Star Core War

C11 Qin Yuanyuan

C11 Qin Yuanyuan

The sky quickly darkened, and the night fell on the ground.    


Currently, the Qin Manor was brightly lit, and in a beautifully decorated room. The room was very big, and the person sitting on the seat of honor was a middle-aged man. His hair was sparse and he was not tall. He was very thin and small. The most distinctive feature was that he had a hooked nose and a pair of very small eyes. He looked like he had not opened his eyes. He looked very gloomy. His name was Qin Ying, the Hall Master of the Qin Manor Law Enforcement Hall, and also Qin Tian's fourth uncle.    


He spoke slowly with an ear-piercing voice. He asked the person standing below, "Yougui, you just said that Qin Zhenye's son is that trash, Qin Tian, who wants to challenge Qin Xiaojian." His tone was full of doubt.    


"Father, that's right. Qin Tian has issued a challenge to Qin Xiaojian today. The news of the battle in the Martial Arena of Qin Manor three months later had spread across the entire Qin Manor. It has also been confirmed by Qin Xiaojian himself. There won't be any mistakes. " Standing below, Qin Yougui said with certainty.    


After hearing this, Qin Ying said, "What is this Qin Tian planning? He is clearly a trash. Could this have something to do with Qin Zhenye? Yougui, you have to pay close attention to this matter, no matter what his purpose is. We have to pay close attention to this matter at all times. "    


" Yes, I know. I will keep an eye on him at all times. This useless Qin Tian can't cause any trouble. " Qin Yougui said with a loud voice.    


"Very good. Tomorrow, you will send two first grade herb to Qin Xiaojian in the name of your family."    


"First grade herb, it's so precious. Isn't it too wasteful to give it to Qin Xiaojian? Dad!" Qin Yougui said hesitantly.    


"What do you know? Give this herb to Qin Xiaojian and ask him to increase his strength. I want the competition three months from now to be foolproof. At that time, Qin Xiaojian's strength will soar. If he accidentally kills Qin Tian during the competition, then others will have nothing to say. " Qin Ying said with a sinister smile.    


"Gao, father, it's really high. I understand now. This is what it means to be unable to trap a wolf. When the time comes, you can tell Qin Xiaojian not to hold back before the competition begins." Qin Yougui agreed loudly.    


"Yougui, there are some things that don't need to be done personally. You need to do it behind my back. Understood?"    


"Yes, I understand."    


The young man nodded. "Then you can leave if there's nothing else." After saying that, he waved his hand and let Qin Yougui leave.    


Qin Ying could not help but fall into deep thought. In his heart, he thought, Qin Zhenye, you are the strongest person in the family. I can't deal with you now. But now, your son is a trash. You can't protect your son for the rest of his life. Now, your son is asking for death. Haha, the heavens are really helping me.    




It was getting dark. Qin Tian was sitting on the bed in his room. He recalled the first time he had practiced a martial skill today, and his heart was still unable to calm down for a long time. In just one day, he had mastered the second style of the Nine Spirit Fist. If an ordinary person wanted to reach his level, they would need at least dozens of times more time than him. His understanding of fist techniques was also very deep, and he could practice them very smoothly. There was nothing that could be very difficult for him.    


Qin Tian suppressed the pleasant surprise in his heart. He sat on the bed. He knew that he was still a weakling. There was still a long way to go, and he could not stop cultivating. He could not be complacent just because of a small achievement. He had to persist.    


Although he was tired today, he didn't want to stop cultivating. He had to persist. Three months was not much to say. It was not short either. He had already fallen behind Qin Xiaojian by so much. If he did not hurry, he would not be able to defeat him in three months. He used some time to calm himself down and sat on the bed with his legs crossed.    


Qin Tian, who was sitting on the bed, had a solemn look on his face. He slowly started circulating his cultivation technique. Strands of Spiritual Qi between heaven and earth were slowly absorbed into his body.    


The Spiritual Qi slowly flowed through his meridians. The Spiritual Qi nourished his body, making his body so comfortable that he couldn't help but want to let out a soft moan.    


After cultivating for a while, Qin Tian felt that the spiritual energy in his body was slowly increasing. He felt the spiritual energy in his body. He knew that his spiritual energy was not far from the peak of one star.    


Without hesitation, he increased the speed of his cultivation. The spiritual energy between heaven and earth kept surging into Qin Tian's body. Qin Tian used his mind power to control the flow of the spiritual energy in his meridians, and slowly. The amount of spiritual energy he absorbed increased, and the amount of spiritual energy in his meridians increased.    


When Qin Tian saw that the spirit energy in his body was increasing, his mental energy controlled the spirit energy to quickly rush into his mind.    


Once the surging spirit energy entered his mind, the two primary cores began to circulate unceasingly, absorbing the spirit energy. The endless spirit energy began to be absorbed and absorbed by the Small Star in his mind. He could clearly see that the spirit energy in the Small Star was increasing more and more.    


Time passed unknowingly during cultivation. Very soon, a night passed.    


Qin Tian opened his eyes in surprise. After a night of absorption, he was shocked to find that he had already reached the peak of a one star Vein Refining Stage. The Small Star's spirit energy in his body had also been fully absorbed. He couldn't absorb any more spiritual energy. It was unbelievable that he had reached the peak of one star so quickly. However, after some verification, he knew that... He had really reached the peak of one star.    


