Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C573 We Are All in the Same Boat

C573 We Are All in the Same Boat

There was a small mountain more than ten kilometers north of the Jingdu City's thirteen mausoleum.    


Around the mountain, there was a steel wire net. On all four sides, there were conspicuous signs with eight big words written on them: "Law enforcement is important; entry is denied to the idle!"    


Nightfall slowly arrived. Looking from a distance, the few hidden buildings in the forest were lit up. High intensity lights were illuminating the two sides of the road. A few fully armed warriors were standing on both sides of the road.    


In fact, in the current era of peace and prosperity, even if one was not cautious, it was likely that no one would be interested in the military restricted region. If one had the leisure to come here and look for trouble, it would be better to go and earn money.    


At around nine o'clock in the evening, a car drove over from the distance. It was immediately locked on by the sentry, and its searchlight was aimed at the road. When the car approached and saw the license plate, the searchlight was quickly removed.    


It was a green warrior's car, with only one person inside.    


When the car stopped at the guard post, a soldier walked over and saluted the girl who had rolled down the window.    


The soldier knew the girl and knew her name was Qin Ziyang. She came here to see the wounded, but still checked her pass and the car strictly according to the procedure. After making sure there were no doubts, he waved her through.    


In the eyes of outsiders, the law enforcement area was actually a hospital.    


The patients who came to receive treatment were all well-known members of the law enforcement team. Any one of them could have a 'surgeon's certificate'.    


Ye Xinshang and Tieh Tu weren't very well-known on the law enforcement side. However, the moment they were sent back to their home country, the leaders arranged for them to stay in this nameless hospital.    


With a depressed expression on her face, Qin Ziyang drove into the hospital and stopped in front of a small building.    


There were a total of seven small buildings in the hospital. There were two armed soldiers guarding the entrance of each building. After checking Qin Ziyang's pass again, they let her into the last building.    


The building was not very tall, only around the third floor, but it was equipped with an elevator.    


The elevator can go down to floor -17.    


When the elevator stopped on the twelfth floor, Qin Ziyang walked into the hallway.    


The corridor was wide, tall, and long. It was several hundred meters long, brightly lit, brightly decorated, and very luxurious. It was hard to believe that this was underground, much less that it was a hospital.    


Qin Ziyang walked out of the elevator with the carnations in her hands. After she turned left for five minutes, she arrived at a door and lightly knocked on it.    


The door to the ward was not open, but the door to the opposite room was opened behind her. A nurse wearing a white coat and a military uniform came out. She smiled at her, took out a magnetic card, and waved it at the right side of the ward.    


"Thank you."    


Qin Ziyang thanked him in a low voice before walking in.    


As soon as her feet entered the room, the door slowly closed again.    


The room was huge, at least a hundred square meters. It had a separate bathroom, dining room, and accompanying room, just like a standard five-star guest room.    


Ye Xinshang, who was wearing a hospital gown with a vertical stripe, was lying on the window. He looked at Qin Ziyang with a gratified and gentle gaze.    


"Xinshang, how are you feeling today?"    


Qin Ziyang walked over to the window, placed the flowers on the counter, and looked up at the bottle.    


After being carefully watched for half a month, Ye Xinshang was rapidly recovering. By now, he could already lie on the ground. He believed that he would fully recover in another month and a half.    


"Everything is normal, just a bit stuffy."    


Ye Xinshang smiled, his even white teeth flashing white light under the light.    


Qin Ziyang adjusted his collar and said, "You can watch TV or play computer games and read books."    


Ye Xinshang shook his head and replied, "I can't bear to see it. It's too quiet here."    


"That's right. The ground is dozens of meters below the ground. There's no sunlight or the cries of birds. However, it is indeed a good place to heal."    


Qin Ziyang said half-heartedly as she sat down on a chair. Her brows were slightly creased with sadness.    


Ye Xinshang's right hand moved. He wanted to hold her hand, but he quickly retracted it back. "What's wrong?"    




Qin Ziyang shook her head and said in a low voice, "Yesterday, all the people who went to search in the prairie have returned."    


Ye Xinshang's eyes dimmed down: "There's no news from Gao Fei?"    




Qin Ziyang sniffed lightly and whispered, "I think that since I can find Tieh Tu, I should be able to find Gao Fei. Unfortunately, Tieh Tu still hasn't woken up, and the other side has also raised a stern protest. Our people have no choice but to return. "    


After a moment of silence, Ye Xinshang comforted, "Lao Tieh was so heavily injured that he was able to hold on. There's no reason why Gao Fei couldn't get out."    


"Yeah, I know."    


Qin Ziyang pursed her lips and took out an orange from the fruit plate. "Xinshang, I went to Gao Fei's house yesterday."    


Ye Xinshang stared at the tangerine in Qin Ziyang's hand and said softly, "His parents (now that Ye Xinshang knows Gao Fei's true identity) must be very angry after seeing you."    


Qin Ziyang's voice was calm. "If Aunt Faang had a gun, she would shoot me."    


Ye Xinshang said lightly: "Even if she doesn't have a gun, she would still slap you."    


