to have a job here, new village construction, right, haha, I don't know anyone else. If you're interested in this job, then you might as well do it this way, if you're free today, then come over and have a good chat with me. Okay, I'll be in Fallen Phoenix Village, you can come over and ask, right, right, okay?    


After Chen Sanqiu made the call, he said to Li Zhenghua, "Don't bother about Lee Zhenghua. If he's really changed, that's for the best. If he wants to cheat me again and is playing a little trick on me, I won't forgive him."    


Li Zhenghua nodded and said with a smile, "Don't say that you won't forgive him, but I won't forgive him either."    


The two of them looked at each other and laughed, then ran down the mountain.    


When they arrived at Cloud Locking Lake, Chen Sanqiu and Li Zhenghua had a good fight in Taichi and returned to the Three Autumn Herbs Hall. Just as they finished breakfast, they did not expect Zhou Qingfu to be already driving over in his van.    


He introduced Zhou Qingfu to his father, Chen Zuyin, and explained the requirements of the new village construction. He also introduced Zhou Qingfu to his father, Chen Zuyin, and explained the requirements of the new village construction.    


Working until the afternoon, Zhou Qingfu calculated the budget according to Chen Sanqiu's plan to build the new village with a bitter face, "Brother Chen, I've saved you everything that I should have saved. If you calculate it like this, you need to build all the buildings and make the greenery a good one, it will cost 12 million, 31 million yuan."    


Zhou Qingfu thought that Chen Sanqiu would be unhappy. After all, he had spent a lot of money.    


Unexpectedly, Chen Sanqiu smiled: "I only want the quality, no matter how much money you have, let's go."    


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