Heaven-made Ring



"That's right!" It was indeed great! How about, we get some more fun? " Tian Cheng laughed mischievously. Since things had already come to this, why not do it a little too much while ensuring his own safety? Zhuge Liang had angered Zhou Yu to death after three tries. This Horvath might have a better mental fortitude, after all, he had died three times, wouldn't it be fine if we came a few more times? Such a good opportunity had filled him to the brim with anger! The Third Grade Magical Beast that he snatched away had gone missing and his treasury was stolen. In this series of events, they would definitely suspect him, so what if he was targeted by them?    


"Something even better! Brother, what are you trying to do? No matter what you do, I will accompany you! To dare catch my brother, stealing something from him would really be too easy for them! " Xiao Jin said excitedly. No matter if it was for the brotherly spirit of loyalty, the righteousness to get rid of evil, or the courage to love to play, Xiao Jin firmly supported Tian Cheng's leadership.    


"We don't hurt the innocent. The person who captured the wood spirit, Bis, is just a Element Soil user. He usually commits many evil deeds, so how about we get rid of the evil for the people?" The first time when Bi Si and him clashed, Tian Cheng had already blacklisted him. He was the son of an enemy who bullied him, so these two reasons were enough for Tian Cheng to get rid of him. However, the main purpose of this time was to make Horvath sad and angry, so the best way would not be to kill him, but to cripple him. With Tian Cheng and his current strength, coupled with the fact that he was the only one who produced the knockout powder, doing all this shouldn't be too difficult.    


"Great!" I've long disliked that guy. If it wasn't for that 'big brother' guy by his side last time, I would have definitely killed him! However, it wasn't too late now! "Hahaha!" Xiao Jin clenched his fists and laughed foolishly.    


With that, the man and the beast dashed towards the direction of Bis. When Bi Si took the St. Bist Royal Academy examination, his father, Horvath, rewarded him with an independent villa, making it more convenient for Tian Cheng to commit crimes.    


After running to the front of the huge villa, Tian Cheng made arrangements for Xiao Jin to stand guard. In regards to all of his actions, the first thing Tian Cheng could do was ensure Xiao Jin's safety, and he absolutely could not let anyone else discover its existence. To bring along a "marmot" in such a big matter, as long as it was a person, they would be suspicious.    


Even if Tian Cheng, who was wrapped in a super strong Spiritual Power was only one centimeter away from the Element Soil, he would still not know about it. With ease, Tian Cheng walked to the bedroom that Bis was in and stood in front of the sleeping Bis. He took out some knockout powder from his ring and threw it at him, allowing him to quickly absorb the white dust. He frowned slightly. He seemed to have sensed something in his dreams, but it was all too late! The drug quickly entered his bloodstream and severed all connections between his brain and any other tissue. He was now a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. The parable may not be quite right, and the lamb will struggle to cry, and he will not know anything.    


"Say, why are you so young and only this strong? Why do you still want to learn from others and do evil? Obediently study and practice martial arts. Wouldn't it be better to pick up a little girl when I'm free? He wanted to provoke me, gave you a lesson, and still refused to repent even after dying, and even called for your big brother who was studying in the St. Bist Royal Academy to help you capture my brother! It's not wrong to be arrogant, but it's wrong to be arrogant in front of me! I told you this a long time ago, but you can't blame me for not believing it. Also, if you ever die, remember to tell Yama that you have a good father! " Facing the about to be punished, Tian Cheng said this.    


Tian Cheng's heart was still not ruthless enough. There was no reason for a strong warrior to do things, yet he said so much to a unconscious person. After all, it didn't feel right to cripple someone while they were sleeping. The purpose of saying all this was to relieve the pressure on oneself.    


With a focused gaze, Tian Cheng activated his Source Power and punched towards the Dantian of Bis. The dantian was the basis for cultivating Holy Element Power. If the dantian was destroyed, it meant that he would never be able to cultivate Holy Element Power. At most, he would only be a level 9 cultivator. For a genius who had cultivated to the eighth level of Element Soil at the age of fifteen, this punch was definitely even more ruthless than killing him.    


There was no sound from the room as the punch landed. There was only the sound of Bis' increasingly rapid breathing and the slow trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. After confirming that his dantian had completely collapsed, Tian Cheng also retreated at top speed and flew out of his enemy's residence together with him. They sat on the Beast Cart and quickly disappeared to the side of the city.    


Big Brother, with this wood spirit, you must make me a few bottles of Blue Element Liquid first, so that I can reach the third stage! The rest of the debts could be put off for a while! "I don't know when I'll be able to meet my little sisters anyway." Sitting on the Beast Cart, Xiao Jin started to nag. "Truly a greedy little fellow, he had just returned from a robbery, and now, he was starting to extort Tian Cheng again.    


