Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C2135 The Pain of Dying

C2135 The Pain of Dying

Back then on the Treasure Island, Moxie Zhengdong had met Chu Yang and heard him talk about Hera's abnormal behavior.    


At that time, Moxie Zhengdong had started to suspect that Hera was controlled by the so-called Atlantis and was wholeheartedly working as her divine servant. It was very similar to the final product of the Worries-forgetting Herba s refining, but she was still not sure at the time.    


What she was sure of was that after Butler Carmelie led Emperor of Europe and the other godly servants to attack Lou Lan's wind vents.    


After the war that almost caused Moxie Zhengdong to fall into despair, other than the Great Orangutan carrying Shen Yinbing and running away, the rest of them, including Emperor of Europe, had all died at the mouth of the storm, leaving behind a floor full of corpses.    


Moxie Zhengdong did not let go of these corpses. After dissecting them and examining them, she discovered that there were clear traces of Worries-forgetting Powder in their blood, and finally confirmed that they were willing to be driven by others because the ultimate refining product of the Worries-forgetting Powder had completely entered an illusion that they could not escape.    


It was these corpses that allowed Moxie Zhengdong to confirm that the so called Atlantis was nothing more than empty air. This was merely a big conspiracy devised by some evil sect using the Worries-forgetting Herba s.    


Similarly, according to the leftover Worries-forgetting Powder ingredients, Moxie Zhengdong, who was well-versed in Chinese medicine, quickly found the method to refine the Worries-forgetting Powder 'Ultimate,' version, and told it to Gao Fei.    


As long as they found the source, with Gao Fei and the others' intelligence, it wouldn't be hard to guess the reason behind Atlantis inviting Shen Yinbing over there with all their might.    


If Atlantis was able to control so many divine servants to serve it by relying on the final product of a Worries-forgetting Powder, then there was no reason why Gao Fei would not have the same effect after obtaining the same product and hugging Gao Ling.    


Gao Ling, who got hit by the Ultimate Cyan Demon, followed Gao Fei's instructions and went to the base without a hitch. At the same time, she sprinkled the items that Moxie Zhengdong had specially made onto the Worries-forgetting Herba.    


The Worries-forgetting Herba could still grow normally and be refined smoothly, but the effect was no longer the same as before. After a person consumed it, not only did it no longer have the same satisfying effect as before, it would instead cause people to go crazy and go blind.    


If Black Robe did not spread a virus that could kill all of the Worries-forgetting Herba that he took away, Gao Fei would have stopped Shen Yinbing from taking those things.    


Since Black Robe had done what he wanted to do in advance, there was no need for Gao Fei to worry about destroying the Worries-forgetting Powder in Shen Yinbing's hands.    


The Western Anggui Religious Sect used Worries-forgetting Powder to play tricks, and Gao Fei had already told Chen Guoguo about the Atlantis, Liubo Mountain, and Medusa.    


However, he did not tell her how he managed to make contact with the Worries-forgetting Herba's breeding base while Shen Yinbing was not around.    


Now Chen Guoguo understood. She looked at Gao Fei with her mouth wide open and shook her head.    


Gao Fei blinked his eyes and asked in confusion, "What, you don't know me anymore?"    


"Great sir."    


Chen Guoguo swallowed her saliva and her eyes were filled with admiration as she said, "Now I know that you and Moxie Zhengdong are the real schemers behind all this. You guys have actually made such a malicious plan without telling me. Ai, no wonder they say biting dogs don't bark, so that's how it is. Who would have thought that Her Majesty The Queen, who never seemed to care about scheming and scheming, was actually a good hand at scheming. This, this is really overturning my impression of her! "    


Gao Fei sneered, "Tsk, who allowed a good person to not play tricks?"    


"Are you good people?"    


"Isn't it?"    


"Is that so?"    


"Isn't it?"    


"Forget it, I'm not bickering with you."    


Chen Guoguo threw the flowers in her hand onto Gao Fei's face. She asked with a smile, "About that, can you let me have a taste of the ultimate version of Cyan Demon?"    


"It's better if you don't. Although that thing is harmless, after returning to reality, I'll have to feel extremely tired for a few days … Just like when Gao Ling, Shen Yinbing, and the rest returned to reality, they would sit by themselves in a daze for at least three or four days, trying to figure out what happened in the past."    


Gao Fei said: "This thing can control people, after all, it is harmful to the essence, energy and spirit. "Now that you know a little about Chinese medicine, you should understand how important essence, energy, and divine are to people."    


TCM believes that the essence, qi, and spirit are the fundamental activities of human life, and they are called the three treasures of the human body.    


As they say: The sky has three precious days, the moon, and the stars; the earth has three precious waters, fire, and wind.    


Therefore, maintenance of the essence, qi, and spirit is the main principle of fitness and anti-aging. When the essence, qi, and spirit gradually decline and change, it is the end of the human body.    


Since Chen Guoguo knew about Chinese medicine, of course she wouldn't risk her life using her own spirit and spirit. Quickly, she stopped wanting to try the ultimate version of Cyan Demon's curiosity and asked: "Those people, what would they look like after taking Moxie Zhengdong's' improved 'version of Worries-forgetting Herba?"    


"What does it look like?"    


Gao Fei raised his head and looked at the distant sky. A sneer slowly surfaced on the corner of his mouth. He seemed to have seen Queen Hera and was banging his head against the wall.    


