Star Core War

C1187 A Difficult Problem Appeared

C1187 A Difficult Problem Appeared

Problems appear in chapter 1187.    


Qin Tian continued to move. He unleashed his Soul Force and started checking his surroundings, searching for the non-humans.    


Soon, the situation within a hundred thousand meter radius... Qin Tian could clearly sense it as well. But to his disappointment, he was within this hundred thousand something meter radius. Although he had found a few foreign races, the strength of those foreign races... They were all ordinary Mortality Transcending Stage warriors. Qin Tian didn't care about these foreign races at all. He didn't want to waste his time on them.    


Qin Tian didn't stop. He continued to move. The Tao Te Ching was also quietly used. The distance Qin Tian could sense continued to spread.    


"Yi!" Suddenly, Qin Tian could not help but let out a surprised cry. Because he suddenly realized that at the mouth of Human Base, which was hundreds of thousands of meters away from him... There was a group of human martial cultivator warriors rushing out of the camp. They were heading towards the depths of Void Battlefield.    


Qin Tian's attention was also attracted by the situation.    


A few dozen breaths later, Qin Tian withdrew his Soul Force. He felt strange about it as well.    


"Why are there so many martial cultivator warriors in the camp all of a sudden? This is strange!" Qin Tian was puzzled as well. He had no idea what was going on in the camp. In just a few dozen breaths of time, he noticed... The group of martial cultivator humans that had rushed out of the camp had never stopped. In just a few dozen breaths of time, at least tens of thousands of martial cultivator warriors had rushed out of the camp.    


What Qin Tian didn't know at this moment was that the reason why he saw so many martial cultivator warriors rushing out of the camp was because of him.    


Qin Tian thought for a while. He couldn't figure out why, so he stopped thinking about it. Qin Tian once again focused his attention on searching for the foreign races.    


"The place where I am is too close to the camp. So, this might be the reason why the True Core Stage non-humans are here. This is the reason why there are so few of them. Looks like I have to leave this place and stay far away from this base camp. I'll go find other races."    


Soon, Qin Tian made up his mind. He continued flying towards the depths of Void Battlefield.    




At this moment, in the highest level of the Sky City, there were four people here. Besides the three Palace Lord Of The Sky Hall, there was another person. He was Qin Tian's master, Daijin Yuu.    


Daijin Yuu had just arrived at the Sky City. He immediately arrived at the Heaven Hall. He was called here by the three palace masters. The three palace masters had called Daijin Yuu here to tell him about Qin Tian.    


"... We have told Qin Tian about it. We hope that he can stay in Void Battlefield for a longer period of time. After clearing out all the foreign races above the True Core Stage in Void Battlefield... In the end, he agreed. Today, I have asked you to come here to discuss this matter." Bai Yutong said to Daijin Yuu.    


The reason why the palace master called Daijin Yuu to Heaven Hall was to tell Daijin Yuu about this matter. After all, Daijin Yuu was Qin Tian's master, and this matter wasn't a small one. Therefore, he should tell Daijin Yuu about it.    


"I have no objections to this suggestion. In any case, given Little Tian's current strength, he is the strongest existence in Void Battlefield. No foreign race can threaten him." Daijin Yuu said with a smile.    


When Daijin Yuu heard the words of the palace master, he wasn't surprised. Instead, he seemed very calm. The reason why it was like this was because Daijin Yuu knew that no matter what happened to his disciple in Void Battlefield, it didn't matter. He would be very safe. He didn't have anything to worry about in a situation where Qin Tian's life wasn't threatened. He didn't need to be nervous at all.    


But soon, Daijin Yuu thought of a problem and said, "I agree with this suggestion. With Little Tian's current strength, he should go to Void Battlefield. It's very suitable. However, I have a problem in my heart. The Void Battlefield is not small. Little Tian is the only one here. He wants to eliminate all the foreign races in the ___. That's not easy. Can he do it? "    


Naturally, Daijin Yuu had been to the Void Battlefield before. Therefore, he had a very good understanding of the situation in the Void Battlefield. That was why he was worried about it.    


"We have considered this problem. We also know about it. It would be very difficult to achieve this. However, we feel that if there is any martial cultivator in our Stellar Core World who can do it... Only Qin Tian could create such a miracle. Qin Tian's growth along the way was accompanied by miracles. So we can trust him now. Furthermore, even if he can't do it, we won't lose anything either. " The palace master said with a smile.    


After hearing this, Daijin Yuu thought for a while and said with a smile, "You're right. I wonder if Little Tian will create another miracle this time..."    




Time flew by. In the blink of an eye, three days had passed.    


At this moment, Qin Tian, who was in the Void Battlefield, was releasing his Soul Force to sense his surroundings.    


Very quickly, Qin Tian withdrew his Soul Force in disappointment once again.    


"I haven't found it yet!"    


Qin Tian smiled bitterly. He felt helpless as well. Because today, he had released the Soul Force several times. He had also changed places several times, but he had never found a True Core Stage alien.    


Just now, Qin Tian had used the Soul Force to sense the situation hundreds of thousands of meters away. However, in such a wide range, he could only sense some Mortality Transcending Stage warriors. However, he couldn't find any True Core Stage alien races. Qin Tian had encountered this situation many times today.    


These few times, he didn't encounter any True Core Stage alien, but those Mortality Transcending Stage alien. Qin Tian had found quite a few of them, but he still had to deal with those Mortality Transcending Stage alien races. He had no interest in fighting them, so until now... Qin Tian didn't gain anything either.    


"It seems like it isn't easy to find a True Core Stage expert in the Void Battlefield!" Qin Tian also had an epiphany in his heart.    


When Qin Tian thought of this, he took out a Space Belt and opened it. He looked at the seven corpses inside the Space Belt and sighed.    


"In just three days, we have only found seven True Core Stage experts. This efficiency is really low..."    


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