Star Core War

C541 Valuable Information

C541 Valuable Information

Valuable news in chapter 541.    


As for the Flaming Bear, it was a Seven-star Savage Beast. A Seven-star Savage Beast was already a very powerful Savage Beast. A Savage Beast with this kind of strength was usually a lone wolf. Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't stay with any other Savage Beast.    


However, what Qin Tian didn't expect was that the five Flaming Bears in front of him had appeared together, and they didn't seem to be in any trouble. They seemed to be very friendly with each other, and Qin Tian couldn't help but be surprised.    


What Qin Tian didn't know was that the Flaming Bear was a very special group of Savage Beasts. They were similar to his own kind, and they were all very united. They would never fight. Of course, there wouldn't be any situation where they would kill each other.    


"Roar, roar, roar..." Right when Qin Tian was looking at the Flaming Bear in a trance, he was deep in thought.    


Suddenly, the five Flaming Bears that were a few hundred meters away all saw Qin Tian, this human. Immediately, the five Flaming Bears roared at Qin Tian.    


The loud roars of these Flaming Bears immediately woke Qin Tian up.    


"Why are you thinking so much? The most important thing right now is to take a look. The strength of these five Flaming Bears. Let's see if I can defeat these five Flaming Bears, then I'll go through all kinds of hardships to find the Flaming Bear. It was all for the sake of finding the Flaming Bear and completing the mission. Now that five Flaming Bear have appeared in front of me, it will be my good luck."    


Qin Tian threw away the distracting thoughts in his mind and started to concentrate. He carefully observed the five Flaming Bears in front of him.    


Qin Tian took a serious look and found out. Among the five Flaming Bears here, there were three of them. Judging from their auras, he could sense that their strength was about the same as the Flaming Bear he had encountered earlier. Even their height was about the same.    


However, the remaining two Flaming Bear felt that their strength would be slightly weaker than the three Savage Beasts. It could also be clearly seen that the remaining two Flaming Bear... Not only were their auras weaker than before, but their bodies were also much higher than before. They were both one or two meters smaller than the other three Flaming Bear. He could tell with just a glance. These two Flaming Bears were only eight or nine meters tall.    


Qin Tian looked at the combination of these five Flaming Bears and had a rough understanding of their strength.    


"Five Flaming Bear, with my own strength, can I defeat them?" Qin Tian started to think in his heart. If he fought with these five Flaming Bears, would he have a chance of winning?    


Qin Tian didn't think for a while. He instantly made up his mind in his mind.    


"I don't care. I have to try. I have to fight with them. In order to complete the mission, I have to fight them. I might be able to complete the mission today."    


After making up his mind, Qin Tian looked at the Flaming Bear a few hundred meters away. Without hesitation, he rushed towards them.    


"Roar! Roar! Roar!" When the five Flaming Bears saw Qin Tian rushing towards them, they also crazily roared at Qin Tian. Soon, the five Flaming Bears began to move. They spread out, lined up in a row, and rushed towards Qin Tian.    


The five Flaming Bears charged at the same time. In an instant, they could feel an incomparably huge aura bursting out from their bodies, crushing towards Qin Tian.    


When Qin Tian saw the aura emitted by the five Flaming Bears, he was slightly surprised. He never thought that the aura emitted by the five Flaming Bears charging at the same time would be so terrifying.    


When Qin Tian saw this, he wasn't afraid at all. Instead, his Qi became even stronger, because defeating a powerful opponent gave him a greater sense of accomplishment.    


Qin Tian was very confident in his own strength. Although his opponent was very powerful, he still believed that he could defeat his opponent.    


The distance between Qin Tian and the Flaming Bear was getting closer and closer. Soon, the distance between the two of them had shortened to a hundred meters.    


After closing the distance, the five Flaming Bears who were still running suddenly stopped and stopped.    


The movement of the five Flaming Bears was very sudden and without any warning. After they stopped, they immediately squatted down. They inserted their huge hands into the magma and grabbed a large amount of hot magma. They threw it at Qin Tian, who was in the air, with all their strength.    


The Flaming Bear's palm was huge, and it could also grab a lot of magma. Therefore, when the five Flaming Bears moved together, they would grab a lot of magma. When the magma was thrown out, one could feel that there was a huge amount of magma covering the sky and earth. It was as if the entire sky was covered by magma, and the range of the magma was very wide.    


The magma covered the sky and the earth as it rained down on Qin Tian.    


Qin Tian saw the movement of the Flaming Bear and saw the magma rushing towards him from all directions. Although he could feel that there was a lot of magma rushing towards him, and the temperature was also very high. However, he was also very calm. He wasn't frightened by the magma that was rushing towards him from all directions. He was confident that he could avoid the magma.    


Qin Tian instantly circulated the spirit energy in his body. The Flying Technique martial skill accelerated the circulation. One could clearly see that with a flash, Qin Tian rose hundreds of meters into the sky, dodging the attack of the magma.    


The action of throwing the five Flaming Bears into the magma had no effect at all. It did not cause any harm to Qin Tian.    


