Star Core War

C317 The Chance to Meet

C317 The Chance to Meet

The chance to meet in chapter 317.    


At this moment, Qin Zhenye looked at Qin Hu and Qin Yougui who were standing beside him. He frowned slightly. At this moment, Qin Hu and Qin Yougui... Their faces were pale, and it seemed like they were in a very bad condition. It could be seen that they were very sad.    


"You two, don't be sad anymore. Anyway, at this time, the result is already out. Think again... No matter how regretful you are, it will be useless. This result has already been decided. It can't be changed. I know that you have failed this time. This setback is very painful for you. However, you must face it with all your strength, because in the future, you will... You will encounter even more difficulties, even more terrifying than the sect selection. All of you have to endure it. " Qin Zhenye looked at Qin Hu and Qin Yougui and said.    


At this moment, Qin Hu and Qin Yougui were standing beside Qin Zhenye. Their faces were pale to the point that there wasn't a trace of blood on them. Both of them had blank expressions on their faces. It could be seen that this defeat had caused them great pain. They looked extremely dispirited.    


Even Qin Yougui's face was covered with long tear stains. It could be seen that he had just cried, and he had cried very miserably.    


Looking at this scene, it was obvious that the failure of the selection was a huge blow to the two of them.    


At this moment, after hearing Qin Zhenye's words, the two of them regained their senses and looked at Qin Zhenye.    


"He has been eliminated. It's not the end of the world. You two don't have to be so pessimistic. Don't cry, face it with all your strength. You have to understand that even if you don't pass the selection, that doesn't mean anything. After all, there are only a few people who can join the sect, and most of them can't even enter the sect."    


"Not joining the sect doesn't mean that you have no hope in the future. As long as you work hard in your cultivation, there is still hope for your future. If you work hard in your cultivation, you can also become a strong person in the future. Just like how I did not join the sect back then. However, you all know my current strength. It's not that bad, right?"    


Qin Zhenye looked at Qin Hu and Qin Yougui who were standing in front of him and said.    


At this moment, he used these words to comfort them. He hoped that these two failed youths would be able to recover their confidence and not continue to be dispirited.    


However, at this moment, although Qin Zhenye said those words, however, in his heart, he knew whether he could join the sect or not. For a person's future, it was very important. It was not like what he had said.    


Because the sect was the gathering place of the most powerful martial cultivator in the Stellar Core World. In the sect, cultivation resources were abundant. There were countless cultivation techniques and martial skills.    


Only by joining the sect would one have a greater chance of becoming an expert. It would definitely increase one's cultivation speed, and it would be much faster. In a sect, not only were the cultivation resources extremely abundant, the cultivation conditions and the cultivation atmosphere were also absolutely very good.    


Qin Zhenye naturally knew all of this. He understood this logic better than anyone else.    


However, at this time, in order to comfort Qin Hu and Qin Yougui, he could only say this in order to help them recover earlier.    


After hearing Qin Zhenye's words, Qin Hu and Qin Yougui felt much better in their hearts.    


Because both of them had a lot of faith in Qin Zhenye. They also knew about Qin Zhenye's situation, and knew that it was just like what Qin Zhenye had said. That year, Qin Zhenye didn't join the sect. Even if he didn't join the sect back then... But... His current strength... It was so formidable. To these two young men, a True Blood Stage martial cultivator was already a very powerful martial cultivator.    


When they thought of themselves, they felt very satisfied when they would be able to reach the True Blood Stage one day, and become a powerful martial cultivator just like Qin Zhenye.    


With Qin Zhenye as an example in front of them, these two young men were filled with confidence when they thought of this.    


"Second Uncle, don't worry. We'll be fine." Qin Hu said to Qin Zhenye.    


At this moment, Qin Hu heard what Qin Zhenye said. Because his heart was stronger than before, he quickly adjusted himself. His heart also felt much better and accepted this fact.    


"Second Uncle, Little Tian passed the test this time! This is something worth celebrating. " Qin Hu quickly adjusted his mood and said to Qin Zhenye happily.    


From Qin Hu's tone, it could be seen that he was genuinely happy for Qin Tian to be able to pass the selection and participate in the official selection of the sect.    


When Qin Zhenye heard Qin Hu's words, he also smiled.    


"Currently, Little Tian has only passed the selection of Chao Ming Cheng. There is nothing to celebrate about this. He still has a long way to go, and now is not the time to be happy. We'll celebrate when Little Tian truly enters the sect. It's not too late to be excited." Qin Zhenye said with a smile.    