He felt his body and felt that it was in an unprecedentedly good state. This was the feeling of being powerful, and he was very happy.    


"Click, click."    


"Click, click, click."    


A knock on the door woke Qin Tian up.    


A shout came from outside the door.    


"Big Bro Qin Tian, Big Bro Qin Tian, are you inside?"    


Qin Tian heard the shouts coming from outside the door. He knew who had come. In Qin Tian's past memories, this voice sounded very familiar. It had been following him since he was young.    


Qin Tian walked over and opened the door.    


"Yuanyuan is here." Qin Tian looked at the young girl at the door and said with a smile.    


He saw a young girl standing at the door. She had fair skin and delicate facial features. The most attractive thing about the jade bracelet was her big eyes. It was said that the eyes were the windows to the soul, but her eyes were so pure. There was not a trace of impurity in them. They looked like a spring breeze.    


However, if you looked at her appearance, you would think that she was a quiet and obedient girl. Then you are wrong. From time to time, a cunning and pure look flashes across her eyes. You can know that this is definitely not the quiet and obedient girl you think she is. Qin Tian knew that she had done a lot of naughty things since she was young. She was a lively and active person. Although she was young now, it could be seen that she would become a famous beauty when she grew up. This was the daughter of Qin Tian's third uncle, Qin Tian's cousin. She was thirteen years old this year. Her name was Qin Yuanyuan.    


"Brother Qin Tian, you are really here." After saying that, the young girl skipped to Qin Tian's side and shook his hand. Qin Yuanyuan carefully looked at Qin Tian's face and said in puzzlement, "Big brother, it seems that you are different from the past, but I can't tell."    


"How is it different? Big brother is still your big brother, don't think too much." When Qin Tian heard the little girl's words, he couldn't help but smile and say.    


Qin Tian knew that although his appearance hadn't changed, he was now a completely new Qin Tian. He definitely felt a little different. After all, the little girl had been with Qin Tian since she was young, and she was very familiar with him.    


"Hehe, I was thinking too much. Big brother will always be my big brother." Qin Yuanyuan said happily and then continued, "Big brother, will you live here in the future?"    


"Hehe. Yes, I will live here in the future." Qin Tian said with a smile.    


"But, but this place is so broken and small." Qin Yuanyuan saw the room and said with a frown. Then she said angrily, "Brother, did that bad guy Qin Xiaojian rob your room? I will talk to him. " Qin Yuanyuan said and was about to leave.    


Qin Tian quickly pulled her back and said to her, "Who told you all this?"    


"It was those servants who told me that Qin Xiaojian chased you out of his room and even said that you are trash. I don't believe them." Qin Yuanyuan said angrily.    


It seemed that good things never come out, and bad things spread far and wide. Qin Tian thought helplessly.    


"It was brother who took the initiative to not want to live there. It would be more peaceful to stay here." Qin Tian looked at Qin Yuanyuan and said with a smile.    


Qin Tian knew that if he told the truth, Qin Yuanyuan would definitely stand up for him and look for Qin Xiaojian, because Qin Yuanyuan had been following Qin Tian since she was young. She had a very good relationship with Qin Tian.    


"Yuanyuan, what if big brother is like what those people said and cannot cultivate?"    


"Then from now on, Yuanyuan will work hard to cultivate, protect big brother, and not let others bully big brother." Qin Yuanyuan said firmly.    


Hearing Qin Yuanyuan's tender and firm words, Qin Tian could not help but feel warmth.    


"Yuanyuan, don't listen to those people's nonsense. Big Brother is not a trash. Big Brother will become a strong person in the future. At that time, he will be able to protect Yuanyuan." Qin Tian smiled and looked at Qin Yuanyuan.    


"Hehe, right. I don't listen to those people. Big brother is the best." Qin Yuanyuan said with a smile.    


Qin Tian looked at Qin Yuanyuan in front of him and felt a warmth in his heart.    


Qin Yuanyuan had been lively and cute since she was young. Everyone in Qin Manor liked this innocent and cute little girl. When everyone saw her innocent and cute appearance, their irritated hearts would always feel much calmer.    


"Why didn't you come out these few days? Did Third Aunt lock you in your room to read again?" Qin Tian looked at Qin Yuanyuan and said with a smile.    


"Yes, Mother wants me to read books every day, but I don't want to read."    


"It's not wrong to learn more things. It will help you."    


"Miss, Miss, it's time. You should go back and read." Qin Yuanyuan's maid Xiao Huan's voice came over.    


"What? I just came out for a while and you want me to go back? Wait, wait."    


"Miss, you should go back quickly. Otherwise, Madam will blame me later." The maid Xiao Huan said pitifully.    


"Alright. Alright. Then I'll just leave." Qin Yuanyuan said pitifully.    


"Yuanyuan, it's fine. Go back and read today. I live here. You can come and play with me at any time." Qin Tian smiled and said.    


"Okay. Bye, brother." After saying that, he reluctantly left.    


Qin Tian looked at Qin Yuanyuan's figure gradually walking away and could not help but feel a warmth in his heart. He had been in this family for a few days and had experienced a lot of coldness and warmth. Because of his reputation as a 'trash', each and every one of them disdained him and no one looked at him. His so-called family had also disappeared without a trace, and even his own father had never come to see him.    


Only Qin Yuanyuan came to see him. She did not care if he was a trash or not.    


At this time, Qin Tian truly regarded Qin Yuanyuan as his own sister.    


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