Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C597 Gao Fei Was Kidnapped

C597 Gao Fei Was Kidnapped

After he finished calling James, Gao Fei did not immediately return to the hotel, nor did he go to Imperial Society.    


Through his conversation with James, Gao Fei determined that his guess was correct. Nier had only brazenly made her move against Haruki Group after hearing that Elegant had plotted against him.    


Haruki Group was not the only one being suppressed by Ion Fund, there was even a family of R Country called Dahe Group.    


The chairman of Dahe Group, Tian Zhong Xiu, had originally stolen the factory base that Liang Ming thought highly of, causing Liang Ming to almost lose his life in the Law Enforcement Agency. Although he was not certain for the time being that Liang Ming's assassination was related to Dahe Group, Gao Fei had already blamed it on Tian Zhong Xiu, and was very willing to see Ion Fund being suppressed.    


Even so, Gao Fei didn't plan on letting Taoism Tian go. If he wanted to settle the score with him, he would have to deal with this matter afterwards.    


To be honest, Nier thought about what Gao Fei wanted to do, so that he could suppress Elegant and Tian Zhongzhong. Gao Fei was happy, but he felt a little uncomfortable.    


The more proud a man was, the more he didn't want to rely on a woman to stand up for him after suffering a loss. Especially when he thought about how Nier would become someone else's bride after Christmas, it made Gao Fei feel like being raised by a rich woman.    


During his conversation with James, Gao Fei intentionally or unintentionally tested James's words. He suspected that Nier marrying a certain marquis was a play, but that silly reply of James completely shattered Gao Fei's fantasy: Including Katrina, the leaders of dozens of world-famous companies, all of them received an invitation from George Family.    


Gao Fei was proud and annoyed to think that Nier would soon become someone else's bride and still help him like this.    


What made him even more unhappy was that on Gao Jiancheng's account, he had to plead for Ion Fund on behalf of Haruki Group, so that they could show their noble hands in elegance.    


Due to Gao Jiancheng's face, Gao Fei had no choice but to agree. After consulting Nier, James also told Gao Fei that Nier would stop at the right time.    


After deducting James's call, Gao Fei felt a little more at ease. To help Haruki Group to tide through this crisis, just consider it as repaying the grace of his parents, it definitely wasn't the favor of nurturing them.    


Gao Family was a set of Gao Family. It was decided that when he was free in the future, he would write a separate family tree for himself, and after five hundred years, when his children and descendants paid their respects to his "founder", the first thing they would say would be: "A thousand years ago, Gao Family was a family. Five hundred years ago, our ancestor, Gao Fei, left the clan of Jingdu City and established the clan...    


As for R Country s that were still trembling under the violent winds and torrential rain from the Ion Fund, Gao Fei did not have the good intentions to go and plead for them.    


Ever since he found out his real identity, Gao Fei was never in a good mood.    


Now that he had decisively left, would it change his unlucky fate?    


Gao Fei continued to wander along the street.    


If it wasn't for Bai Ci busily collecting funds right now, it would actually be good to go to her place and sleep on her beautiful Bai Ci body.    


The night breeze was getting colder, and there were fewer pedestrians on the sidewalk. It would be tomorrow in two hours. Gao Fei still didn't eat, so he just walked slowly along the street aimlessly.    


When they arrived at an intersection, there was a red light on the corner. A car turned left with bright lights shining on Gao Fei's face, which made him frown slightly. He didn't pay much attention to it. He waited until the green lights lit up before he walked past the intersection.    


Finally, the sound of someone protesting about having to eat came from his stomach.    


Gao Fei looked around and found that there was a small super city not far ahead.    


Although it wasn't the restaurant that he needed the most, buying a bag of ham and sausages from the city was enough to make him hungry.    


After having a clear target, Gao Fei quickened his pace. He had only walked for a dozen meters when he heard the ear-piercing sound of brakes.    


After a black SUV came to a screeching stop, two men wearing black jackets and baseball caps jumped down from it. Without saying a word, they pounced towards Gao Fei.    


"It seems like my bad luck isn't over yet. I will be able to encounter people who kidnap me after strolling around for awhile. Sh * t."    


Gao Fei cursed and was about to kick the two men away to find out who was the mastermind, but after thinking for a while, he quickly stuck to a tree and shouted: "Hey, what are you guys doing?"    


After hearing the fear in his voice, Gao Fei felt a little proud: "Bro, your acting skills are becoming more and more mature."    


The two jackets were too lazy to waste words with Gao Fei. They took out their knives, waved them in front of his eyes a few times, and said in a deep voice, "Brat, if you dare to shout like that, I'll cripple you!"    


"Who are you? Did you recognize the wrong person? "    


When one of them pointed the flashlight at his face, Gao Fei's shoulder was grabbed. Then the flashlight was extinguished and Gao Fei took the flashlight to tell his companions: "Yes, it's him. It's exactly the same as the one in the photo."    


"Let's go!"    


Hearing that he didn't find the wrong person, the guy with the knife kicked Gao Fei's leg, strangled him, and pushed him into the SUV.    


In an inconspicuous hotel, Gembin, a seventh-grade young man that the entire country was familiar with, was accompanying a girl with very beautiful makeup.    


The girl had a high ponytail and had thick makeup painted on her face. She had a pair of panda eyes, blood-red lips, and large silver earrings on her ears.    


