Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu hurriedly left the Fallen Phoenix Village with Li Xiaolin and took a taxi to the city. He was such a fool. How was it possible that he would have to deal with Li Xiaolin at the Three Autumn Herbs Hall?    


Li Xiaolin was the one with the brains and thoughts to go to the city.    


Tsk tsk, sitting in the car all the way, looking at Li Xiaolin's slim and plump body, Chen Sanqiu could not help but let his imagination run wild.    


It was finally the time for him to become a man. Just thinking about it made him extremely excited.    


Li Xiaolin's heart began to pound when she felt Chen Sanqiu's passionate gaze. When she was in the Hall of Herbs, Li Xiaolin felt a burst of heat in her head. When she saw how beautiful Yue Ling'er was, she was jealous and she wanted to snatch Chen Sanqiu away first.    


Back then, he had taken the initiative and acted in that manner, and something like that had happened.    


Thinking back to when Yue Ling'er had found out about her, Li Xiaolin was still blushing. She was so embarrassed, so embarrassed.    


"Hmm, what should I do? "Is tonight really going to be so …" Li Xiaolin's mind was in a mess as she thought back to when she was still at the Hall of Herbs.    


Too shy.    


Both Chen Sanqiu and Li Xiaolin had their own thoughts. After they entered the city, they started their own business according to Li Xiaolin's idea. They first bought a normal car, which they could drive.    


However, Chen Sanqiu didn't think that way. Men loved cars, so it was best to do whatever was on their mind in one fell swoop.    


In the luxury cars, Chen Sanqiu loved to drive, so he took Li Xiaolin directly to the Mercedes-Benz fourth son store.    


It didn't have the expected scene of being looked down on by the salesperson and then being slapped in the face by the salesperson. This made Chen Sanqiu feel very unhappy.    


If the sales clerk who received him looked at him with disdain, he would mock and ridicule him.    


Then, he took out his bank card and smashed it onto the other party's face, directly lifting the car. That felt so good.    


However, he didn't.    


It made Chen Sanqiu want to go to another store and take a look. He wanted to see if he could find a guy who had a face full of disdain and wanted him to act cool.    


One of them bought the latest E-class Mercedes-Benz sedan, paid for Yellow Ox, and got a temporary license plate as fast as he could. He then walked around the city with Li Xiaolin, who was feeling dizzy.    


"Aiya, this car is too expensive. I don't dare to drive such an expensive car."    


"I don't even dare to sit."    


"This skin is really good, it should be leather, touching it feels really comfortable."    


Li Xiaolin sat in the back of the car, feeling nervous and at a loss of what to do. She never thought that Chen Sanqiu would directly buy such an expensive car. To Li Xiaolin, buying an ordinary car was enough.    


He found a place where there were very few cars and wanted to ask Li Xiaolin to drive. However, Li Xiaolin didn't dare to drive.    


In the end, Chen Sanqiu found out speechlessly that he could only drive this car by himself.    


He had no choice but to bring Li Xiaolin to the city again and buy a practical Wuling Hongguang car as Li Xiaolin had planned. Li Xiaolin drove the Wuling Hongguang around the city with Chen Sanqiu happily and contentedly.    


"This car is so good. It's cheap and big, and it can carry so much stuff."    


"I'll be brave enough to drive this car, so I'm not afraid of breaking it."    


"Your Mercedes-Benz is too scary and expensive, I wouldn't dare to drive it."    


"Bo, don't be angry, alright? If I get rich in the future, I might even dare to open it. "    


Li Xiaolin burst out in laughter and kissed Chen Sanqiu. The kiss immediately dissipated the displeasure in Chen Sanqiu's heart.    


[A man is a prick …]    


Chen Sanqiu thought so in his heart.    


"Tonight." Chen Sanqiu immediately hugged Li Xiaolin and said to her with a smile, "How about we find a hotel in the city tonight?"    


Li Xiaolin's face was flushed, not sure if she should agree or not.    


In Li Xiaolin's heart, she felt that she wasn't worthy of Chen Sanqiu.    


However, he really wanted to agree to Chen Sanqiu's request.    


While Chen Sanqiu was in a dilemma, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly called.    


Chen Sanqiu saw that it was a call from Wang Xiaofeng, so he could only answer the phone. "Hello, Sister Feng. You missed me. Call me now."    


"Hehe, of course I missed you." Wang Xiaofeng chuckled. She was very happy in her heart, ever since she started to buy vegetables from Chen Sanqiu, the restaurant's business had become more and more popular. Although the price was more than half the price of other restaurants, money could not buy them.    


Every day, the banquet was packed to the brim with delicious vegetables that no one else had.    


"Where are you? I have something to talk to you about. " Wang Xiaofeng chuckled.    


"I happen to be in town." Chen Sanqiu said to Wang Xiaofeng.    


"In the city? What are you doing? " Wang Xiaofeng asked in surprise.    


"Nothing, I'm just here to buy a car, it's too inconvenient for me." Chen Sanqiu told the truth. There was nothing that was hard to say.    


Wang Xiaofeng chuckled again, "Then come to my place. I'm in Yu Long Bay, No.207. Come look for me."    


Chen Sanqiu thought that Wang Xiaofeng was still looking for him at around 5 in the afternoon due to some business, so he nodded and hung up the phone.    


She said to Li Xiaolin, "Wang Xiaofeng asked me to go over and discuss the vegetables. You should come along as well."    


Li Xiaolin shook her head. "Go on, I'll go see my sister."    


Chen Sanqiu looked at Li Xiaolin with a smile, and Li Xiaolin immediately blushed. She knew she couldn't trick Chen Sanqiu, so she pouted and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Previously, Li Xiaohong always looked down on my sister. Now, I'm going to drive to get Li Xiaohong's admiration."    


Chen Sanqiu laughed. He nodded and said, "Go, go. I will go to Wang Xiaofeng's place to see what's going on. If you come back late, you can eat with Li Xiaohong."    


Then, Chen Sanqiu gave Li Xiaolin 2000 yuan.    


Originally, Li Xiaolin did not want to go, but upon thinking of going to see Li Xiaohong, she accepted the money and drove away.    


Chen Sanqiu also drove the Mercedes-Benz that Wang Xiaofeng had just bought to Yu Long Bay District. When he arrived at Yu Long Bay District, he found out that this was a f * cking villa complex in Hedong City. Chen Sanqiu was extremely envious of it.    


Ye Zichen logged off at the security booth and saw that the security guard called Wang Xiaofeng's house to confirm before letting him in, causing Chen Sanqiu to be stunned.    


He thought to himself, the place where the rich live is f * cking heavily guarded.    


He drove into the residential complex and stopped in front of Wang Xiaofeng's mansion.    


Then she knocked on the door. "Sister Wang, it's me, Sanqiu."    


"Three Autumn's, come in quickly. The door isn't locked." Wang Xiaofeng's voice came from inside.    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders and pushed the door open. Then, he saw the sound of flowing water from the turn in the hall on the first floor.    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned. He thought Wang Xiaofeng was cooking.    


Then, he walked over with large strides and saw that it was actually a bathroom.    


The door was not closed.    


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