It could be seen that when Qin Zhenye mentioned Qin Tian, his face was filled with gratification. His face unconsciously revealed a proud smile.    


Qin Yougui stood at the side. He heard what Qin Zhenye and Qin Hu said. However, a look of disapproval flashed across his face. He didn't believe that Qin Tian would be able to join the sect. He also didn't want Qin Tian to join the sect. However, he kept these words in his heart. He didn't say it out loud.    


Whenever Qin Yougui thought about Qin Tian passing the test, his heart would be filled with jealousy. However, he could only keep these thoughts in his heart.    


"Attention, everyone. I will bring the young man who passed the test later. Bring all of them to 1st Level Of Sun Moon Tower, so the families of these young men who passed the test... If you want to see them, you can come to 1st Level Of Sun Moon Tower later. Let's meet these youths. What do you have to say when the time comes? If you have anything to say, you can tell these young men. I will give you an hour. Everyone, make the best use of your time. In an hour, I'll be bringing these youths to the sect. " Zhang Yongchao's voice suddenly rang out.    


His voice was incomparably loud. In an instant, everyone present heard his words.    


When they heard his words, those young men who had passed the test couldn't help but straighten their bodies. They were all very excited, and they also felt the utmost glory.    


However, at this moment, there were quite a number of people outside the Sun Moon Tower. Many of the young men who had been eliminated heard the words of the sect's emissary, and their hearts began to stir.    


These eliminated youths were all unwilling to be eliminated. When many people heard the words of the sect's emissary, their hearts began to race. They all wanted to fish in troubled waters. They were all prepared to wait for the arrival of many people in the 1st Level Of Sun Moon Tower. At that time, there would be a lot of people and it would be very chaotic. They were thinking that they could take advantage of the chaos and sneak into the group of young men who had passed the selection. Since there were so many of them, they would follow those youths into the sect.    


They believed that this could be done without them realizing it. Many of the youths who had been eliminated had thought of this. Many people thought of this and their thoughts became even more intense.    


In an instant, there were undercurrents surging outside the Sun Moon Tower.    


"However, for the people who have entered, I want to tell them a few things to take note of beforehand. Everyone must hear it clearly. This is very important." Zhang Yongchao's voice continued to ring out.    


"First of all, those under the age of eighteen are not allowed to enter the Sun Moon Tower. If I discover any youths under the age of eighteen entering the Sun Moon Tower, no matter what the reason is... Anyone who dares to enter will be killed without question. Secondly, there are no youths in the family who have passed the test. Don't mix with the Sun Moon Tower, otherwise, if I find you, you will be killed without question. The third point is, those who have passed the test, do not leave the Sun Moon Tower. If you leave the Sun Moon Tower, then don't come back. These three points are my requirements. Everyone, listen carefully. I only have these three points, the rest are all gone. Now, all of you can enter the Sun Moon Tower. Hurry up. " Zhang Yongchao's voice continued to be heard.    


When they heard the words of the sect's envoy, the expressions of some of the people outside the Sun Moon Tower and the young men who had thoughts in their hearts turned ugly. When they heard the Sect Envoy's words, they were extremely shocked and shocked in their hearts.    


When many people thought of the words of the sect's emissary, they felt a little afraid in their hearts. This was because they had just wanted to fish in troubled waters and sneak into the Sun Moon Tower. Who would have thought that the sect's emissary would immediately say such words?    


It was as if the words of the sect's emissary were directed at them. They had always had a guilty conscience, but now that they heard the words of the sect's emissary... The pressure in their hearts instantly increased. Many of them immediately backed away. Because they knew that if the sect's emissary was on guard... Then they're all out of chances.    


Thinking of this, their hearts were filled with sadness. They had all decided to give up on this idea.    


Because they knew that if they were really discovered by the sect's emissary, then they really wouldn't be able to live. The words of the sect's emissary were unquestionable.    


Before the threat of death, they had all retreated. In the face of death, everything seemed so insignificant.    


The sect's emissary killed off all the thoughts of these people.    


At this moment, the family members of the youths who had passed the test were extremely happy. The words of the envoy of the sect were really not a problem for them. In any case, they just had to abide by it, and nothing would go wrong. They followed the red path and walked happily into the Sun Moon Tower.    


When Qin Zhenye heard the Sect Envoy's words, he pondered for a moment. He looked at Qin Hu and Qin Yougui who were standing beside him and said, "You two wait for me here. I will go in and tell Little Tian some things. You will be out soon. Don't wander around. "    


"Yes, Second Uncle. We know."    


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