Star Core War

C44 On the Eve of Leaving

C44 On the Eve of Leaving

The eve of chapter 44.    


"This experience will be unforgettable for me for the rest of my life. I believe everyone will be the same. I will remember all three of you, just like what Qin Tian said. Let's look forward to the future, and look forward to our reunion in the future. " Yang Sheng said. Looking at everyone's faces, he couldn't help but sigh. This experience was the most unforgettable in his dozens of years of life. The team also experienced a lot. Thinking about this, he couldn't help but look at Qin Tian. When this fifteen year old youth saw Qin Tian, he couldn't help but sigh. This was a proud son of heaven. No one would have thought that such a young man with a bit of childishness on his face would be so strong. During this time's team adventure, they had turned the tide and saved everyone's lives. Qin Tian's current strength was something they could only look up to. Qin Tian was only fifteen years old. He didn't even dare to imagine Qin Tian's future. Yang Sheng knew. If this continued, Qin Tian's name would spread throughout the Eastern Yuan Continent if nothing unexpected happened. He believed that he also hoped that Qin Tian's name would reach the clouds.    


Although Qin Tian had just said that they would meet again in the future, even he himself didn't believe it. Now that he heard Yang Sheng say it again, Qin Tian knew that these words were only used to comfort himself. It was just comforting everyone. Actually, everyone knew that this could be forever. The Stellar Core World was so huge and dangerous. Who knew what kind of future he would become in the future? It might be an extravagant hope to see everyone again in the future.    


"Don't make it so hard for us to part. We should be happy today." Zhang Jing saw that the topic was a little heavy and could not help but step out and say with a smile, even though she also felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.    


"Yes, yes, everyone should be happy today. I hope that everyone can live well in the future and live on. Alright, let's end it here today. Everyone, go back to your rooms and rest early. " The bearded man looked at everyone and said.    


Qin Tian heard these words and knew that separation was unavoidable. It was only a matter of time before they separated. Qin Tian thought for a while and said, "I will leave Yuan Shan City tomorrow." Qin Tian told everyone that he would leave Yuan Shan City. He knew that it was inevitable for them to separate. He might as well tell them earlier that he was leaving. He couldn't waste any time right now. He had to make the best use of his time to cultivate. He still had a three-month promise. He couldn't waste his time right now.    


"Qin Tian, you have to leave tomorrow. So soon." Big Beardy's surprised voice was heard, but when he thought about it, it was normal. After all, everyone had their own matters to attend to.    


"Yeah, this is the first team I joined. I will remember the days I spent with everyone." Although Qin Tian was reluctant, he had no choice. The time he spent with everyone had left a deep impression on Qin Tian. Big Beardy, Yang Sheng, Zhang Jing, and even Jinrong. All of these people had left a deep impression on Qin Tian.    


"Qin Tian, we're leaving. I'll give you my blessing here. Live well and become a powerful warrior. I believe you have the ability." Yang Sheng looked at Qin Tian and said slowly.    


"Good luck to you." Zhang Jing also said her blessing.    


"Thank you, everyone. I hope everyone can live well." Qin Tian also said his blessing. Although this blessing was not pleasant to hear, it was very realistic. It was good that they could live.    


"Alright, everyone, let's go. Let's go and rest." Big Beardy said. Big Beardy and the other two walked out of Qin Tian's room.    


At night, the ground was pitch black. Qin Tian was alone in his room. At this time, Qin Tian's room was silent.    


Qin Tian sat cross-legged on the bed and slowly recalled his experience this time. He felt that he had gained a lot. It also allowed him to grow a lot.    


He couldn't help but feel excited when he thought that he would have to go and train again tomorrow. A martial cultivator needed to take risks and challenge others. If one wanted to become a powerful warrior, he would have to go through the test of blood and fire. A comfortable life would only wear down one's fighting spirit and cause one to die.    


Qin Tian thought of the fact that he had just broken through to the Fourth Star Vein Refining Stage and felt his own spiritual energy. He realized that his spiritual energy had increased a lot compared to before. Qin Tian felt the four Small Stars beside the two primary cores in his mind. He could not help but feel happy. Although Qin Tian felt happy, he did not feel proud and complacent. Qin Tian knew that there was still a long way to go, and this was just the beginning. There was nothing to be proud of. He had to maintain his humble and ambitious heart.    


Qin Tian calmed himself down and started cultivating.    


"The Dao is Dao, very Dao, and very famous. The Unnamed Beginning of Heaven and Earth, the Mother of All Things... " Of course, the Tao Te Ching was indispensable. Qin Tian would automatically think of the Tao Te Ching every time he cultivated. As his cultivation increased, he also discovered more and more about the profoundness and profoundness of the Tao Te Ching. It had a huge effect on his cultivation. The enhancement of his cultivation level had also made his horizons more profound.    


