Star Core War

C301 Red Light and Orange Light

C301 Red Light and Orange Light

Once Qin Tian entered the White Screen, he could not wait for his reaction. In an instant, he felt a ray of white light. In the blink of an eye, it pounced onto his body and covered his entire body. In an instant, his body became a vast expanse of white.    


Qin Tian saw the white light rushing towards him. He didn't even have time to react before his entire body was covered.    


Although what happened was very sudden, Qin Tian didn't panic at all. He was still very calm. He knew that this white light wouldn't do any harm to him.    


One should know that this was within the White Screen. They were all here to participate in the sect's test. There was also the messenger of the sect. There were already so many people in front of them. Furthermore, he didn't sense any dangerous aura from the white light.    


When the light fell on Qin Tian's body, he instantly felt it. His entire body felt warm. He didn't feel any pain at all. It was as if he was bathing in the sunlight of winter. His entire body felt very comfortable. He even felt that his spirit was under the effect of the white light. It had become much clearer.    


This white light did not block Qin Tian's vision. Qin Tian could clearly see that the other nine youths were also covered by the White Screen.    


"Don't be afraid, all of you. This white light is a test of your strength. There is no harm. Alright, I won't say anything else. All ten of you, concentrate and circulate the spirit energy within your bodies with all your might. The test has officially begun. Don't waste any more time. " Suddenly, a voice came from the front, instantly attracting the gazes of the ten people present.    


The one who said this was naturally the envoy of the sect.    


Qin Tian saw that the messenger of the sect was also standing in the White Screen. He was standing quite deep, but he wasn't very far away from them. He could also clearly see the sect's messenger. Qin Tian also noticed that at this moment, on the body of the messenger... There's no white light covering it.    


Qin Tian quickly suppressed these thoughts. He knew that this was not the time to explore these things. The most important thing right now was to circulate the spiritual Qi in his body.    


Qin Tian began to circulate the spiritual Qi in his body slowly. Qin Tian could only increase it bit by bit from the least. Because Qin Tian wanted to hide his strength, he did not dare to circulate the spiritual Qi in his body with all his strength.    


The spiritual Qi in Qin Tian's body was increasing bit by bit. Qin Tian's control of his own strength was very precise. Slowly, Qin Tian could feel that his strength had increased from a one star Vein Refining Stage. Slowly, he reached the Nine-star Vein Refining Stage.    


"Eh?" All of a sudden, Qin Tian couldn't help but exclaim in his heart.    


This was because he realized that as he circulated the Spiritual Qi in his body, his strength kept increasing. The white light that covered his body was also slowly changing color. The surface was also changing. It was very magical.    


As Qin Tian's strength increased, he found that the white light around him slowly turned red.    


In the beginning, when Qin Tian was still a one star Vein Refining Stage, the red light on Qin Tian's body was not very obvious. Only the light on Qin Tian's feet turned red.    


However, as the spiritual qi in Qin Tian's body increased, his strength began to increase slowly. Qin Tian's strength began to increase, and his strength increased to a two star Vein Refining Stage. A three-star Vein Refining Stage, a four-star Vein Refining Stage... Qin Tian slowly felt it. As his strength increased, the red light surrounding his body... The range of the red light also began to expand. It also began to increase. The red light slowly grew from his feet to his feet. It started to cover the upper half of his body and his head.    


Soon, as Qin Tian's strength reached the peak of the Nine-star Vein Refining Stage, his entire body, from head to toe, was covered by the red light.    


Qin Tian felt very curious when he saw this. This was also the first time he had experienced this. To him, this was really amazing.    


Qin Tian could feel that although his body was covered by the red light, he didn't feel anything special or uncomfortable. He felt that he was no different from a normal person.    


It was as if the red light didn't exist.    


When Qin Tian saw this, he saw the red light surrounding his body. He suddenly came to a realization. He finally knew. How could the messenger of the sect be so fast? How could he be able to determine the strength of a martial cultivator? Why did the previous selection require everyone to circulate the spiritual energy in their bodies with all their might?    


It turned out that the strength to circulate the spiritual energy in the White Screen was... The white light that covered the martial cultivator's body, the change in strength... The corresponding color of the white light would also change. One could see the change in color. One could easily tell the strength of a person just by looking at the color of the light.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian was also very curious about the White Screen. Just how did the White Screen come into being?    


Such a thing was very convenient to test the strength of a martial cultivator.    


Qin Tian looked around him and looked at the young man who came with him for the test.    


Qin Tian saw that at this moment, the other young men also had red lights on their bodies. Qin Tian noticed that there were seven young men with red lights on their bodies. Among the seven young men, there were still some parts of their bodies that were not covered by the red light. The red lights on their bodies did not cover their heads.    


