Heaven-made Ring



"Hehe!" This was the first time he had seen human magic! "Come on!" Smiling indifferently, Tian Cheng pulled out his long sword and entered into a defensive state.    


He, who only had that little experience fighting the Holy Element Master, was now actually fighting a mage he was completely unfamiliar with. Furthermore, this was an important matter, so it was really hard for him. In the first few minutes, he had to adapt to the attacks of the mages, slowly finding gaps and loopholes. This was a learning process! I'm not in a hurry, take your time!    


"Fireball!" Filo shouted loudly, then muttered something, and in the blink of an eye, a dozen or so fist-sized fireballs appeared out of thin air around him. Under the control of the Magic Staff, they flew towards Tian Cheng at a very fast speed.    


Fireball Technique. This was only a rank 1 spell. This spell would be released when Mage of Fire Attribution officially became a mage apprentice. It wasn't very powerful, and its attack power could only be considered average. However, it was the most commonly used spell in every Mage of Fire Attribution, and also the one that they hoped to use the most. This was because as the strength of the Mages themselves increased, their mastery over this rank 1 spell would also increase.    


A single fireball was not very strong, but it won in terms of the casting time, quantity, and speed. It was not easy to deal with. The limit of this rank 1 spell was fifty. Moreover, advanced mages could freely control their movements. In other words, they were equivalent to a tracking missile.    


At this time, the number of fireballs Filo released with the help of his Magic Staff was already as high as twenty, which was completely on par with an Intermediate Mage. Furthermore, there were ten fireballs in the middle that he could freely control. Tian Cheng's battle was a little troublesome.    


"Wah!" Are you playing juggling? " Before Tian Cheng could finish speaking, the 20 fireballs arrived in front of him from all directions. They were much faster than he expected, but his speed was not slow either. He took out the long sword, held it horizontally, and aimed at a fireball and threw it. Just as he had imagined, not only did the fireball not extinguish, it also did not slow down.    


Of course, he had not activated the Source Power yet. If he placed the Source Power on the sword, then it would be a completely different case. The Source Power, the origin of the world, could very easily destroy Little Flame.    


Tian Cheng also knew about this matter, but in front of so many people and a group of experts, he was extremely cautious in using his Source Power. One or two of them had found something special about themselves, and they could have easily dealt with them with just a few moves. If so many people had discovered that something was wrong, it would be terrible. Therefore, before the time of need, he did not plan to use it. Since these fireballs could not be extinguished, why not let us run? If you have the ability, you might not be able to die for the rest of your life!    


In Tian Cheng's eyes, this challenge was just a small matter, but if the Source Power was exposed, it would be a huge matter! There was no need to lose out. But when it was necessary, Tian Cheng would use it, and at that time, the victor would already be decided.    


As he fell backwards, just as Tian Cheng's back was about to reach the ground, he exerted some force from his heel and his entire body slid backwards. Ten fireballs hit the ground, causing a small tremor;    


Retreating to the back, Tian Cheng was also secretly shocked, a mage's strength was not something to be reckoned with! If he were to hit someone else, it would be much more powerful than a punch from a Holy Element Master of the same level. The temperature of the fire would also be much higher than a normal fire!    


Before he could stabilize himself, Tian Cheng's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise! The ten that had just hit the ground had turned just as they were about to hit the ground! It flew towards him at a speed even faster than before.    


"Motherf * cker!" They can even locate the location via satellite! " Tian Cheng, who was trying to escape once again, cursed in his heart. He had to think of a way to kill them all. Escaping was only a temporary measure, otherwise, when your Source Power was exhausted, he would have enough mana! Tian Cheng would never let this happen.    


Seeing that, Filo became pleased, this scene was even more satisfying than he had imagined, this Tian Cheng actually knew how to dodge, if he continued to fight like this, wouldn't he be able to handle him with just his Fireball Technique? Haha! Brat, you better not die like this! I even prepared a feast for you. Filo did not let them off, he fired a few fireballs at them! Wave after wave, however, Tian Cheng was constantly dodging, jumping up and down inside the gigantic barrier of light.    


"It can't be! Is your Holy Element Master Academy really so weak? Hurry up and admit defeat! Don't embarrass yourself! "Haha!" Seeing the two sides on the ground, the people from the Mage Academy started to cheer wildly. He had complete confidence in Filo and the others. He thought that this guy with the five Sixth Level Element Master would be a little difficult to deal with, but it seems like it wouldn't be difficult at all! If a rank 1 spell could turn him into such a state, then the outcome of the match would be beyond doubt! Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with the brilliance of this match, as long as he won, he would be happy!    


