Star Core War

C254 Escape

C254 Escape

"Oh right, the smell of blood. I have the smell of blood on my body. It will attract the Savage Beast. Oh my god!"    


Suddenly, Qin Tian's heart shook, and his heart trembled. This was because the moment he stopped, he realized that his body was emitting a thick smell of blood, which was extremely thick.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian was scared out of his wits.    


One should know that the smell of blood, the Savage Beast, was extremely sensitive to this smell. The Savage Beast could smell the scent of blood from very far away.    


Now that Qin Tian had such a strong smell of blood on his body, it was easier for him to be exposed. It was as conspicuous as a lighthouse in the night sea, which was to give directions to the powerful Savage Beast.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian was quite frightened. If he couldn't cover up the smell of blood on his body, then Qin Tian couldn't guarantee that he would have any accidents.    


"Roar, roar, roar..." Qin Tian could still hear the powerful Savage Beast that was still ten thousand meters away. It was still roaring, and Qin Tian could hear it from its voice. That Savage Beast was really powerful.    


Seeing this, Qin Tian's heart became more and more anxious. He began to think of countermeasures.    


"What should I do? How can I cover up the smell of blood on my body?"    


Qin Tian stood where he was, feeling extremely anxious. He knew that time was of the essence.    


Qin Tian forced himself to calm down. He knew that he must not panic at this moment. He must remain calm. Only by staying calm could he find a solution to the problem as soon as possible.    


He began to think of a way to solve this problem. He started to check his surroundings to see if there was any solution.    


"By the way, the resin can be used." Looking at the surrounding trees, Qin Tian instantly thought of using the smell of resin to cover up the smell of blood.    


Although Qin Tian did not know if this method would work in the end, he did not have any other good ideas. Now he could only try this method.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian immediately made a decision. Time was very precious now. He would immediately take action.    


Qin Tian instantly moved to the side of a big tree. This big tree was very thick. It would not be a problem for two or three people to hug it together.    


Qin Tian endured the pain in his arm and instantly used his right hand to peel off a large piece of bark.    


"Hiss. Hiss." Qin Tian moved his right hand and instantly sucked in a few breaths of cold air. Qin Tian felt a heart-wrenching pain coming from his arm. Qin Tian's entire body instantly broke out in cold sweat.    


Qin Tian gritted his teeth and endured the pain. He knew that he had to endure the pain at this moment.    


Qin Tian peeled off the bark with great difficulty and threw the bark onto the ground with great difficulty. He began to scrape the resin from the tree.    


Qin Tian used his right hand to sweep off the resin from the tree. A large amount of resin was swept off in an instant. The green resin gave off a strong smell and a faint fragrance.    


Qin Tian started to apply the resin on his body.    


"Buzz, buzz, buzz..." As soon as the resin touched Qin Tian's body, he instantly sucked in a breath of cold air. When the resin was applied on his body, Qin Tian felt a great pain. Qin Tian could only grit his teeth and endure the pain.    


"Zzzz, zzzz..." Qin Tian gritted his teeth and continuously picked up the resin and began to apply it on his body.    


Every time Qin Tian applied the resin on his body, Qin Tian would feel it. Waves of great pain invaded his body, it was incomparably terrifying. However, Qin Tian had been enduring the pain. He didn't even dare to make a sound.    


As the pain got deeper, Qin Tian could also feel it. The part of his body that had been smeared had already disappeared from the smell of blood. When Qin Tian saw that the effect was so good, he did not hesitate. He endured the great pain and started to apply the blood at a faster speed.    


"Sizzle sizzle..." Qin Tian kept sucking in cold air.    


While Qin Tian was applying the resin on his body, he was also constantly paying attention to the movement of the powerful Savage Beast.    


The powerful Savage Beast was still roaring continuously. From its roar, one could tell that its strength was absolutely terrifying. However, Qin Tian noticed that the Savage Beast was still standing there, and it didn't make any other movements.    


When Qin Tian saw this, he still couldn't relax. Although he was safe for the time being, no one could guarantee that he wouldn't be caught by that powerful Savage Beast.    


Qin Tian started to apply the resin at a faster speed. In less than ten breaths of time, Qin Tian had finally applied the resin all over his body.    


In an instant, after Qin Tian had applied the resin all over his body, he also felt that the smell of blood had been covered up. He couldn't even smell the blood anymore.    


When Qin Tian saw this, he was very satisfied in his heart. Without any hesitation, he used his movement technique and left this place.    


Qin Tian didn't dare to use his full speed, as he was afraid that the movement would attract the attention of the powerful Savage Beast. He also carefully paid attention to his surroundings.    


"Carrying a soul and carrying one. How can there be no separation? I can be as gentle as a baby..."    


