Star Core War

C255 Healing

C255 Healing

Qin Tian looked at the powerful Savage Beast. It was getting crazier and crazier. In fact, he felt happier and happier in his heart.    


One should know that this powerful Savage Beast was attacking the surroundings aimlessly. This meant that it had not found him. Therefore, Qin Tian was very happy when he saw the crazy Savage Beast.    


Qin Tian was not worried that the Savage Beast would attack him by accident. One should know that it was five thousand meters. That wasn't a short distance. This distance was relatively safe. Qin Tian looked at the frenzied attack of the Savage Beast. He didn't dare to make any other moves. He became even more careful and hid his figure even more carefully.    


The rumbling continued for a quarter of an hour before the sound began to slowly fade.    


After the powerful Savage Beast vented its anger for a while, it unwillingly looked at its surroundings. It let out a huge roar and flew high into the sky, leaving this place.    


As soon as the powerful Savage Beast left, the surrounding Qi was no longer as terrifying as before. That kind of pressure had started to calm down, and the pressure it gave off was no longer that great.    


"Hu!" Qin Tian, who was standing on a distant tree, couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he saw this powerful Savage Beast fly away.    


However, although Qin Tian was pleasantly surprised in his heart, he wasn't in a hurry. He knew that he wasn't very safe at this time. He hid on the tree and continued to observe his surroundings.    


After a quarter of an hour, there was still no movement below. When Qin Tian found out that he was completely safe, he finally let out a sigh of relief and relaxed.    


Qin Tian saw this and immediately jumped down from the tree.Edited by: Lifer, Fingerfox Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio    


"Buzz." Qin Tianyi jumped down and instantly sucked in a breath of cold air, because the movement of his jump had affected his injuries.    


Qin Tian looked at the wounds on his body and smiled bitterly.    


Qin Tian gritted his teeth and endured the pain. In an instant, he found the right direction and rushed towards Blade Lord's cave.    


Time slowly passed.    




Six hours later.    


At this moment, Qin Tian had arrived at Blade Lord's cave.    


After six hours of hard work, Qin Tian kept running. Finally, he returned to Blade Lord's cave. During these six hours, that was the six hours that Qin Tian had been suffering for. He had been moving forward carefully. He didn't dare to make too much noise, and he had to avoid the other Savage Beast. He had to endure the tremendous pain in his body. It was very difficult for him to live.    


Although the process was a little difficult, the result was good. Now, Qin Tian had safely returned to Blade Lord's cave.    


After Qin Tian arrived at Blade Lord's cave, he quickly opened the door. Soon, he arrived in front of the Spiritual Energy Pool, because behind this door... The spiritual energy was quite thick. Qin Tian knew that. At this moment, his top priority was to start healing his injuries.    


Qin Tian moved very quickly. He took out the Spirit Liquid from his Space Ring and prepared to start healing his injuries.    


Qin Tian sat cross-legged on the ground and began to check his body's condition.    


He discovered that his body had become very weak. There were many wounds on his body, and blood was dripping from them. However, the most serious injuries were still his two arms. It looked like they were exceptionally terrifying. Not only were the injuries on the outside serious, Qin Tian could also feel the spiritual energy in his body. It was a terrifying amount. At this moment, he could almost see the bottom of it. There wasn't much spiritual energy left in his body.    


"The Dao can be said, the Dao can be said, the name can be called, the name is extremely famous..."    


Qin Tian started to recite the Tao Te Ching. In an instant, a huge amount of spiritual energy gathered around Qin Tian.    


Qin Tian was bathing in the huge amount of spiritual energy. He could feel that his body was very comfortable even before he started to absorb the spiritual energy.    


However, what surprised him the most was that as he recited the Tao Te Ching, the cool spiritual energy it produced exploded in Qin Tian's body in an instant. Qin Tian immediately felt the injuries on his body. He felt as if his injuries had been alleviated in an instant.    


The cool spiritual Qi began to affect Qin Tian's body continuously. Qin Tian began to direct this huge amount of spiritual Qi to rush towards the place where his injuries were the most severe, towards his two arms.    


"Sssss..." The cool spiritual energy rushed onto Qin Tian's arms. Qin Tian instantly let out a comfortable cry. Qin Tian could feel the cool spiritual energy rushing into his body. The icy cold feeling instantly affected his wound, causing it to burn. The pain was instantly alleviated. Qin Tian was so comfortable that he almost cried out.    


"How is this possible? The effect of the cooling spiritual Qi is so terrifying. How can it be so much stronger than before?"    


Qin Tian was also very surprised when he saw the strong effect of the cool spiritual Qi in his body.    


The effect of cooling spiritual energy was really terrifying. It could be seen with the naked eye. Once the cool spiritual energy was applied to Qin Tian's injured arm, it would begin to take effect continuously.    