"Roar..." The five Flaming Bears in the magma roared at Qin Tian. It could be heard that they were very angry that they didn't hit Qin Tian.    


Qin Tian stood in the sky and looked at the furious Flaming Bear in the magma below. He couldn't help but think, "I never thought that the Flaming Bear would have such intelligence and use the magma as an attack weapon."    


Thinking about it now, Qin Tian also felt that it was magical. He never thought that the Flaming Bear would be so smart, and even use such a method to attack his opponent.    


Qin Tian knew that if the five Flaming Bears met someone who was slower today, the magma thrown by the five Flaming Bears might really hit their opponent.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian's heart shivered. He started to pay more attention to the five Flaming Bears below.    


He felt that the five Flaming Bears he had encountered this time was the same as the Flaming Bear he had encountered earlier. There was still something different about it. The difficulty of the battle later would definitely be greater. The danger level of the battle would definitely not be small.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian's spirit was also highly concentrated.    


Qin Tian looked at the five Flaming Bears below and continued charging towards them, preparing to start the battle.    




At this time, in Yan Tian City, even though it was already dark. However, the liveliness in this city didn't reduce in the slightest.    


The streets were still very lively, and countless people were crowding around.    


At this moment, the busiest place in the Yan Tian City was naturally the restaurant where Chen Junling was staying.    


At this moment, the number of people surrounding the restaurant didn't decrease at all because of the dark night. On the contrary, the number of people surrounding the restaurant was even greater than the ones in front. Now, the number of people had exceeded at least a million. Over a million people were surrounding this small place. It could be said that it was extremely crowded. There were almost no gaps between people.    


If one were to look down from the sky, they would be able to see that with this restaurant as the center, within a few thousand meters of the restaurant, there was a dense crowd of people. The number of people was terrifying.    


And even though it was night, there were still many people rushing towards this restaurant. Even though it was said that after coming here, one would not be able to squeeze in. They couldn't see Qin Tian's portrait. However, many people were rushing over here, and they were all attracted by this place.    


At this moment, there were also countless voices in the crowd. Everyone seemed very excited, and they were all talking in high spirits.    


"It seems like someone provided another useful piece of information and obtained a tier 6 herb." Someone in the crowd said enviously.    


"Yeah, I heard it was a shop assistant. This shop assistant also saw the young man in the portrait. I heard that the young man bought a map from him. "    


" This shop assistant is really too lucky... "Countless people sighed.    


"Sigh, we don't have this life. Why can't we meet that young man? Even if we meet him, we can still get a stalk of the sixth-grade herb. That Mortality Transcending Stage martial cultivator kept his promise, as long as someone provided him with useful information. We'll just give him one of those herbs."    


"When it comes to useful information, it reminds me. There were also many people who wanted to use fake information to trick that Mortality Transcending Stage martial cultivator. However, no one knew what had happened, but none of them succeeded. Instead, they sacrificed their lives."    


"You don't even know this? Then I'll help you with your literacy. A Mortality Transcending Stage martial cultivator, an extraordinary martial cultivator, was extremely powerful. Lying in front of a martial cultivator at this level is akin to courting death. Their Soul Force was so powerful, as long as you dare lie in front of them... Any slight movement would be discovered. That was why they wanted to use fake news to trick them. That won't work at all." Someone in the crowd said.    


"Up until now, there have been quite a number of people who have obtained tier 6 herbs. Those who have obtained the herbs have all seen that young man before. They are truly too lucky..."    




At this moment, outside the restaurant, there were voices. Everyone present was intensely discussing what had happened today. It was extremely lively.    


Countless people were envious of the person who had obtained the sixth-grade herb.    


Because during the day, many people had copied Qin Tian's portrait. So in the end, Qin Tian's portrait was also crazily transmitted. As a result, many people who had seen Qin Tian in Yan Tian City had come to this restaurant to provide information to Chen Junling. As long as Chen Junling was certain that the information was true, the last person to provide the information would be Chen Junling. Without saying anything else, he would reward them with a sixth-grade herb.    


In the end, because of the stimulation of the sixth-grade herb, it attracted more and more people's attention in Yan Tian City.    


At this time, Chen Junling was sitting in the restaurant. There were also many people wearing luxurious and noble clothes sitting beside him. These people were the people of some families in Yan Tian City. All of them were standing respectfully at the side. They were very respectful towards Chen Junling.    


Chen Junling had caused such a huge commotion, it had long alarmed some families in Yan Tian City. Furthermore, these families had sent people to guard the Sun Moon Tower. Therefore, they knew that Chen Junling had come out from the Sun Moon Tower. He was someone from the Ming Yang Zong. Therefore, they were very respectful to Chen Junling.    


At this moment, Chen Junling was sitting on a chair in the restaurant. He was very happy.    


Because at this moment, he could roughly tell where Qin Tian was based on the information he obtained.    


Happy Lantern Festival and Valentine's Day. Today's festival is giving me a headache, it really isn't going well...)    


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