He discovered that the Tao Te Ching could not only focus and calm one's mind, but also allow one to see things clearly. Furthermore, it produced a cool spiritual energy that could repair the damaged meridians very well. It was very obvious that... When he absorbed the Savage Core this time, this cool spiritual energy played a huge role. Qin Tian also tasted the sweetness from it, allowing him to break through to four stars in one go. This cool spiritual energy could eliminate the negative effects brought by the Savage Core. This function was really amazing. Using the Savage Core like this was too satisfying. The huge amount of spiritual energy in the Savage Core was also in his bag. It would greatly enhance his cultivation. Therefore... The Tao Te Ching was something that needed to be cultivated every time.    


As Qin Tian continued to cultivate, the surrounding spiritual energy began to absorb into his body. Qin Tian kept absorbing the spiritual energy into his mind, and the two primary cores kept spinning. The spiritual energy kept rushing into the fourth Small Star, the Small Star that had just appeared not too long ago. It also quickly absorbed the spiritual energy, and did not reject any of them. The Small Star that had just appeared wanted to use the spiritual energy to fill it up. It definitely would not be that fast. It required a lot of spiritual energy. Therefore, he had to persist in his cultivation. He had to be down-to-earth, absorbing the spiritual energy bit by bit every time. He would always be able to cultivate to perfection and absorb the spiritual energy every time. Qin Tian also had a feeling that this was the improvement of his strength.    


The cycle repeated, and Qin Tian continued to cultivate.    


The next day arrived very quickly, and the sun would soon rise.    


Qin Tian woke up from his cultivation and felt the spiritual Qi in his body. After absorbing it for the whole night, he had gained a lot of spiritual Qi, and he was very satisfied with it.    


Qin Tian looked out the bright window and could not help but sigh with emotion. Time really passed very quickly while cultivating. Like this, it was the second day, and he had to leave today.    


Qin Tian got up and packed his things. Actually, there was nothing much. His things were all placed in the Space Belt. It was very convenient, and he did not need to pack big or small bags. Having a Space Belt was very convenient.    


After the things were done, Qin Tian wrote a note and placed it on the table in the room.    


"I hope everyone can live well and wait for the day when we meet again in the future."    


After leaving these words for Big Beardy and the others, he turned around and left the room.    


It wasn't that Qin Tian was heartless and didn't want to see Big Beardy and the others for the last time. This was the best way to leave quietly. At that time, everyone wouldn't have to be so reluctant to leave.    


Qin Tian didn't notice that when he left the inn, Big Beardy, Yang Sheng, and Zhang Jing already knew about it. However, they didn't come out to ask him to stay. Everyone had their own world.    


Early in the morning, Qin Tian walked out of the inn. He thought for a while. Since he was going to Round Mountain Forest and he was rich this time, he had to make sufficient preparations this time. He would buy some herbs and things he needed, and put them on his body to make up for what he needed. It would also be better to ensure his own safety. Thinking of this, Qin Tian walked towards Baoshai.    


"Get up, get up. Don't sleep anymore. The target has come out from inside. Let's follow the target." In an alley far away from the inn, a burly middle-aged man said to a skinny middle-aged man who was sleeping.    


"Where is it? Where is it?"    


"He has already left, yet you are still sleeping," the tall and sturdy middle-aged man said angrily to the skinny man. Then, he said with doubt, "But this time, only one person came out. It was that youngest brat who came out. Forget it. Let's follow this brat first. Besides, this brat's strength is the weakest, so it's best to deal with him. Follow me and listen to my commands. "    


Under the command of the burly middle-aged man, the two of them followed Qin Tian from afar.    


Qin Tian, who was walking on the street, did not let his guard down. What happened yesterday still faintly surfaced in his mind. Although he was walking, he also paid attention to his surroundings. Although it was early in the morning, the surrounding crowd was still early. There were already many people on the street, which also caused some inconvenience for him. It was difficult to clearly find the person who was following, or perhaps... Or perhaps there was no, it was all possible. Qin Tian could only be serious and careful. He would do his best and listen to heaven's will. Qin Tian did not feel any fear because of this. Qin Tian felt that it was not a big deal for martial cultivator to face all of this. martial cultivator must have courage. If he was afraid of seven or eight, he wouldn't have to shrink back. He wouldn't have to face any more dangers in his future path of cultivation. An even crueler journey.    


Qin Tian was fearless.    


He had to be fast enough to arrive at Baoshai again. Yesterday, Qin Tian came to Baoshai to sell things, but today, Qin Tian came to Baoshai to buy things.    


"Objective, welcome. What can I do for you?" Another clerk in blue came forward to welcome him.    


"What herbs do you have that can heal wounds faster? Take me there to take a look." Qin Tian was here today to buy herbs. He wanted to buy some herbs that could help him recover faster. This way, he would be able to survive better.    


"Objective, please follow me. I'll bring you there." The clerk brought Qin Tian to the area that specialized in selling herbs.    


Once they arrived, Qin Tian felt the smell of herbs assailing his nose.    


Qin Tian looked at the pile of herbs in front of him and his heart could not help but palpitate.    


With so many herbs in front of you, of course it would make you excited. Although Qin Tian was excited, looking at so many herbs in front of him, he could not help but feel helpless.    


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