Heaven-made Ring



Countless people respected him, countless people loved him, and countless people could sacrifice their lives for him for no reason at all. Until now, at the age of seventeen, no one had paid any attention to the existence of Tian Cheng as a 'god' in their hearts. There was no reason or excuse needed to respect a god.    


Their first battle was victorious, and the battlefield was quickly cleaned up by them. Even the blood and gore on the battlefield were washed clean by the heavy rain brought by Tian Cheng, as if nothing had happened at all.    


On top of the city wall, Tian Cheng and the rest of the soldiers were still standing there discussing something. At this time, a leader who was in charge of handling the post-battle chores walked over and reported, "Reporting to Lord, the statistical data for this battle has been released!"    


Tian Cheng and the others immediately stopped, looked at the middle-aged leader whose eyes were shining, and said with a smile: "Speak!" The reason for the war was to obtain benefits. Although this battle was considered as a self-defense battle, Tian Cheng still valued the benefits obtained from it.    


"We have wiped out a total of two hundred and thirty-three thousand four hundred and fifty-six people, and more than one hundred and fifty thousand of them were captured alive by us. As we didn't continue to attack their base, we only obtained the weapons and armor they brought back on the battlefield. However, the valuables we found on these bodies added up to around a million gold coins. May I ask Master Tian Cheng, how should we handle this? "    


This was probably something that had never happened in all of the wars in history. Of course, this was all because of the five hundred thousand Drunk Bee.    


"All those weapons and armors have been sent to the weapons factory for Luk to smelt again. The one million yuan was just for military expenses. As for the 150,000 people, they didn't care about anything else. First, they would lock them up and starve for three days before doing anything else. Right now, the territory's forces are extremely lacking in comparison to the Divine Church of Light, so these people have to be recruited! "    


To put it more clearly, this was only a small group of two hundred thousand people. To put it more bluntly, this was only sent by the Divine Church of Light as a vanguard to scout the road ahead. The onslaught of attacks against Green Province would never come to a halt like this. Instead, it would increase in size, an unimaginable scale. Tian Cheng's' Steel-Blooded Battle Bee 'Magical Beast Army was strong, but they would find a way to deal with it sooner or later, so at this time, the most important thing was to develop the number of people in the army. Without question, developing from being a captive was the fastest, most direct method.    


"How about this! After three days, provide them with food and medical treatment. Their current status is that of slaves, if they want to leave their slave status, they have to contribute accordingly. You should know what to do! I want to emphasize one thing, those who surrender will be sent to the special training camp to train for a month.    


After the leader accepted the orders, Tian Cheng continued his conversation with his three teachers and two guards.    


"Young master, I think we should go attack the stronghold of those cardinals and use 'Divine Church of Light and sinners in my body' to obtain the property that I have wholeheartedly tried to exchange for. We should kill countless innocent civilians and punish them according to the orders of the heavens!" This kind of reason is more than enough for us to start a huge battle with the Divine Church of Light. Even if we don't beat him up, he would come and hit us anyway, so we might as well take this opportunity to catch them off guard! "    


Grarris was dancing with joy. The battle just now had caused his boiling blood to boil and not have cooled down yet. His analysis was correct. Taking over the enemy's base before their reinforcements arrived was definitely the best plan, but would that really be the case?    


"Master Tian Cheng, I feel that this matter cannot be done!" Wood, the veteran military expert at the side spoke up: "If we can do this for any faction other than Divine Church of Light, then it just has to be Divine Church of Light." It's not surprising that we destroyed two hundred thousand of them in self-defense, but if we take the initiative to attack you, it doesn't matter what reason you have. His Divine Church of Light has existed on the continent for tens of thousands of years, regardless of whether it is the foundation of strength or the foundation of the citizens, he is much more profound than us! In terms of the current situation, we can only occupy one of his strongholds, which is completely useless to us. Instead, we gave the people of the world an excuse to stay away from my Grey Family, so, before we develop to be strong enough or until my Divine Church of Light starts a war with other big powers, we can only defend. is it's in line with our current strength, and it's also in line with the development of the situation. "    


Wood's words allowed Grarris to calm down, and he also nodded his head. If one were to look at the overall situation, they really could only do so.    


