Star Core War

C715 Imprisonment

C715 Imprisonment

Oct. 715 Imprisonment    


Qin Tian's brain was spinning rapidly as he started to recall the relationship between him and the North Cold Sect.    


However, after thinking for a while, he couldn't recall what his relationship with the North Cold Sect was. He had only saved Yajun, and the rest had nothing to do with the North Cold Sect.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian was even more puzzled by what Head Of The Northern Frosty School said.    


However, Qin Tian didn't ask because he knew that he would find out what was related to him in a while.    


Han Pei walked to Qin Tian's side, took out a Space Belt from her body, and handed it to Qin Tian. She looked deeply at Qin Tian, then brought Ya Shenglan and Yajun into the room.    


"Little Tian, another sect has come..."    


Soon, more people from the sect came. Qin Tian and Daijin Yuu started to receive other sects. The two of them temporarily put this matter to the back of their minds.    




Time passed very quickly.    


Soon, half a day had passed, and the sky gradually darkened.    


At this moment, in Daijin Yuu's room, the people from the other sects who had come to Ming Yang Zong today... At this moment, almost all of them had left. There were only three people left in the huge room. And these three people were Han Pei, Ya Shenglan, and Yajun from the North Cold Sect.    


In the afternoon, there was a continuous stream of people. There were people from other sects coming to the Ming Yang Zong, and there were also people leaving the place. Many elders of the other sects sat in Daijin Yuu's room for a while. After chatting with the other elders for a while, they left the place. They didn't stay any longer.    


No matter who came or who left, Han Pei, Ya Shenglan and Yajun still did not move and stayed in the room.    


Daijin Yuu, who was standing at the door of the room, saw that it was already dark. He knew that there would not be anyone coming to deliver the treasure later. Because the sect that would send treasures to Qin Tian, during the afternoon, they've sent people over.    


"Little Tian, those things of Space Belt were given to you by those sects. You just keep them well. Now, let's go in and see what urgent matter Head Of The Northern Frosty School has to say. "    


After saying that, Daijin Yuu brought Qin Tian into the room.    


Qin Tian followed behind Daijin Yuu and walked into the room. He was also very confused and did not know what was going on. What exactly did Head Of The Northern Frosty School have to say that was so important? He had been waiting here for the whole afternoon, and he was so patient. Qin Tian could see the faces of the three of them, even though they had been waiting for an entire afternoon. However, the three of them were still very calm. They were not impatient at all.    


Soon, Daijin Yuu brought Qin Tian to the room. They were now facing the three men from the North Cold Sect.    


"Han Sect Master, I'm sorry for making you wait for so long. I just don't know what is the big deal you guys just talked about, and what is it that has something to do with Qin Tian?" Daijin Yuu went straight to the point.    


"Alright, I won't waste any more time. I'll be frank." When Han Pei said this, she couldn't help but glance at Qin Tian. Then she continued, "The reason I came to Ming Yang Zong today is related to Qin Tian. Today, I have also brought good news to Qin Tian. It's news about Qin Tian's mother." Han Pei said straightforwardly.    


"What!" Qin Tian heard Han Pei's words and lost his composure. He cried out in shock.    


Qin Tian really did not expect that the news Han Pei said was really related to him, and there was even news about his mother. When Qin Tian heard this news, he also felt that it was very sudden.    


At this time, when Daijin Yuu heard Han Pei's words, he was also very surprised. He did not expect that what Han Pei said was actually related to Qin Tian's mother. However, he was still Master Of The Ming Yang Sect. He quickly reacted. He asked, "Han Sect Master, what do you want to know about Qin Tian's mother?"    


When Qin Tian heard his master's question, his eyes lit up. After that, he also stared at Han Pei, waiting for her to say something. After all, he didn't know much about his mother.    


"Speaking of which, Little Tian is still considered half a member of North Cold Sect. Because her mother is a disciple of our North Cold Sect, and she is also the disciple of the 'Ya' branch of our North Cold Sect, Sister Dashi." Han Pei said with a smile.    


" My mother is a disciple of the North Cold Sect! " When Qin Tian heard Han Pei's words, he couldn't help but feel excited because this was the first time he had heard about where his mother came from.    


He had never heard of anyone mentioning his mother's origin. Where was his mother's home? One should know that the last time he was in the Qin family, Qin Tian's great-grandfather had also mentioned Qin Tian's mother. This also let Qin Tian know that his mother was still alive in this world. However, he didn't mention why his mother couldn't return home. It seemed like there was something difficult to say. Furthermore, Qin Tian still remembered when his father mentioned his mother. It seems very painful.    


"Little Tian, that's right. Your mother is a disciple of our North Cold Sect."    


Han Pei said with a smile. When she said this, she pointed at Ya Shenglan. She said to Qin Tian, "This is your mother's master, the one who took care of your mother since she was young. If you are serious, you should call her grandma."    


When Qin Tian heard Han Pei's words, he was quite surprised in his heart.    


Qin Tian looked at Ya Shenglan. He could not say anything because now, a person whom he had never met before suddenly asked you to call her grandma. No matter who heard this news, they would feel dizzy.    


When Qin Tian heard Han Pei's words, he immediately asked a question that he really wanted to know. "Then where is my mother now? Why hasn't she returned home after so many years?"    


Qin Tian impatiently asked. He was also very puzzled. These two questions were what he wanted to know the most.    


Han Pei frowned when she heard Qin Tian's question. She didn't know what to say. She couldn't possibly say that she was the one who imprisoned your mother in the North Cold Sect, not allowing your family to reunite.    


At this moment, Daijin Yuu, who was standing at the side, was listening to Han Pei's words. He was deep in thought, but he didn't interrupt. He wanted to see how things would develop in the future.    


Ya Shenglan saw that Sect Master didn't speak. She thought for a while and knew that she was the most suitable person to talk about these things. She immediately stood up and said to Qin Tian, "Little Tian, let me talk to you."    


"Now, your mother is in the North Cold Sect, and she has been there for more than ten years. She has always been in the North Cold Sect, and hasn't taken a single step out of the North Cold Sect. Furthermore, your mother can't take a single step out of the North Cold Sect. She was imprisoned in the North Cold Sect." Ya Shenglan said helplessly.    


"My mother is now in the North Cold Sect. She can't leave the North Cold Sect yet." When Qin Tian heard Ya Shenglan's words, he didn't know whether he should be happy or not. Or should I be sad. He should be very happy to hear the news of his mother's whereabouts. However, hearing that his mother had been imprisoned for more than ten years, Qin Tian couldn't feel happy in his heart.    


"Why is my mother imprisoned? Why can't she leave the North Cold Sect?" Qin Tian took a deep breath and asked.    


At this moment, Qin Tian's heart was filled with mixed feelings.    


Ya Shenglan sighed and looked at Qin Tian's tender face. She said, "Your mother was imprisoned because of you and your father..."    


"Because of me and my father!" When Qin Tian heard Ya Shenglan's words, his heart was also shocked. However, he did not disturb Ya Shenglan's words. He just quietly listened to Ya Shenglan.    


"... After that, the North Cold Sect found out about your mother. In the end, because your mother violated the rules of the sect, she was imprisoned. And she couldn't leave the North Cold Sect for the rest of her life. " Ya Shenglan said slowly. She explained the whole situation to Qin Tian very quickly.    


At this moment, after Qin Tian heard Ya Shenglan's words, his fists were clenched tightly. His nails had already sunk into his flesh. He still did not feel anything.    


After Qin Tian heard Ya Shenglan's words. In an instant, many things that he had been puzzled about in the past also became clear to him.    


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