Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu thought that Zhao Lingling came over because he was alone, so she came to chat with him. Hearing Zhao Lingling's words, Chen Sanqiu laughed dryly, picked up an apple and said to Zhao Lingling, "Have a taste."    


Zhao Lingling did not want to taste the apple. She worked for Chen Sanqiu's family during the day and picked apples at night, so she was tired out. That was why she did not go to the construction site to help.    


However, there were benefits to this as the tuition fees that were not raised previously had been raised all because of Chen Sanqiu's whimsical idea of being a prodigal son, which was recognized by the entire village.    


The last time Chen Sanqiu sent Qin Mingyue away, Zhao Lingling suddenly appeared. She originally wanted to ask Chen Zuyin for money, but when facing Chen Sanqiu, Zhao Lingling still couldn't say it out loud. She didn't expect Chen Sanqiu to build a tent and fix the road.    


Since she didn't want to see Chen Sanqiu turn into a fool, Zhao Lingling took the apple angrily, washed it in a bucket beside her, and then took a bite.    


When she bit into the apple peel, a sweet sensation engulfed her body like drinking sweet spring water in the middle of summer, making Zhao Lingling shiver all over.    


After taking another bite, the infinitely refreshing fragrance instantly engulfed Zhao Lingling's taste buds, causing her to be shocked and incredulous. She was completely dumbfounded.    


"This, this is the apple you grew?" Zhao Lingling asked excitedly as she looked at Chen Sanqiu with a dumbstruck expression.    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged and said to Zhao Lingling, "Is it delicious?"    


Zhao Lingling originally wanted to shock Chen Sanqiu into giving up on the idea of selling an apple for ten dollars to return to her rational side, but Zhao Lingling thought she was a university student who knew how to tell the truth.    


He also had his own pride. He gritted his teeth and nodded affirmatively, saying, "This is the most delicious apple I've ever eaten in my life."    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled. With excitement, he grabbed the board that was placed in front of the apple stand and wrote a few words with the pen.    


"Fairy Ling Ling Ling said that this is the most delicious apple she has ever eaten in her entire life."    


Then from behind the price, he added a capital letter.    


The original price of ten yuan was now changed to fifteen yuan by Chen Sanqiu.    


"Hm." When Zhao Lingling saw the additional line of words Chen Sanqiu added on the board, she was so embarrassed that her ears and ears turned red. She was angry and angry at the same time, but also felt happy and proud at the same time.    


Which woman doesn't like to be praised as beautiful?    


[What kind of woman doesn't like her man to make love to me?    


However, he still had to show his inner shame and anger on his face.    


A woman, an existence that even the Saints could not fathom.    


Just when Zhao Lingling was about to take the board away in embarrassment and annoyance, two middle-aged men in considerate clothes drove by. When they saw Chen Sanqiu's apple stand, they got off the car and walked over.    


He took a glance at Zhao Lingling in surprise. He had not expected her to be such a beautiful and lithe girl in such a poor place.    


Then, they saw the words on Chen Sanqiu's board.    


"Fairy Ling Ling Ling said that this is the most delicious apple she has ever eaten in her entire life." The scholarly middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses read it while looking at it. He could not help but smile and ask Chen Sanqiu, "Who is Fairy Lingling?"    


"Yes, this." Chen Sanqiu pointed at Zhao Lingling with a smile and said, "You must be a fairy."    


The corner of Lin Youcheng's mouth twitched. Zhao Lingling was indeed good-looking, but she was still a fairy.    


That's a little bit.    


"Haha, you have good eyes, brother. You are indeed a fairy." He looked at the price again and couldn't help but say in surprise, "Little brother, the seller who collected the apples said that it was ten yuan for an apple. I thought it was interesting, so I came over to take a look. How come it became fifteen now?"    


Chen Sanqiu nodded seriously: "Yeah, now it's fifteen dollars each."    


Lin Youcheng trembled in his heart. With a dry laugh, he asked, "When did you change the price?"    


"Didn't you see it just now?" "Just now, Fairy Ling Ling Ling said that this is the most delicious apple she has ever eaten in her life. How could she sell it for ten yuan per apple, so she changed it to fifteen yuan." Chen Sanqiu said seriously.    


Zhao Lingling was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole and hide in it. She could neither leave nor stay. She was so embarrassed.    


Another middle-aged man who hadn't talked much, with a square face and a buzz cut, finally opened his mouth and said, "Can I try one? "Let's see how you can sell this apple for ten dollars."    


Chen Sanqiu immediately shook his head: "How can it be bought first? Also, this isn't 10 yuan, it's 15 yuan."    


Lin Youcheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He turned to the square-faced man and said, "Old Zhang, we really met an interesting person."    


Zhang Quan nodded his head. His face couldn't help but reveal a smile. He took out a hundred yuan from his pocket and handed it to Chen Sanqiu: "I'll buy two to have a taste first."    


Chen Sanqiu was finally happy. He took the 100 yuan with a cheeky smile, found the money quickly and helped to fill a bucket with water. Then he took 4 apples and soaked them in water.    


In an instant, a miraculous scene took place. The originally incomparably smooth apple actually had a layer of frost on its surface.    


This was just the result of a brief soak.    


Seeing this, Zhang Chong and Lin Youcheng could not help but be shocked.    


"Little brother, you are really kind, even sending us off." Lin Youcheng took the two apples and said with a smile.    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment and quickly explained, "This is for me, this is for Lingling. You bought two and I'll just give it to you two. Don't always think about taking advantage of her."    


Lin Youcheng …    




Zhang Chong, who had been laughing nonchalantly without any trace of a smile on his face, could not help but burst out laughing.    


This was the first time in his life that he had been taught a lesson by someone, so he shouldn't take advantage of it. In the upper echelons of Hedong City, as long as he told Lin Youcheng his name, he would be shaken up. He did not expect that here, he would be taught a lesson by a country bumpkin.    


Then with a wry smile, he gave one of his apples to Zhang Chong and took a bite.    


Suddenly, a sweet and refreshing feeling of breast milk filled his heart. It was like an apple that had been kept in the fridge all night. The fragrance of the plants washed over Lin Youcheng's taste buds in an instant.    


He couldn't help but shiver.    


Looking at Lin Youcheng's stupefied expression, Zhang Zian could not help but be shocked. He knew that Lin Youcheng ate with great care, in order to eat a mouthful of delicious food, he had to travel all over Hedong City.    


To be able to make Lin You Cheng so excited.    


Zhang Chong could not help but take a deep breath and take a bite.    


His entire body suddenly shivered.    


"How can there be such a delicious apple in this world?"    


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