The girl had a pretty good figure. She was wearing a black, tight leather suit, and her two legs on the table had exquisite curves. Her black, high-waisted riding boots were slightly shaking; in short, her age couldn't be considered old.    


Behind the girl stood a middle-aged man in a black suit.    


The man had a buzz cut, and his eyes were lowered as he stood behind the chair. He didn't move for a long time, like a statue. It was easy for people to ignore him.    


However, Gembin did not dare to ignore this man. His surname was also Jin, and his name was Jin Changbinn. He was an instructor of the top special forces in Nanhan, a black belt in Taekwondo, level nine.    


Even an idiot would be able to tell how noble her identity was for a girl with a Stage Nine Black Belt Expert standing behind her. So honorable that Gembin didn't dare to think of her surname, he could only force himself to use the word 'little princess' whenever he talked to her.    


Luckily for Gembin, the little princess was a fan of his.    


The reason why the little princess, who had always been unrestrained, had appeared in the Jingdu City was for Gembin: Her idol had actually been humiliated so much that not only did her head was stepped on, but she was also forced to kneel and beg for forgiveness. It was truly embarrassing for the Great Han Empire, and it also caused the little princess to feel humiliated.    


The little princess only had one goal in coming to the Divine Dynasty this time, which was to find the assailant and teach him a lesson.    


Gembin was someone who was forced to kneel and beg for mercy after being stepped on by someone, what qualifications did he have to be her idol in the future?    


As for whether he would ever dream of such a handsome gigolo like Gembin in the future … The Little Princess felt that it was impossible. In any case, a pretty boy who had an extremely feminine aura like his had plenty of Nanhan.    


This time, she came to stand up for Gembin Qiang, but it was nothing more than saying goodbye to a beautiful dream.    


After calculating the time and feeling that the people she sent out were about to return, the little princess took out a thin piece of tobacco and put it in her mouth. Gembin immediately took out a fire engine and lit it for her with a "Pa Da" sound.    


After blowing out a smoke ring slowly, the little princess spoke in a lazy voice: "Gembin, when are you coming back?"    


Gembin quickly replied, "I haven't received any notice from the company yet. I think it will be a week later at the earliest."    




The little princess took another drag of her cigarette and lightly said, "How about this? We don't need to participate in the upcoming events. Tomorrow, we will head back home together."    


When Gembin received the call from the little princess and heard that she wanted to personally come to the Shen Chao to get revenge for him, he regretted that he didn't make such a big fuss of it during the interview, which had alarmed the little princess.    


Through the conversation they had when they first met, Gembin was acutely aware that the little princess looked at him with disdain.    


He knew that the Little Princess was definitely complaining about him losing face for the Great Han Empire. She shouldn't even think about gaining her support in the future. Inviting him to return with her this time was only out of courtesy.    


Therefore, Gembin smiled awkwardly and said, "I personally would like to go back with you, but the company …"    


Without waiting for Gembin to come up with a reason for the performance, the little princess waved her hand and said, "Forget it, then you can leave after the performance."    


Gembin nodded with a smile and handed over the ashtray.    


The little princess bent her index finger to flick at the cigarette, but she did not.    


Gembin was a bit confused, he didn't know why she didn't flick the cigarette ashes.    


Just when he didn't know whether he should put down the ashtray or not, Jin Changbinn walked over, took away the ashtray, and grabbed his wrist.    


"This …"    


Gembin was stunned. He was about to ask something when the little princess flicked the cigarette ash into his palm.    


The moment the burning ashes landed on Gembin's delicate, woman-like hand, he instinctively opened his mouth: "Ouch!"    


The little princess' eyes turned cold as she whispered, "No seed."    


Before she finished her sentence, Jin Changbinn's right hand grabbed Gembin's chin, forcing him to open his mouth.    


The little princess skillfully shoved half of the cigarette into Gembin's mouth. Jin Changbinn lifted it with his right hand, forcing Gembin to shut his mouth.    


After the cigarette was stuffed into his mouth, it only made Gembin feel that it was burning for a moment, then it stopped burning and it didn't hurt too much.    


No matter who held a half-burnt cigarette in their mouth, Gembin would feel that something was wrong. However, he didn't dare to spit it out because Jin Changbinn said, "Don't throw away trash and eat it!"    


Gembin wanted to say that the cigarette was not tasty, but he felt a chill from Jin Changbinn's body and didn't dare to disobey. He quickly chewed the cigarette, stretched his neck and swallowed it.    


The little princess acted as if she didn't see Gembin's discomfort and looked towards the door.    


The sound of hurried footsteps came from the corridor outside.    


The footsteps stopped at the door, and there was a soft knock.    


When Jin Changbinn returned to the back of the little princess, she said: "Come in."    


After being pushed into the SUV, Gao Fei's head was covered with a black cloth bag. He started to search his body professionally with his hands.    


The standard kidnapping procedure.    


His phone, wallet, keys, and the Golden Snake Sword on his right leg were all searched.    


When the two saw the Golden Snake Sword, they softly exclaimed but did not say anything.    


Gao Fei also didn't say anything.    


If he was willing, he could kill the two men who were betting on him at any time. Even though he could guess that they weren't ordinary people, they definitely weren't casual like Moxie Zhengdong and Anggui King.    


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