Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



When Chen Sanqiu saw Li Zhenghua swiftly beat up Goudan and the rest of them until they cried for their parents on the ground, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide and clap his hands in applause.    


"Powerful, formidable, as expected of Li Zhenghua." Chen Sanqiu clapped excitedly at Li Zhenghua.    


The corner of Li Zhenghua's mouth twitched as he coldly glared at Chen Sanqiu. Damn it, who was the one that said he would shut the door and let the dog go?    


"What should we do next?" Li Zhenghua narrowed his eyes and asked Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu thought for a moment and looked at Yue Ling'er, who was hiding behind him and trembling in fear. He took a deep breath and frowned as he said to Lee Goudan'er, who had just woken up, "Go and get Yue Ling'er's ID card."    


At first, Lee Gou Dan wanted to be ruthless to Chen Sanqiu, but when he saw Li Zhenghua standing beside Chen Sanqiu, his heart couldn't help but shiver.    


He wasn't afraid of Chen Sanqiu, but in his heart, he was extremely afraid of Li Zhenghua. When Li Zhenghua punched him in the face earlier, even Lee Gou Dan almost thought he was going to die.    


The fear of death seemed to envelop Li Zhenghua, just a glance was enough to make him feel incomparably terrified.    




Lee Goudan immediately nodded his head. He quickly got up and ran into the room. After rummaging for a while, he took out a bag and threw it at Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu twitched his mouth and opened the bag. Inside were Yue Ling'er's ID card and a handprint explaining that she had sold Yue Ling'er to Lee Goudan'er.    


Nothing else. Chen Sanqiu frowned and took a deep breath. He never thought that there would be someone who would do something like this in this world. Such a good-looking and beautiful daughter, she sold it for fifty thousand yuan.    


"I'll give this one hundred thousand to you. If you dare to speak carelessly again, I'll do it for you, but my friend won't be so easy to talk about." Chen Sanqiu pointed at Li Zhenghua and said to Lee Goudan.    


Lee Goudan carefully glanced at Li Zhenghua and saw Li Zhenghua's eyes that were filled with killing intent staring at him. He couldn't help but shiver all over.    


If he knew that Li Zhenghua was such a fierce person, he would have just asked for the one hundred thousand yuan.    


"A greedy snake devours an elephant." Chen Sanqiu sneered. He turned around and pulled Yue Ling'er away.    


When he was about to leave the room, Li Zhenghua suddenly kicked the door of the room and instantly kicked it through the door made of old locust wood.    


This scared Lee Goudan so much that his entire body went limp and he directly kneeled down and said, "Please spare my life."    


Li Zhenghua sneered and came to where Lee Goudan and the others were. He gave them a few big slaps and made them roll all over the ground. Only then did he leave Lee Goudan's house satisfied.    


Li Zhenghua quickly caught up to Chen Sanqiu and asked with a cold expression, "Why didn't you call the police?"    


Chen Sanqiu turned around and glanced at Li Zhenghua and shrugged, "After we call the police, we can ask the police to send Yue Ling'er back to her parents' home? And then was sold by her family? "    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Li Zhenghua's face could not help but lighten up a little, revealing a satisfied smile.    


"Why didn't you take the money back when you went back and beat them up? That way, they will be even more afraid to move. " Chen Sanqiu said to Li Zhenghua.    


Li Zhenghua's mouth twitched. He thought he was evil enough, but who knew that Chen Sanqiu was even worse than him.    


He turned around and was about to go back to get the 100,000, but he was stopped by Chen Sanqiu: "Forget it, since you gave it, then give it to me."    


After a pause, Chen Sanqiu stood in front of Li Zhenghua and said to him, "Thank you for your help this time, we owe each other nothing."    


Li Zhenghua was stunned for a moment, actually feeling a strange sense of loss in his heart.    


"Now that you're free, you can go wherever you want. If you're willing to accompany me here to establish a great career, you can also go here." Chen Sanqiu patted Li Zhenghua on the shoulder, "Those fighting and killing are the tricks of the little family. I don't know why you are here, but if you want revenge, maybe I can help you then."    


After saying that, Chen Sanqiu brought Yue Ling'er with him to the Three Autumn Herbs Hall.    


Now, Yue Ling'er held Chen Sanqiu's clothes tightly, as if she was afraid that Chen Sanqiu would run away. She held Chen Sanqiu's clothes tightly in her small hands all the way to the Three Autumn Herbs Hall.    


Seeing this, both Chen Zuyin and Lian Xiang didn't know what to do.    


In addition, the wolf cub that Chen Sanqiu carried back was howling inside the house, making Chen Zuyin and Tan Lianxiang the size of a head.    


"What should we do with this wolf cub?" Chen Zuyin looked at the howling wolf cub and asked Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu was also confused. He scratched his head and said, "Feed the dog how? Feed it how? I'll go get two eggs for it."    


Chen Sanqiu got two eggs and pushed them in front of the cub.    




The cub immediately began to howl and wolf down its food. It finished the egg in a few bites, and then it fell to the ground, sleeping soundly.    


Seeing this, Chen Zuyin and Tan Lianxiang couldn't help but laugh out loud.    


When the nervous Yue Ling'er saw this, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.    


Chen Zuyin and Tan Lianxiang turned to look at Yue Ling'er. Yue Ling'er's face immediately turned red, she was still wearing Chen Sanqiu's shirt, but underneath it, there was a red apron, and she was biting her lips as she stood behind Chen Sanqiu, at a loss of what to do.    


Chen Sanqiu scratched his head and said to Chen Zuyin and Tan Lianxiang, "First, let Yue Ling'er stay in our house. After all, we have a lot of rooms in our house, so we can give Yue Ling'er a room to stay in. Tomorrow, ask Yue Ling'er what her family thought about selling her and then sending her back.    


When Yue Ling'er heard Chen Sanqiu's words, her whole body shuddered. Her bright and beautiful eyes looked at Chen Sanqiu tearfully. With a 'oh' sound, she threw herself into Chen Sanqiu's arms once again.    




Tan Lianxiang hurriedly covered her face. Aiyo, why did this woman crawl into her son's embrace when she had nothing better to do?    


Chen Zuyin let out a hollow laugh, grinning from ear to ear, not knowing whether to look or not. He couldn't possibly learn to cover his face like his wife.    


"Cough cough, I'm going out to fish." Chen Zuyin quickly stood up and walked outside.    


Chen Sanqiu hurriedly pushed Yue Ling'er away in embarrassment. He said to Yue Ling'er, "I don't know how much confidence I have, but I will do my best to cure your mute illness."    


Yue Ling'er was so moved that her tears started to roll down her cheeks as she looked for a pen and paper.    


Write a row of beautiful small words.    


"Thank you, Chen Sanqiu."    


"In the future, I will be yours, and death will be your ghost."    


"I'll be your slave."    


She looked at Yue Ling'er's charming eyes that were looking at her.    


Chen Sanqiu swallowed a mouthful of saliva as his heart surged. Didn't that mean that Yue Ling'er would do whatever he wanted her to do?    


"Cough cough, your calligraphy is really good."    


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