When a woman, who had always been noble and elegant, made the gesture of banging her head on the wall, it was either a lunatic or a splitting headache. It was unbearable.    


But now Queen Hera's head didn't hurt at all. It just made a noise: it was like a plane was circling back and forth in her head at noon and midnight, and the thundering sound made her want to smash her head to pieces and see what was inside.    


In the past, when people watched TV, they would often see a bad guy torture a good person to force a confession. They would lock him up in a room, not even beating him or even scolding him, but rather playing a very ear-piercing sound, causing one's mind to completely collapse.    


Her forehead that was originally as smooth as jade was already covered in blood from the collision. Her hair was disheveled, and her clothes were untidy. Her face was filled with a hideous and shrill wailing of pain, causing the Iron Man to be moved.    


This kind of pain had 'accompanied' her for more than ten days already.    


She thought that something had happened to her brain, so she gritted her teeth and pretended as if nothing had happened to her subordinates. However, when Poseidon slammed his head against the table at a meeting she had convened, causing the others to do the same, she suddenly realized that something had happened.    


There was a problem with the Copperleaf Clover Herb he brought back from the Eastern Lands!    


After careful examination, everything was as Queen Hera had thought: The Copperleaf Clover Herb they had swindled from Shen Yinbing's hands contained a virus that could make one's nerves go insane.    


With the highly developed medical technology in the West, they were actually unable to decipher the genetic code of this virus, thus they were unable to configure the corresponding antidote.    


When the cruel reality was right in front of her eyes, Queen Hera realized that when they were plotting against Shen Yinbing, they had also taken the opportunity to plot against them and pushed them into the abyss of suffering and suffering.    


Furthermore, those first few days, whether it was noon or midnight, only three to five minutes had passed. After that, it was as if they had just run over a hundred miles, lying there extremely exhausted and unwilling to move at all.    


By now, the pain had increased from three to five minutes to more than ten minutes.    


And Queen Hera was pretty sure that as time went by, the pain would definitely grow longer and longer until they smashed their heads against the wall.    


He had to get rid of this pain, regardless of the cost. Even if he had to turn the dynasty upside down, he had to get Shen Yinbing to come up with an antidote for this pain.    


Why don't we all perish together!    


Taking advantage of the fact that everyone was still awake this morning, Queen Hera convened a meeting and decided that at one o'clock the day after tomorrow, all the followers and divine servants from the Western Anggui Religious Sect would invade the Divine Kingdom from all over, including her nine Sovereigns.    


Tomorrow morning, the other eight Sovereigns would immediately return to their respective 'areas', making final preparations for the invasion of the Dynasty.    


At that time, whether he lived or died, the battle would begin.    


Although their Western Anggui Religious Sect would be completely exposed and they would likely be annihilated if they were to suffer a blow from all sides, nothing would be a big deal when compared to the pain that everyone was currently facing.    


Persistence! Persisting for a maximum of twelve hours, suffering three times and everything will come to an end!    


Queen Hera gritted her teeth as she screamed and slammed her forehead against the wall, blood spraying everywhere. She really wanted to knock herself out so that she wouldn't be able to hear the buzzing in her head. However, no matter how hard she tried, the harder she hit, the more clear-headed she became.    


Persistence! Persistence!    


Queen Hera inwardly roared out these two words, and used all of her willpower to resist the pain.    


In her pain, her mind was always clear, and she was calculating the time: the time of the attack was thirty seconds longer than the time of the attack at noon.    


Finally, just as Queen Hera felt that she couldn't hold on any longer and needed a knife to make herself happy, the buzz that drove her crazy died down, like a plane was about to fly away.    


She pressed her hands against the wall and slumped to the ground, gasping for air with her eyes closed. She was like a fish jumping onto the shore.    


After an unknown period of time, Queen Hera was finally free from the pain. She stretched her limbs and chanted in satisfaction, "Oh, luckily I didn't kill myself with a knife. No matter how tired I am, it's still better than death."    


"What if it's better to die than to live?"    


A faint voice suddenly rang in her ears.    




When Queen Hera suddenly opened her eyes, she had already jumped up from the ground. She saw a person sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and holding a glass of red wine in his hand, looking very relaxed.    


It was a woman in a black hoodie. She had taken off her hat, revealing a head full of white hair and white eyebrows. However, her face was as lovely and smooth as a girl's.    


"Red Dust!"    


Queen Hera recognized the woman in front of her and relaxed.    


Hong Chen swirled her wine cup and smiled. "Haha, thank you, Queen Hera. You can still recognize me."    


"Didn't you get killed by Gao Fei in the imperial court?"    


Without waiting for Red Dust to answer her question, Queen Hera quickly walked into the bathroom.    


A few minutes later, when she came out again, she had already returned to her high and mighty Heavenly Queen's image. Even the bruises on her face could not be seen.    


"Tsk tsk, she's indeed a beauty."    


Hong Chen clicked her tongue in admiration. "The difference between her and the way you slammed your head against the wall just now is like the difference between heaven and earth."    


As expected of Queen Hera, she quickly regained her composure after seeing the panic on the face of the world of mortals.    


While she was cleaning up in the washroom, she thought of something: the rumor that Gao Fei had killed Red Dust and suddenly appeared in front of her was definitely to resolve the pain they had suffered.    


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