Star Core War

C774 Cultivate at the Bottom of the Lake

C774 Cultivate at the Bottom of the Lake

Cultivation at the bottom of the lake.    


There were all kinds of herbs in Stellar Core World, ranging from first-grade to ninth-grade herbs. However, these herbs were all inanimate objects and had no intelligence. It could be said that these herbs were all dead. And the ones that were more advanced than the herbs were the herbs. Every spirit medicine was sentient, possessing intelligence. It was very magical.    


The conditions for the birth of spirit medicines were too difficult, to the extent where it could be described as harsh. Thus, every single stalk of spirit medicine was incomparably precious. The value of a tier 9 medicinal herb was as different as the difference between heaven and earth and a spiritual herb. It could not be mentioned in the same breath. Such a miraculous spiritual herb could increase the strength of a martial cultivator. * Hong Long...... *    


Qin Tian looked at the willow branch that was full of spirituality in front of him. He was even more certain that this willow branch was the legendary spiritual herb.    


"I should put it away first!" Soon, Qin Tian made a decision in his heart.    


When Qin Tian thought of this, he immediately started to move. He walked directly to the side of the willow branch.    


At this time, the willow branch was inserted into a rock at the bottom of the lake. Qin Tian did not pull the willow branch out of the rock. Instead, he directly pulled out the rock. He pulled it out from the bottom of the lake. After that, Qin Tian directly pulled out the willow branch along with the rock. He stored it directly into the Space Belts.    


After Qin Tian put away the willow branch, he was quite happy in his heart. He was very satisfied with his harvest this time. Not only had he successfully killed five eight-star Xeno-race experts, he had also obtained a legendary spiritual herb.    


"These five outsiders are able to exchange for 50,000 merit points for me. I even obtained a good treasure! I've only entered the Void Battlefield not long ago, and I've already obtained such a treasure. Sure enough, the Void Battlefield is just as everyone said. Although it's full of danger, it's also full of opportunities." Qin Tian was very happy when he thought of his harvest this time.    


He had gained so much in just a short period of time after entering the Void Battlefield. It could be said that it was already a great harvest. Qin Tian had obtained such a harvest not only because of his formidable strength, but also because of his own strength. And because he's lucky. One should know that there were many martial cultivator warriors who were stronger than Qin Tian. Entering. Void Battlefield Middle If he wanted to obtain the herbs so quickly... It's not easy.    


Many things could only be chanced upon by luck.    


Qin Tian quickly calmed down. Then, he began to observe this lake.    


"Yi! The concentration of spiritual energy in this lake is much higher than the concentration of spiritual energy outside the lake!" Very quickly, Qin Tian made a shocking discovery.    


Qin Tian found that the spiritual energy in this lake was much denser than outside.    


"It seems like this lake is really special. No wonder such a magical willow tree was born in this kind of spiritual environment!"    


Qin Tian could clearly feel that the bottom of the lake he was at was filled with dense spiritual energy. This kind of rich spiritual energy was much denser than the spiritual energy outside the Void Battlefield.    


Upon seeing this, Qin Tian guessed that such a willow tree could be born at the bottom of the lake. After all, in this environment where the Spiritual Qi was so dense, it must have something to do with the environment below. It was very beneficial to the birth and growth of spiritual herbs.    


"Since the spiritual energy in this lake is so dense, why should I be in such a hurry to leave this place? I can make use of the environment here to cultivate properly here."    


Very quickly, an idea popped up in Qin Tian's mind.    


Qin Tian thought that since he had to cultivate, he had to absorb the spiritual qi. In such an environment with such abundant spiritual energy, the effect of cultivation would definitely be very good. It would also be more helpful to the improvement of his strength.    


"It just so happens that I can use the Nine Stars Upper Grade cultivation technique, Heaven-swallowing And Qi Accumulating Arts. Let's see how effective this cultivation technique is." Soon, Qin Tian made a decision in his heart.    


Qin Tian decided to start cultivating at the bottom of the lake.    


Before he started cultivating, for safety's sake, Qin Tian unleashed his Soul Force to check his surroundings and see if there were any non-humans or martial cultivator humans near him.    