A large majority of them lowered their heads, complaining that Tian Cheng had humiliated them. However, as long as they had a little bit of strength, the corners of their mouths would reveal a faint smile, because they realized that even now, they still could not feel any energy fluctuations from Tian Cheng's body. In other words, he hadn't even used any of his own strength, and hadn't even used his own. Just the agility of his body alone was enough to dodge so many sharp attacks. He was truly not simple! Only such a competition could arouse their interest!    


What was he thinking? Many people had asked this question, including Jake and the others. He had seen Tian Cheng's strength before, under the current situation, he could totally attack him. Although he might not get any benefits from it, it was still better than dodging around like this. That's not right! This is definitely the tactic of the Brother Tian Cheng, he is not an ordinary person, we can only use a normal person's way of thinking to think that he is wrong! That's right! This must be some kind of tactic!    


However, Tian Cheng was Tian Cheng. He did not care what others thought, his rule was that as long as he could defeat his enemy with ease, with speed, accuracy, and without any side effects, he would do the same! And that was what he was doing.    


"This is about the tenth wave of attacks! The speed at which he released the fireballs was clearly slower than the first wave! Good! It's time for me to counterattack! " Tian Cheng's mouth raised, these dozen or so rounds were just for adaptation, he had already adapted to the fireballs' attacks, and had also finished his warm-up exercises, so he took advantage of Filo's arrogance and attacked the den!    


Pah pah pah! The fireball struck where Tian Cheng had just moved his feet. On the ground, Tian Cheng had tried to approach Filo a few times, but every time he was stopped by a fierce attack, the distance between them would always be kept at a certain distance. He definitely could not take this road on the ground anymore. He could only attack from above!    


A Mage's physique wasn't very good in the first place. If they were to fight in the air above their heads, they would be somewhat affected. At that time, she could instantly activate the Source Power in her body, break through the defense of the fireballs, and take him down in one fell swoop! Even if he did make some changes, it wouldn't be a big problem if he risked his life. Alright, let's do it!    


After making a plan in his mind, a faint smile flashed across Tian Cheng's lips, and he immediately started to implement it. He increased his speed on the ground and slowly headed towards Filo's direction. After finding an opportunity, he stepped on it and used the force to step onto the light barrier. To travel a small distance in the air was something that any Holy Element Master could do, let alone Tian Cheng, the 'Source Master'.    


Seeing that Tian Cheng was only able to attack him from above, Filo did not show any signs of panic, and the smile on his face became even wider. It was very obvious that he had already seen through Tian Cheng's intentions. Tian Cheng had a plan in mind, if he did not display his true strength, how could he not be the same? He had indeed been careless and underestimated his opponent, but the plan he had made before was still on his mind and he hadn't forgotten it for a moment.    


Until now, he was still playing with Tian Cheng the Level One spell, 'Fireball Technique'. Since it was useful, he was temporarily not planning to trade it in any other moves. He had always been waiting for a perfect opportunity to release his level 2 spell. He didn't want to win only, he wanted Tian Cheng to die!    


Now, the chance had come! Tian Cheng had really approached him step by step, and he was in the air, making it even harder for him to dodge the huge attack of the rank 2 spell! With the Magic Staff 'Spirit of the Fire God', a simple rank 2 spell had ten times the power of normal rank 3 spells. This time, I'll blast you into smithereens!    


Looking at Tian Cheng who was about to reach the top of his head, Filo's eyes were filled with gloominess. He waved his hand, and after attacking all twenty fireballs at the fastest speed, he did not manage to control ten of them, and almost looked like a completely different person. The strong aura instantly enveloped Tian Cheng and he began chanting a new incantation.    


"He really changed his ultimate moves. Good, then let's see who can be stronger!" Seizing the opportunity when Filo was temporarily halting the fireball technique, Tian Cheng smoothly flew up into the sky above Filo, and right now, he was only about twenty meters away!    


At this moment, the Source Power in his body was activated by him quickly. Holding the long sword in his hand, he used his fastest speed to stab towards Filo. He didn't need to be afraid, if he really couldn't block this magic, he could just temporarily open the 'Vajra Body'. This time, he was going to eat this enemy alive!    


"This is his true strength!" Many people in the audience sighed. Especially the person who had buried his head deep into his mother, he looked at Tian Cheng who was completely different from before in shock, his eyeballs were about to fall out! Did this really only have the strength of four Fifth Level Element Master? Judging from his speed, it didn't seem like this aura at all!    


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