Tian Cheng looked at the others and saw that they were all nodding their heads in acknowledgement before saying: "We must definitely occupy this base in Divine Church of Light, but it is not like the invasion of the great army, and they won't have much more people left. At this point of time, sending the great army over is no longer necessary. Besides, after such a big incident, those cardinals won't just let it go. We'll just wait here, and they'll automatically send it to us. As for the others, I will do as Master Wood said! "    


Just as expected, when the four carefree Cardinals found out that their own two hundred thousand troops had all been annihilated and that no one had survived, the leading one of the four, Fox, almost fainted. This time, he, the Cardinal, who was above ten thousand people, was completely alone.    


"This is all I have! Why did it disappear just like that? What kind of demonic technique did that Tian Cheng use to use a hundred thousand of his to kill two hundred thousand people? No, I will kill them all, kill them all! " As he spoke, he started to find Tian Cheng to seek revenge.    


The three old men by his side did not have any intention of stopping him. They were all laughing in their hearts, [This is not a good thing, but it is definitely not a bad thing for me!] Even if the Green Province s were taken down, Fox would definitely not be able to sit on the position of bishop.    


After walking a few steps, Fox stopped, and turned back to look at the three elders with anger: "I know what the three of you are thinking, but don't forget, before that, all of you have to listen to me. Now, I order you to lead your subordinates to destroy Grey Family in one fell swoop! "    


"Fox, are you confused!? The Sect Leader did say that we will listen to you during this period of time, but the authority he gave you was only to mobilize our upper echelons. Do you still want us to mobilize several hundred thousand men to help you achieve your crimes? Even if you want to be mobilized, that is what happened after you reported this matter to the Sect Leader. It would be best for you to clearly understand the situation and to be more polite when you speak! "    


The three old men revealed their attitudes without any concealment.    


"Good!" "Very good!" Fox laughed coldly: "Then I will now ask you all to lead your respective upper echelons to kill that Tian Cheng. This should be possible right?" After he finished speaking, Fox swung his long sleeves and walked out.    


The three cardinals looked at each other and followed him. It was hard for them to refuse this order.    


Soon enough, thirty Amethyst Knights with Element King Stage, two Divine Knights with Element Ancestor Stage, four Arch-Cardinals with s, and six red-clothed Vice Sect Masters with intermediate Magical Instructor s gathered together. Stepping on their respective mounts, they swiftly flew in Tian Cheng's direction.    


After sensing the energy fluctuation, Tian Cheng did not stop at all and immediately summoned out the three beasts of Xiao Tian's group and sent a telepathic message to the nearby Kill King to quickly rush over.    


"All soldiers retreat to the city! No matter what happens, do not come out!" Tian Cheng roared as he stepped on Xiao Tian and flew into the sky. By his side, only the two siblings could participate in the battle. Of course, if Tian Cheng was willing, there were still many Magical Beast that could be used in the Source World, but he did not plan to do so.    


"He's here!" Tian Cheng's heart tensed up, he saw the group of people walking towards him quickly, this scene really scared the soldiers who were looking at them from the back. It was one thing for there to be these thirty to forty experts with extraordinary strength. However, every single one of them had an extremely strong Magical Beast, and even the lowest among them was at the fifth stage. There were quite a few in the middle Sixth Grade, and there was even one at the seventh stage.    


When one cultivated to the Element King Stage, one would usually enter the Magical Beast Forest or other places to tame a Magical Beast as their own Magic Pet, only not taking it out under normal circumstances. A battle like today would naturally be used on them.    


"Master Tian Cheng, let us fight alongside you!" The three division leaders, as well as a few other brigade commanders and captains with Element General Level all drew their weapons and rushed out. Although they were not clear about Tian Cheng's strength, but seeing how his killing intent soared to the sky, they were worried in their hearts for Tian Cheng. After all, they were all people with Magic Pet s now, so they could barely fight him.    


"Go back!" Tian Cheng immediately said: "You all do not need to be loyal here, there will be more here in the future. In this battle, I freely advocate that your participation is of no use at all. Nothing will happen to me! "    


They were not fools either, and upon hearing Tian Cheng's words, they all retreated.    


