Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu had been able to grow vegetables, land, and fruit trees all because of Chen Sanqiu's ability to obtain super pesticides. Now that he owned super pesticides, Chen Sanqiu believed he was already at the starting point of everyone.    


Even if he didn't know how to plant land or vegetables, as long as he had enough water and enough super pesticides, he would be able to get enough vegetables.    


However, after hearing Liu Xiaotian's reprimand, Chen Sanqiu finally understood that the simplest method of farming in Chen Sanqiu's eyes was actually so much talk.    


All of these were things that Chen Sanqiu didn't notice before, because they were built by his father, Chen Zuyin, after all, he got his father to find someone else to build the vegetable shed. After all, other people in the village also had a vegetable shed, so it was no different from what others built themselves.    


Chen Sanqiu felt like he had been cheated.    


Chen Sanqiu smiled bitterly and looked at Liu Xiaotian bitterly, "Why didn't you come earlier? If you had come earlier, you wouldn't have ended up like this."    


Liu Xiaotian chuckled in satisfaction and said to Chen Sanqiu, "It's not too late for me to come now."    


"Then why don't I get someone to tear down these vegetables and rebuild it as you suggested?" Chen Sanqiu slapped his head and said to Liu Xiaotian, "You tell the workers how to build it. Draw the blueprints and we will build it."    


Liu Xiaotian twitched his mouth and looked at Chen Sanqiu as if he was looking at an idiot. Chen Sanqiu was at a complete loss. He grinned and whispered to Liu Xiaotian, "What happened? Did I say something wrong? "    


Liu Xiaotian twitched his mouth and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Other people say that you are a prodigal son. I only know now that you are a prodigal son."    


"Eh." Chen Sanqiu's face reddened. He felt like he had really become a spendthrift after hearing Liu Xiaotian's words. He scratched his head and said to Liu Xiaotian, "Didn't you say that this shed was built in a rotten way?"    


Liu Xiaotian snorted and said to Chen Sanqiu, "This vegetable shed is indeed very rotten. This is basically the style of the first generation vegetable shed. However, although it is rotten, it can still be used."    


Hearing Liu Xiaotian's words, Chen Sanqiu let out a long breath and said, "As long as you can use it."    


"However, the irrigation system and the air system still need to be used." Liu Xiaotian said to Chen Sanqiu, "Otherwise, this vegetable shed will become a heat preservation shed. It won't be of much help to the growth of the vegetables. Even the vegetables grown won't be too good to sell for a good price."    


Chen Sanqiu sucked in a breath of cold air. Although super pesticides were awesome, but they were still pesticides and couldn't be a substitute for everything. If Liu Xiaotian hadn't said that to him, Chen Sanqiu thought that if the vegetables were to grow in the future, they would be even worse in winter.    


He really couldn't explain it to Wang Xiaofeng.    


He hurriedly nodded his head like a primary school student, asking for Liu Xiaotian's guidance.    


Liu Xiaotian was satisfied with how Chen Sanqiu did things, so he explained everything properly. After returning to Chen Sanqiu's house, he even drew an air system and a water system for Chen Sanqiu in the shed. Don't explain it to him, just do it well before winter comes.    


Chen Sanqiu was extremely touched. Chen Zuyin's face turned red as he listened. He never thought that he would have so many weaknesses when he made a vegetable shed. On the other hand, Tan Lianxiang looked at Liu Xiaotian with a smile.    


The more he looked at Liu Xiaotian, the more he liked him. He thought that Qin Mingyue was like the moon in the sky, and his son, Chen Sanqiu, might not be able to marry her.    


That day, Liu Changfu and Liu Xiaotian ate at Chen Sanqiu's house at noon. Liu Changfu and Liu Xiaotian were so shocked that they couldn't react for a long time. No wonder Chen Sanqiu was in such a hurry to make a vegetable shed, it was because he could grow such delicious vegetables.    


Liu Xiaotian hurried to the garden to collect soil and vegetable samples.    


Chen Sanqiu, on the other hand, helped Liu Changfu look at Liu Changfu's heart disease again. Although he said it was to treat Liu Changfu, it was actually to let him have a look with his Penetrating Divine Eye.    


"If you can do it, then do it." Chen Sanqiu frowned and said to Liu Changfu, "The left ventricle's blood vessel blockage is quite serious. If you can use it as a bridge, you should use it as a bridge."    


Liu Changfu heard Chen Sanqiu say that, he couldn't help but smile and said, "I'm already this old man's age, so I don't want to have any more surgery. If the heavens are willing to accept me, then accept me."    


Chen Sanqiu was impressed by Liu Changfu's magnanimity. After chatting with him for more than an hour, he couldn't help but admire Liu Changfu even more. Whether it was astronomical geography or supernatural monsters, Liu Changfu was able to speak very clearly.    


Chen Sanqiu could not help but nod his head, wishing that he could kneel down and beg Liu Changfu to be his master.    


When Liu Xiaobie returned, Liu Qifu smiled at Chen Sanqiu and said, "Sanqiu, you are an interesting person."    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand the meaning behind Liu Changfu's words, so he could only smile dryly and nod, thanking Liu Changfu for his praise.    


After bidding farewell to Chen Sanqiu's parents, Liu Changfu left Chen Sanqiu's house with Liu Xiaoyu. At the village entrance, Liu Xiaoyu drove an Audi A6 to the city.    


On the way, Liu Changfu suddenly asked Liu Xiaotian, "What do you think of Chen Sanqiu?"    


Liu Xiaotian snorted and said with disdain, "A little lecherous guy who doesn't have any ambition, some skills, and some luck, but he doesn't have any luck. I don't understand why grandfather would think so highly of that lecherous guy Chen Sanqiu.    


Liu Changfu smiled, and revealed an enigmatic smile. He closed his eyes and kept quiet.    


Liu Xiaotian pouted as he saw Liu Changfu like that, muttering under his breath, "And he's like that old fogey again. He doesn't explain anything to his granddaughter."    


Liu Changfu laughed, "You can't say it, you can't say it, it's inconvenient to say it."    


After Chen Sanqiu saw Liu Qiangfu and Liu Xiaotian off, he went back to the village and happened to pass by Li Xiaolin's house. He wanted to discuss the establishment of the company and where to set up the office.    


Just as he entered Li Xiaolin's house, he heard a man yell, "Damn it, you fox spirit, do you think I'm stupid? What's your relationship with Chen Sanqiu? Do you think I can't tell? Don't you know why Chen Sanqiu can plant such expensive apples? "Did that bastard Chen Sanqiu not tell you when we went to bed at night?"    


"If you don't f * cking tell me the reason, do you believe that I will post the matter between you and Chen Sanqiu online tomorrow? Just wait for everyone to curse you to death. If you are really shameless, then don't tell me if you have the guts. "    


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