Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu looked out of the window in fright. He noticed that the sky had gradually turned white. He looked at his phone and realized it was already 5: 30 in the morning. He reached out his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.    


Chen Sanqiu quickly picked up his cell phone and checked the news of the Feral Wolf Mercenary Group. He saw a few posts about the Feral Wolf Mercenary Group.    


"The Feral Wolf Mercenaries are extremely brutal and devoid of conscience."    


"The Wolf Mercenaries massacred a city in Africa, and they have been condemned by the entire world."    


"A soldier of the Wolf Mercenaries killed ten American Marines single-handedly and escaped unscathed. He is known as the world's strongest fighter."    


Chen Sanqiu tapped open the photo of the world's strongest fighter and immediately felt a chill down his spine. Wasn't the person in the photo the Li Zhenghua he had left on the mountain?    


What the hell.    


Chen Sanqiu was so scared that he almost threw his phone away. Bastard, who the hell did I offend?    


He regretted that he did not save Li Zhenghua yesterday, so he let Li Zhenghua kill himself. In any case, no one would know inside the tunnel, and when the time came, he would bury Li Zhenghua and let it go.    


He hated himself for saving Li Zhenghua yesterday, and what's more, he didn't expect Li Zhenghua to be such a dangerous person.    


"No, even if we don't kill Li Zhenghua, we have to send him somewhere else." Chen Sanqiu gritted his teeth and got out of bed. He rushed out and saw that his father, Chen Zuyin, had already woken up and was practicing Taiji Fist in the yard.    


"What are you doing?" Seeing Chen Sanqiu get up so early, Chen Zuyin hurriedly walked out and asked Chen Sanqiu in bewilderment.    


His own son knew him best. Chen Sanqiu was someone who only woke up at 7: 50 in school. He was really surprised to wake up so early.    


Chen Sanqiu laughed dryly, and said to Chen Zuyin, "I just got a new house, so I still haven't recovered from the shock. So I woke up so early, I'll go up the mountain to take a look at the vegetable base, and I'll be back soon."    


Chen Zuyin nodded in satisfaction. He was very satisfied with how diligent Chen Sanqiu had become.    


Chen Sanqiu went over to his father, Chen Zuyin, and then hastily ran up the Falling Phoenix Mountain until it was 8: 30. Chen Sanqiu was so tired that he ran to the entrance of the cave like a dog.    


Towards such a ruthless person like Li Zhenghua, although Chen Sanqiu had tied up Li Zhenghua's hands and feet and also restrained his mouth, but he was still afraid that Li Zhenghua would have a way to break free.    


When he reached Li Zhenghua's side and saw him lying unconscious on the ground, he finally let out a sigh of relief.    


It seems like those f * cking fakes from the television movie were too fake.    


After looking at the unconscious Li Zhenghua for a while, Chen Sanqiu decided to drag him out of the cave and put him in front of the hospital in the city.    


However, a red light suddenly appeared in front of Chen Sanqiu.    


"Mandatory mission. Must be completed."    


"Save Li Zhenghua and take care of him until he recovers."    


"A genius doctor, how could he not have a little brother bodyguard that would fulfill his duty? "Accepting Li Zhenghua as his bodyguard and gaining Li Zhenghua's approval."    


"Mission reward, 100 achievement points."    


Chen Sanqiu was shocked when he saw this task. He almost jumped out of his skin in anger. Before Chen Sanqiu could click on the confirm option, the system automatically confirmed it and the super system disappeared into Chen Sanqiu's body in a flash.    


Chen Sanqiu was completely shocked.    


"Bai Xiaobai, get out here! Explain to me why I have to save this demon that killed people!" "Tell me why?"    


"Are you f * cking not afraid of death? Your father is still afraid of death."    


"I don't even know why Li Zhenghua came here seriously injured, and you told me to save him, and why did you take him as your lackey? You are crazy!" Who knows what kind of powerful forces Li Zhenghua offended, but didn't they make me feel like my body was being set on fire? "    


"Damn you, come out."    


Chen Sanqiu scolded and cursed for more than an hour. His mouth was parched and his tongue was dry. Bai Xiaobai did not appear, causing Chen Sanqiu to want to cry but had no tears. He crawled into the herb field, drank a mouthful of spring water and then crawled back to Li Zhenghua's side.    


Looking at Li Zhenghua's face, which was starting to turn red, Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but sigh at how much this guy was an animal.    


Even with such heavy injuries, he was able to recover so quickly. This was simply too shocking! This was definitely an animal, an animal!    


"To save such a dangerous existence, and to even gain his trust and become his bodyguard, he must be courting death."    


"However, if you complete the mission, you will be rewarded with 100 points."    


Chen Sanqiu pondered, this was a 100 achievement point reward. Chen Sanqiu was speechless, this super system really knew how to scheme against people.    


He knew he didn't want to accept this mission, yet he gave himself a huge achievement point to entice him.    


This made Chen Sanqiu curse the super system for being an old fox.    


"Who's afraid of who?" Chen Sanqiu took one last look at Li Zhenghua, and encouraged himself with a guilty conscience, "I have a super system, what the f * ck are you? You're the strongest Soldier King, not a bird?"    


He got the red python to help him pull Li Zhenghua to the herb field, gave him two gulps of spring water, and then ran back to the Three Autumn Herbs Hall, bringing the medicinal frying pan and a large bag of medicinal herbs to the Heavenly Pit herb field.    


After brewing a portion of the herbal medicine, he fed it to Li Zhenghua before tying it up and going down the mountain.    


After going back and forth for seven days, Chen Sanqiu brought a big bag of raw blood herbs up the mountain. He even brought some glucose and fluids along with him to the Heavenly Pit Medicinal Field and fed Li Zhenghua a bowl of herbal medicine.    


He was so tired that he squatted on the floor and rolled his eyes as he looked at Li Zhenghua, who was tied up to the super surgery table.    


"You're still f * cking the world's strongest weapon king? Ha! I gave you such a good herbal medicine and you still haven't woken up yet. You're still f * cking the world's strongest weapon king? Ha!" Chen Sanqiu spat at Li Zhenghua.    


He stood up and patted his butt as he was about to leave.    


Suddenly, he heard a snort coming from the operating table. He turned around and saw Li Zhenghua had woken up and opened his eyes.    


After being stunned for a short moment, Li Zhenghua immediately turned around and glared at Chen Sanqiu with murderous intent in his eyes.    


Chen Sanqiu was so scared that he staggered: "Spare me, my lord."    


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