"Oh my god, looks like I have to reassess Divine Church of Light's intelligence. These should be around four to five people from the Radiant Church!" They really can bear to spend such a huge sum of money! " Tian Cheng laughed gently, he swept his gaze across the crowd and landed on the only Magical Beast of the seventh step, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Xiao Tian, can you help to take a look, is it the Sky Mountain Armour that the legends say you haven't seen for a thousand years?"    


Xiao Tian casually glanced at it, but very quickly it returned to normal again. It was tall and fat, like a mini dragon, and its two feet were propping it up, saying: "Yes, that is indeed a Sky Mountain Armour. Damn! "Even I haven't seen this guy for myself, how did he tame it?"    


The Sky Mountain Armor, an earth attribute Magical Beast, had been at the seventh stage since it was young, and could be advanced to a Divine Beast. Whether it was in defense or offense, it could be considered the top of the numerous earth attribute Magical Beast. This move would determine his terrifying nature. A sneak attack by surprise, and most importantly, there was very little chance for you to fight back.    


"Big brother, although this guy's background is not as big as the three of us, he's still not bad. He's very suitable for your fourth level of Beast Element Spell!" Xiao Jin said as he squeaked.    


"Indeed, it's time to prepare for the fourth level of Beast Element Spell! "Since you've delivered it to my doorstep, I will reluctantly accept it!" Although Tian Cheng said this, in his heart, he was already very satisfied with the Heaven Mountain Armor. What a joke, this kind of guy was not something that could be found easily.    


"Little Tian Cheng, today is the day your Grey Family is destroyed. The dignity of my Divine Church of Light, will not allow a single blasphemy from your generation!" Standing on top of the Sky Mountain Armour, Fox roared. He was the owner of this Magical Beast, and it was for this reason that he was qualified to be the leader of this operation. Otherwise, he would have long since been removed from his position, considering the two red-robed assistants and the dozen or so White Crystal Knights that he had lost last time.    


"If I can use one hundred thousand soldiers to destroy two hundred thousand soldiers, then I can defeat many of you!" Your Divine Church of Light has gone too far, I, Tian Cheng, am also not someone to be trifled with, all of you must die here today! " Tian Cheng said indifferently, without any sort of emotion. Suddenly, a Rebirth Sword appeared in his hand and struck out with a 'Wave Wave Rush'.    


"Kill them all!" Fox shouted loudly. He threw out a light spell to easily block Tian Cheng's attack. The battle had officially begun!    


Big Yellow, Little Yellow, Thouder Soul and the three beasts on the ground charged into the crowd of Magical Beast and attacked in a chaotic manner. In a split-second, lightning flashed and thunder roared, sparks flew everywhere, ice swords fell like rain. In terms of attack power, these Magic Pet s of Tian Cheng's were much stronger than the opponents in front of them, but their opponents were in large numbers. Even after attacking a few times, they did not get any advantage, for them, this was definitely a fierce battle.    


But the four Cardinals and Tian Cheng did not move. Tian Cheng was waiting for the appearance of the Kill King and these four old fellows were also afraid of Tian Cheng.    


"If the four of us attack together, even if he has the means to reach the heavens, he still won't have the chance to use it!" As Fox gave the order to attack first, the three old men behind him naturally wouldn't stop either.    


"Light Purification!" The four of them shouted at the same time as a ray of light that was like the scorching sun appeared above Tian Cheng's head. It was as if they could not feel any sort of heat, but his skin was currently cracked little by little, and blood instantly flowed all over his body. Advanced Magical Instructor was already equivalent to Element Emperor, so the power of the four of them attacking at the same time could be imagined.    


"Vajra Body!"    


Tian Cheng's cracked skin immediately healed. Holding onto the sword with both of his hands, he stabbed out fiercely.    


"Five Dragon Spirit Claw!"    


The two black and white claws instantly clawed at the two balls of light. This was the new move that he had learned in the [Five Spirit Sword] after leveling up to the Sixth Level.    


Under those two giant claws, the white light instantly dimmed down and disappeared. Some of the shadow's giant claws still managed to reach down, but they were easily dispersed by them.    


"Good kid, I've underestimated you. I'll let you see the true consummate skill of our Divine Church of Light. Rank 7 spell: Radiant Sacrifice!"    


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