Seeing this, Qin Tian also knew that these people... Although their strength had reached the Nine-star Vein Refining Stage, their strength hadn't reached the peak of the Nine-star Vein Refining Stage yet. This was because only when their strength reached the peak of the Nine-star Vein Refining Stage could the red light cover their entire bodies.    


However, at this moment, the most eye-catching thing wasn't the seven young men with red lights on their bodies, but the two young men with orange lights on their bodies.    


At this moment, within the White Screen, there were two young men who were particularly eye-catching. Their bodies were not covered by the red light like the other eight martial cultivator warriors, but by the orange light.    


On the feet of these two young men, there were orange lights wrapping around them, making them look very conspicuous.    


When Qin Tian saw this situation, he knew that these two young men would be emitting an orange light. It was very likely that their strength was at the Bone Refining Stage.    


Furthermore, Qin Tian saw the orange light on their bodies. It was so little, and it only wrapped around their calves. Looking at this, Qin Tian could guess the strength of these two young men. They were probably at the Two-star Bone Refining Stage.    


When Qin Tian saw this, he recalled the strength he had just displayed. He was at the peak of the Nine-star Vein Refining Stage, and his entire body was covered by a red light. As for the strength of a Nine-star Vein Refining Stage, it wasn't very safe in the test. Thinking of this, Qin Tian didn't hesitate. He started to circulate the spiritual energy in his body.    


Qin Tianyi increased the circulation of the spiritual energy in his body. In an instant, he felt that the strength he displayed had become even stronger, and he had broken through to the Bone Refining Stage in an instant.    


In an instant, an orange light appeared on Qin Tian's feet. The orange light wrapped around his foot. Qin Tian saw the orange light. He knew the strength he had displayed. He was at the Bone Refining Stage now. Qin Tian didn't hesitate when he saw this. He began to circulate the spiritual energy in his body.    


Two-star Bone Refining Stage...    


Three-star Bone Refining Stage...    


Four-star Bone Refining Stage...    


After Qin Tian raised his strength to four Star Bone Refining Stage... Only then did he slowly stop. After reaching a Four Star Bone Refining Stage, the orange light on Qin Tian's body... It also wrapped around his entire leg, and the orange light reached Qin Tian's crotch.    


Qin Tian controlled his strength to the Fourth Grade Bone Refining Stage. He believed that the strength he displayed should be enough to pass the test of the sect's emissary. A Fourth Grade Bone Refining Stage passing the test should be a certainty.    


"Eh? A Fourth Star martial cultivator at Bone Refining Stage has appeared in this group?" Suddenly, the sect's emissary, Zhang Yongchao, saw the orange light on Qin Tian's body and couldn't help but let out a surprised cry.    


Zhang Yongchao carefully looked at Qin Tian. The more he looked, the more surprised he became in his heart.    


Because at this moment, he saw that the young man in front of him had the strength of a four star Bone Refining Stage. There was no doubt about it. The orange light was clearly visible.    


However, if it was just a four star martial cultivator at Bone Refining Stage, he wouldn't be surprised, because he had seen a lot of four star martial cultivator at Bone Refining Stage. What surprised him was that this young man was young.    


The reason why Zhang Yongchao was so surprised when he saw Qin Tian was because he had noticed Qin Tian's age. He looked at this young man, and based on his judgment, he could tell that this young man was very young. He was definitely not very old, around sixteen years old. From every aspect, it could be seen that this young man's face was still very young.    


Zhang Yongchao was quite confident in his judgment of these young men's age. He had seen countless people, and in terms of judging people... He was confident in his own abilities. Under normal circumstances... He wouldn't make a wrong judgment.    


Zhang Yongchao thought that a sixteen year old young man with a weak crown would be able to cultivate to a four star Bone Refining Stage. This talent was already very good, and it was even in a 'barren' place like the Chao Ming Cheng. In a place where resources were scarce, one could still cultivate to a four star Bone Refining Stage at such a young age. That was even harder to come by.    


Zhang Yongchao believed that even if this young man was placed in the sect, his talent would be considered superior.    


When Zhang Yongchao thought of this, he was very happy in his heart. To be able to meet a young man with superior talent, to him... Not only could it increase his reputation, but it would also increase his reputation. He would also gain something from it. After all, he was the emissary of the sect to Chao Ming Cheng. He had come to Chao Ming Cheng to select talents for the sect. If a few geniuses appeared in his hands, they would officially join the sect. He would also be rewarded by the sect.    


Thinking of this, Zhang Yongchao looked at Qin Tian with admiration and passion in his eyes.    


The envoy of the sect, Zhang Yongchao, was staring at Qin Tian.    


He could naturally feel that Qin Tian was looking at him.    


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