Laughing slightly, Tian Cheng said: "Don't worry! Even if you hadn't said it, I would have done it! " When he knew that the Blue Element Liquid would have such great benefits, Tian Cheng had already decided to bring out a batch to help Xiao Jin advance his cultivation. In the future, it would be extremely dangerous to have a Rank 3 Devouring Gold Rat by his side. Xiao Jin also had the ability to protect himself, so it was impossible for ordinary people to capture it. Of course, Blue Element Liquid would still be used in many other places. For now, Ah Di and Lin Sen belonged to him, and they would be his trusted assistants in the future. It was definitely necessary for their strength to be raised, so of course he wouldn't be stingy with these things.    


"Big brother! Seriously! You must not go back on your word! I remember that after I advance to the third step, I will have a metal-attribute magic. I don't know how good my mouse is, so I hope it's very powerful. "Haha!" The excited Xiao Jin could not help but mutter and laugh, as she started to daydream. If there's a disease called Mad Rat's Disease, it's probably coming down.    


After rushing to the agreed upon location, it was almost daybreak, and he took the wood spirits from Lin Sen's hands. Tian Cheng brought them and quickly rushed to the exam grounds. The storm was coming. Although Tian Cheng was not afraid of getting wet, but since there was a place to hide, there was no need to get wet. The prep manor was not a place where anyone could behave atrociously. Last time, they had only gotten their way because they had caught a Magical Beast and Tian Cheng, the 'master', was not at home. No matter how vicious they were this time, they would definitely not dare to lay a finger on a student from the St. Bist Royal Academy.    


When Tian Cheng and the others arrived at the exam grounds, the sun had already begun to rise.    


Earl Horvath Palace was just like usual. Other than them, everyone else started to busy themselves with a new day. Perhaps it was because the master was very happy these few days and the servants had good days with them, but the servants were all smiling; or perhaps it was because they were finally going to send the third young master, the god of pests, away. No matter what, as a human being! As long as he was happy! Especially the servants who lived in this mansion; it was rare for them to have such a good day in their lives.    


Suddenly, an urgent sound of a messenger broke the joyous atmosphere.    


"Reporting to the old master! Last night, the treasury was robbed! " A guard captain dressed in black stood in front of Horvath and reported.    


"What?" The treasury was stolen! " "This is ?" He was surprised when he took the cup from a servant girl. He threw the cup on the ground and smashed it into pieces. "Let's go!" With a loud shout, Horvath walked in front and rushed towards the scene of the crime. The vault was stolen! What was this? Could a treasury that possessed so many experts and protective Earl's Mansion be robbed at night by someone else? Could it be that all the experts of today were so lonely that they came out to have fun? That's not right! Everything in that common treasury didn't even exceed a million gold coins. It would be enough for him to work hard for more than a year. With their current value, one million gold coins shouldn't be much!    


This treasury only contained a portion of the Earl's Mansion's property, the real valuable items still had other storage areas. A Count's normal annual income should not exceed 500000 gold coins, but Horvath's situation was special. He had a big sister who was King of Suppressing the North's wife, so he had earned a lot these years.    


Horvath walked straight into the secret room. The scene in front of him shocked him so much that he did not say anything for a long time. He thought that something had been stolen just like that, but who would have thought that everything had been taken away. If it wasn't for the traditional way of transportation, how many Dimensional Ring would be needed? He had strived so hard for so many years, yet he only managed to get himself a 1 cubic meter long ring, how rich could a man with such a large Dimensional Ring be! Did he really need to rob them?    


At this moment, a man in his sixties hurried forward and said, "Master, the entire vault has been emptied and nothing has been left behind. According to the situation, this should happen from midnight to what time in the morning." This person was the butler of Earl's Mansion. He was in charge of the treasury. Now that the vault had been stolen, it would be difficult for him to continue working there. Having worked here for more than 20 years, he understood this old master very well. If this old master was in a good mood this time, he might be able to return to his hometown and enjoy his new year of peace.    


Looking at this empty secret room, Horvath did not say a word. Although his heart ached over the things he had collected over the years, he was more interested in who the murderer was.    


At this time, the two level two Element General Guests also rushed to the scene. Horvath said to them without a trace of politeness: "What do you two guest think?" To put it bluntly, the guest was someone else who had come to visit. Now that their home had been stolen, they had to take responsibility.    


"This ?"    


Before he could finish his words, an even more anxious voice sounded from outside. "Master, it's bad! Third Young Master is dead! "    


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