One could see that the terrifying wound on Qin Tian's arm was wrapped by a wave of spiritual energy. It could be seen that the wound was slowly recovering.    


The right arm that was missing a piece of flesh also started to grow. Although it was very small, the effect was very obvious.    


The left arm that was charred by the electric current was also wrapped by the spiritual energy. It could also clearly feel that it was recovering very quickly. Qin Tian's arm felt itchy. It was as if the burnt skin was about to fall off. It was recovering very quickly.    


Qin Tian was very excited when he saw that the cool spiritual Qi was so good. He was even more surprised. He had never thought that the cool spiritual energy would be so strong. He knew that if he were to look at the recovery speed of the cool spiritual energy, he would be able to recover completely in no time.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian immediately started circulating the Light Cloud Art skill. He began to absorb the Spiritual Qi, and his speed began to increase.    


The surrounding spiritual Qi rushed into Qin Tian's body fiercely. In an instant, Qin Tian felt that as soon as the spiritual Qi rushed into his body, his body became lighter, and the pain on his body became lighter.    


Qin Tian began to control the flow of the Spiritual Qi in his body.    


Just like that, Qin Tian kept using the spiritual energy to heal his wounds. Soon, fifteen minutes had passed.    


Qin Tian saw that although the fifteen minutes of cultivation had healed a lot of his injuries, he still felt that the recovery speed wasn't fast enough.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian immediately prepared to use the Spirit Liquid. Without hesitation, he poured a large mouthful of Spirit Liquid into his mouth.    


"Hong, hong, hong, hong..." Qin Tian poured the Spirit Liquid into his mouth. In an instant, he felt a terrifying spiritual energy exploding within his body.    


A huge amount of spiritual energy rushed into Qin Tian's body. Not only did Qin Tian not feel any pain, but he also felt that his body was very comfortable.    


When he was seriously injured, he needed to use even more powerful spiritual energy to treat it.    


Qin Tian controlled the huge amount of spiritual energy and started to treat his injuries.    


With the help of the cool spiritual energy and the Spirit Liquid and the surrounding spiritual energy, Qin Tian's injuries were quickly healed.    


Time slowly passed. Qin Tian could feel that his injuries were also continuously easing up, and his body was also getting better and better.    


Two hours...    


Four hours...    




Twenty hours...    


In the blink of an eye, twenty hours had passed.    


At this time, Qin Tian was still sitting on the ground, but very quickly, he stopped cultivating.    


"I never thought that my injuries would be fully healed in just twenty hours."    


Qin Tian muttered to himself, feeling pleasantly surprised. He found that his body had fully recovered, and there were no more injuries on his body.    


After twenty hours of cultivation, Qin Tian had fully recovered from his injuries. He could see that both of Qin Tian's hands were charred. A large chunk of flesh was missing from his right arm. But at this moment... ... Qin Tian's hands had been restored to their original state. He looked over with both of his hands. It didn't look like he had suffered such a terrifying injury before. Furthermore, all the injuries on his body had been fully healed.    


Furthermore, after Qin Tian had fully recovered his body, there weren't any sequelae left in his body. Instead, his body had become even stronger.    


Qin Tian's current mental state was also very good.    


Qin Tian saw that he had recovered from all his injuries in a short period of time. He was also very surprised in his heart. One should know that... If it was an ordinary martial cultivator who suffered such an injury, it would take at least ten days to half a month. Without even thinking about it, he would be able to fully recover. Moreover, even if he recovered, there might still be some sequelae left behind. However, he didn't leave a single trace behind, which was a complete recovery. His body's strength had actually increased slightly.    


Qin Tian finally calmed down after a long while.    


"There are only five days left before the sect's recruitment. I have to make the best use of my time."    


Qin Tian thought of the time. He had been keeping track of it in his mind. He knew that there were only five days left before the recruitment. Time was of the essence.    


There were only five days left. He should be rushing back to his family now. However, when Qin Tian looked at the Qi in his body, he immediately gave up on the idea of leaving.    


Although his body had already recovered, the spiritual Qi in his body had not recovered much. The spiritual energy in his body was still empty. There were six Small Stars in his mind. The spirit energy inside had basically been used up. At this time, it was basically empty.    


However, there was no spiritual energy in his body. In such a state, if he were to rush back to Round Mountain Forest, he would simply be courting death.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian took out his Spirit Liquid and sat cross-legged on the ground, preparing to absorb the spiritual energy.    


Qin Tian poured a large mouthful of Spirit Liquid into his mouth.    


"A terrifying spiritual energy instantly erupted within Qin Tian's body.    


Qin Tian could feel a huge amount of spiritual energy rushing into his body. When it flowed through his body, the spiritual energy instantly began to refine his blood.    


The blood in his body began to rumble.    


Impurity was constantly being expelled from his blood, causing it to become even stronger.    


Qin Tian could clearly feel that the strength of his body was increasing.    


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