Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu, with the contract in hand, returned home excitedly with his father, Chen Zuyin. He handed the contract to his mother, Tan Lianxiang, who locked it in a box.    


Chen Sanqiu looked at his father, Chen Zuyin, and mother, Tan Lianxiang's, faces full of joy and excitement. He couldn't help but smile inside as he looked forward to the future.    


Although his father, Chen Zuyin, and mother, Tan Lianxiang, didn't agree to him contracting the Fallen Phoenix Mountain previously, in their hearts, they actually wanted to do the same.    


Returning to his room, Chen Sanqiu opened up the system again. Looking at his achievement points, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Right now, he only has 15 achievement points.    


Five more.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and clicked on the introduction page of the herbaceous A model robot.    


"Herbs growing A-type robots, herbs growing little espers, turning the earth, insect repellent, watering the water, tidying up the land, and even dancing a dance for you, singing a song for you, Li Xiaolin. You deserve it."    


This was a good thing. Originally, Chen Sanqiu was worried that even if he managed to contract Falling Phoenix Mountain now, the sky ditch was still big enough, and now, he couldn't show it to anyone. He could only rely on his own strength.    


Even if he were to die from exhaustion, he still wouldn't be able to turn that sky ditch into a perfect herb field.    


He didn't expect that the herbaceous A type robot would be so powerful, and that it would be so capable.    


However, Chen Sanqiu was very confused. The achievement points required to grow such a strong herb are actually cheaper than the Chinese herbal medicine frying pan.    


"The Chinese medicinal herb frying pan is a treasure, and the A type robots that are planted with medicinal herbs are only the most retarded robots in the system. They can only be considered a tool, so it's cheap."    


At this time, a green light flashed in front of Chen Sanqiu's eyes. After he read the explanation above, Chen Sanqiu finally understood that it was actually like this.    


After reading it, his heart was in turmoil. If these A type robots that were grown with medicinal herbs were considered inferior robots in the system, then, how powerful would the higher tier robots be?    


This made Chen Sanqiu look forward to it even more.    


After lunch, his father, Chen Zuyin, called Chen Sanqiu over. He took Chen Sanqiu out to buy fruit tree seedlings, looking like they were going to have a big fight.    


Chen Sanqiu's face was also filled with excitement. Even though the main purpose of contracting with Fallen Phoenix Mountain was to obtain the Heavenly Pit medicinal field, Chen Sanqiu was still very happy to have such a huge forest.    


Chen Sanqiu was already thinking about how exciting it would be when the whole mountain of fruit trees blossomed.    


The two of them rode their bicycles to the wholesale market for fruit trees and seedlings in the town, entering the wholesale market. The fruit trees and seedlings filled the entire town, including peach trees, apple trees, apricot trees, chestnut trees, date trees, and walnut trees.    


Chen Sanqiu couldn't wait to buy all of these trees and send them back to Falling Phoenix Mountain. He thought that once they were covered in apple trees, peach trees, and apricot trees, they would definitely be extremely beautiful.    


Chen Zuyin was not as excited as Chen Sanqiu. He took out the note he had written beforehand, and Chen Sanqiu looked at it. One hundred apple seedlings, one hundred peach seedlings, fifty walnut seedlings, and fifty jujube seedlings.    


And then, there was nothing after that.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and said to his father, Chen Zuyin, "Just these?"    


"This is the only thing that can be planted on Fallen Phoenix Mountain. First, plant this on the mountainside and then pull a security net to surround the mountain. All of this money has already been overspent." Chen Zuyin rolled his eyes at Chen Sanqiu, "Contracting the mountain range cost me over 110,000 yuan, the rest is simply not enough. I don't even have the money to repair the road."    


Besides, he didn't know much about farming, so he followed his father around the market. Since he didn't know anything, he didn't want to embarrass himself, so Chen Sanqiu didn't talk much, and only when his father, Chen Zuyin, talked about the price, Chen Sanqiu immediately rushed up to his father and his father, Chen Zuyin, and matched up perfectly with them, they were often able to get a price that was lower than the market price.    


As he was walking, he heard a wave of noise coming from the front. It was very chaotic.    


From time to time, someone would shout, "Hurry up and call an ambulance!"    


"He's going to die."    


His father, Chen Zuyin, frowned. Just as he was about to go over to see what was going on, Chen Sanqiu had already rushed over.    


When they reached the place where the crowd was gathered, they saw an old man in peasant clothes lying on the ground. His face was pale and his body was twitching. A pretty girl with a delicate face and tears all over her face was crying loudly in the old man's arms.    


He looked around helplessly as he cried, "Who can save my grandfather? Wuu, who can save my grandfather?    


However, most of the surrounding people were from the village as well. The people who came here were either here to buy or to sell saplings, and none of them were able to help.    


Chen Sanqiu immediately rushed into the crowd. He looked at the girl with a pretty face, wearing a light purple dress. She was quite pretty, not inferior to Li Xiaolin.    


Thinking of this, Chen Sanqiu hurriedly shook his head. Why did he think of Li Xiaolin? Cough, cough, saving her is more important.    


"Disperse, everyone. Disperse." Chen Sanqiu shouted.    


The surrounding people didn't move at all from the start. Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes and immediately shouted, "Whoever doesn't disperse, you will be the ones to blame for the old man's death. Just wait to get involved in this."    


The surrounding people instantly scattered, not even stopping for a second.    


Only then did Chen Sanqiu nod in satisfaction. He quickly opened the collar of the old man's shirt to ensure that he could breathe easily.    


He frowned and looked down, and the Penetrating Divine Eye immediately saw that the old man had a heart attack.    


Now his heart had stopped beating.    


He couldn't help but be shocked. He raised his head and asked the old man's granddaughter, "Your grandfather has a heart attack?"    


Her pair of pure and beautiful eyes exuded an unparalleled radiance. She cried as she said to Chen Sanqiu: "My grandpa did have a heart attack, so he came out early this morning and forgot to bring the medicine. Wuu wuu, it's all my fault, it's all my fault."    


Seeing the old man's beautiful granddaughter blaming herself pitifully, Chen Sanqiu felt his heart ache. He sighed and pressed his hand on the old man's chest to recover his heart. At the same time, he quickly called up the system page and found the Godly Doctor's medicine page.    


A pill flashed on the medicine page, it was so eye-catching that Chen Sanqiu was about to go blind.    


"god level Savior Pellet, one pellet is effective, one pellet is 15 achievement points, if you cannot buy it you will be at a disadvantage, if you cannot buy it you will be tricked. Young man, buy it."    


Chen Sanqiu was so angry that he almost cried. He felt that the system was purposely trying to do something to him, and he clearly only had fifteen points left, but the system actually sold this god level pill for fifteen points.    


This was simply a scam.    


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