"Can you carry a soul and carry it? Pure and soft, like a baby..."    




He was also silently chanting the 'Tao Te Ching' in his heart. He didn't dare to relax at all.    


Qin Tian ran like this for less than twenty breaths of time. At this time, Qin Tian had only run for less than five thousand meters.    


Suddenly, a loud roar was heard. It shook the earth, and some of the nearby trees were directly knocked down by the powerful roar.    


Qin Tian could hear the loud roar of the powerful Savage Beast from afar. His heart was also shaken, and he was also startled.    


"What? It's actually chasing after me!" Suddenly, Qin Tian saw the direction the powerful Savage Beast was flying towards. He couldn't help but cry out in shock.    


Qin Tian could clearly feel that the powerful Savage Beast was starting to move. In an instant, it was flying towards the direction he had just left. Upon seeing this scene, Qin Tian's heart was filled with shock.    


He had never thought that his guess would actually come true. That powerful Savage Beast was actually able to find the direction that he had escaped to.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian became nervous. Now, it was time to see if the powerful Savage Beast would find the correct direction to escape from the place where he had smeared the resin.    


When Qin Tian thought of this, his speed began to slow down. Qin Tian knew that if the powerful Savage Beast could really track him all the way to him... It would be very difficult for him to escape. Furthermore, the movement he made while running... It was very likely that it would alert the powerful Savage Beast. It would attract the powerful Savage Beast over.    


Therefore, Qin Tian immediately stopped. He decided not to run anymore. He looked around and found a big tree. He immediately hid on the big tree.    


Then, Qin Tian stood on the big tree and observed the movement of the Savage Beast. He focused all his attention on the powerful Savage Beast.    


"Roar, roar, roar..."    


Qin Tian discovered that the powerful Savage Beast had also touched the Four-star Savage Beast ten thousand meters away. However, it did not stop, and continued flying.    


It quickly crossed the distance of thirteen thousand meters and stopped at the place where Qin Tian had taken the resin.    


Qin Tian's heart tightened when he saw this. He knew that the most crucial moment had come. Whether the resin could hide his scent of blood or not, he was waiting for this result.    


"Roar." "Roar!!.." "Roar!" The powerful Savage Beast began to roar continuously. It was incomparably terrifying.    


Even from five thousand meters away, Qin Tian could feel the powerful Qi and energy emitted by the Savage Beast. It was incomparably terrifying.    


Furthermore, this feeling was several times stronger than before. Perhaps it was because Qin Tian was getting closer to the powerful Savage Beast, but this feeling was even more obvious to Qin Tian.    


Looking at the Savage Beast that was emitting a monstrous Qi, Qin Tian's heart began to pound continuously as he waited.    


That powerful Savage Beast was smelling continuously from there.    


Time slowly passed.    


In the blink of an eye, dozens of breaths of time had passed.    


The powerful Savage Beast was still in its original position. It still hadn't left, and there wasn't much movement coming from it.    


Qin Tian was also motionless in his original position. At this moment, he knew that he had to keep his composure.    


"Roar, roar, roar..."    


"Roar... Roar...!"    


All of a sudden, the powerful Savage Beast let out a loud roar in all directions. It was incomparably crazy. Immediately, it began to crazily attack the surrounding trees. There wasn't a single specific location. It was an attack without any purpose.    


"Hong, hong, hong..." The powerful Savage Beast continued to attack. All of a sudden, a rumbling sound was heard. Everyone could feel that its power was incomparably terrifying. Within a thousand meter radius of the Savage Beast, it was as if an earthquake had occurred. The ground began to shake unceasingly. In less than a few breaths of time... The surroundings were in a complete mess.    


Qin Tian stood five thousand meters away. He could feel the ground trembling. It was imaginable how powerful this Savage Beast was.    


Qin Tian saw this powerful Savage Beast attacking randomly. After such a long time... At this moment, his heart was filled with joy. One should know that this kind of attack was without a purpose. It was purely a form of venting. This meant that this powerful Savage Beast simply couldn't find the direction where he had left. Otherwise, this powerful Savage Beast would definitely not waste its time attacking its surroundings. It would definitely chase after him.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian was extremely excited. Sure enough, the resin could effectively cover up the smell of blood. Judging from the current situation, the effect was pretty good.    


The powerful Savage Beast kept attacking the surroundings, and its range began to expand.    


One thousand meters...    


Two thousand meters...    


Soon, the range of the Savage Beasts had expanded to two thousand meters. Within two thousand meters, the Savage Beast was continuously attacking and destroying everything in its path. Its momentum was incomparably terrifying.    


Qin Tian was currently hiding on a big tree five thousand meters away. He saw that the powerful Savage Beast was getting crazier and crazier. In his heart, he became happier and happier.    


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