Qin Tian's Soul Force began to spread rapidly.    


Soon, a while later. Qin Tian withdrew his Soul Force with satisfaction, because Qin Tian was within a few hundred thousand meters of him. He didn't find anything unusual. Since he didn't find any abnormal beings or martial cultivator humans, he could cultivate with peace of mind. Absorb! Spirit Qi! It's done.    


Qin Tian sat cross-legged at the bottom of the lake. He quickly calmed down. After that, he prepared to start cultivating.    


Qin Tian began to recall the cultivation method, Heaven-swallowing And Qi Accumulating Arts. After that, Qin Tian began to slowly circulate the cultivation method, Heaven-swallowing And Qi Accumulating Arts.    


As soon as he circulated the cultivation technique, Qin Tian instantly felt his entire body, be it his flesh or bones, start to tremble slightly.    


After that, before Qin Tian could react, from Qin Tian's body... All sorts of unk s lit up. After that, these Runes rushed out from Qin Tian's body. Slowly, more and more Rune appeared. They rushed out of Qin Tian's body.    


At this moment, Qin Tian was not worried at all about this situation. He was still very calm.    


The Rune that rushed out of Qin Tian's body was the Rune that Qin Tian had carved into his body last time. When circulating the Heaven-swallowing And Qi Accumulating Arts, these Runes would jump out from his body. This was a normal reaction. Qin Tian had already known about this, so he was prepared for this. He wasn't flustered at all.    


Soon, more and more Rune rushed out of Qin Tian's body. It was the first Rune. Ten unk s, dozens of unk s. Soon, in less than ten breaths of time, the 99 Rune in Qin Tian's body... They all came out of their bodies.    


The appearance of these Runes tightly surrounded Qin Tian's body.    


These Runes were densely packed around Qin Tian's body. Each Rune contained a huge amount of energy.    


The Rune soon began to light up. After the Rune began to light up, the spirit energy surrounding Qin Tian's body... It began to surge violently. After that, the rich spiritual energy gathered towards Qin Tian's body. It was incomparably ferocious.    


In just a few breaths of time, Qin Tian's body was surrounded by a dense amount of spiritual energy. The huge amount of spiritual energy immediately surrounded Qin Tian's body, and he was nowhere to be seen.    


After that, everyone was shocked to see that the lake water around Qin Tian's body had been squeezed out by the huge amount of spiritual energy surrounding his body.    


The dense spiritual energy seemed to have formed an invisible giant hand. It pushed away all the water around Qin Tian's body. Furthermore, the water around Qin Tian was being pushed away very quickly. Very quickly, within a few hundred meters of the lake where Qin Tian was sitting, the lake water was completely pushed aside.    


If one were to look down at the lake from the sky now, they would see a shocking scene. In the middle of the lake, the lake water had all been pushed aside by an invisible force. A vacuum without any lake water was created, and Qin Tian was sitting in the middle. The lake that was dozens of meters deep was now direct. A few dozen meters deep hole had appeared, it was very magical. No matter who saw this scene, they would be shocked.    


Then, an even more shocking scene appeared. A huge vortex of spiritual energy appeared above Qin Tian's head.    


The moment this vortex of spiritual energy appeared, it had already reached a hundred meters in size. In less than a few breaths of time, the size of this vortex of spiritual energy had suddenly increased to a few hundred meters.    


And after the vortex of spiritual energy reached a few hundred meters, it was still far from its limit. Then, this spiritual energy vortex began to rapidly expand at an astonishing speed.    


After the spiritual energy whirlpool reached a few hundred meters, it began to rapidly expand again. Very quickly, it expanded to a thousand meters.    


Only after the range of this spiritual energy whirlpool reached a thousand meters did it stop expanding.    


Above Qin Tian's head, a thousand-meter large vortex of spiritual energy appeared. Anyone who saw this vortex of spiritual energy would be dumbfounded.    


After that, they could clearly see the vortex of spiritual energy above Qin Tian's head begin to spin rapidly.    


It was a bit late. My head hurts for a day. This is torture.)    


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