Lifting her hand, she rubbed her cheek. Qin Ziyang explained, "This is an elegant beating. If it was Aunt Faang or Uncle Gao who did it, I think I would be a lot happier."    


Ye Xinshang's mouth twitched, but he did not say anything.    


Qin Ziyang smiled silently and put a piece of orange in his mouth. "I know you want to comfort me, but don't blame yourself too much for this. Although I was the one who called Gao Fei over, I didn't tell him to go. I understood this logic very well, but no matter what, I still have to bear the main responsibility for him.    


Ye Xinshang still didn't speak, but there was pain in his eyes.    


He did not blame Elegance for beating Qin Ziyang, nor would he ever resent Gao Family for it. He only hated himself for not being able to lead the group to highlight Handler Forest, causing so many of his comrades to be sacrificed, and also dragged in Qin Ziyang and Gao Fei, these two outsiders.    


After they were silent for a while, Qin Ziyang suddenly said, "Xinshang, I have something I want to discuss with you. I hope you won't think too much about it."    


Ye Xinshang forced a smile: "Say it."    


Staring at her toes, Qin Ziyang said in a low voice, "Now I can tell you with certainty that you are the only man in my heart. Although I have made an unforgivable mistake before, as long as Gao Fei comes back alive, I will treat him as a big brother and respect him. I will marry you when you are well. Then we both retired, found a small city where no one knew us, and spent our lives blissfully.    


Ye Xinshang held Qin Ziyang's hand at last. "If Gao Fei doesn't come back, you will walk alone for the rest of your life. You don't care what others think of you, you just want to use this method to gain Gao Fei's forgiveness."    


Qin Ziyang remained motionless and said dreamily, "Xinshang, isn't this unfair to you?"    


Jack smiled and ran his hand through Lily's hair. "If I were you, I might do the same. Ziyang, you've really changed. You're not as selfish and stubborn as you used to be. "    


"But I wish I hadn't changed, like I used to. Whatever I do is centered around myself."    


Qin Ziyang opened her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes, stood up and said, "I'll go look for the nurse. It's time to change the medicine."    


Actually, as long as Qin Ziyang picked up the beeper at the window, there would be nurses coming in. Furthermore, there was more than half of the medicine in Ye Xinshang's bag.    


Ye Xinshang didn't say anything because he knew that after Qin Ziyang made this important decision, she needed to be alone and silently cry.    


As the steel door slowly closed, Qin Ziyang's footsteps were blocked out.    


Jack stared up at the TV screen for a long time without moving until only a few drops remained in the IV bag. Lily didn't come in.    


He didn't have any intention of calling the nurse in to change, so he just stared at the screen.    


Just as the last drop of medicine was about to drip onto the door, the door opened and a nurse came in with an IV drip.    


Ye Xinshang didn't seem to see him and just let him put the IV bag on. When he flicked the needle, he suddenly said, "You should have come in with Ziyang."    


Sighing, Ye Xinshang turned around and looked at the masked and hatted nurse, with a clear smile in his eyes: "I sometimes think, we are all men, why is it that your luck is always so much better than ours? Just like now, when Lao Tieh and I were both lying in the window, you could walk around pretending to be nurses. "    


"That's because I was a great philanthropist in my previous life and I've been punished for it in my previous life. You won't be jealous of me for that."    


The nurse took off her mask.    


Gao Fei.    


Ye Xinshang looked at him from top to bottom a few times and asked gloomily: "You're not injured at all?"    


"Of course, there are a lot of hair missing. It's just that you didn't notice it."    


Gao Fei sat on the same chair Qin Ziyang was sitting on just now. He picked up the piece of orange she peeled and threw it into his mouth, then said while chewing, "I went to see Lao Tieh just now. He's still unconscious, but his life is not in danger."    


Ye Xinshang shook his neck and asked, "Do you have a cigarette?"    


Gao Fei turned around and looked around. When he didn't find the "No Smoking" sign, he took out a cigarette and lit one for Ye Xinshang.    


After taking a sip with his eyes closed comfortably, Ye Xinshang said contentedly, "I don't want to make smoking uncomfortable. If you have anything to say, ask quickly, don't worry about your pride, and don't make me look disgusting. For the sake of coming back alive, no matter what you ask, even if you asked me if I was' shocked 'last night, I will tell you."    


"Before I came, I was afraid you would let me down," Wu said. "Now I can be sure that you, Ye Xinshang, will never let me down. Not bad."    


Ye Xinshang said lightly: "If you have something to say, say it earlier. If you have to fart, let it out earlier. Afterwards, you can talk about other things."    


"When Lao Tieh and I were earthworms underground, we suspected that you might be that traitor."    


Gao Fei did not hide anything and told them about how he guessed who the traitor was when he was with Tieh Tu at Dahan Mausoleum.    


Finally, he sighed as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders, "Hai, I just realized that Lao Tieh and I were in the water when we deduced that you might be the traitor."    


Ye Xinshang slanted his eyes and asked, "I haven't answered yet, how are you sure I'm not that traitor?"    


"The feeling after seeing you for the first time."    


Gao Fei said seriously, "It's that kind of mental connection."    


"Scram, don't disgust me."    


After Ye Xinshang cursed, the door opened and Qin Ziyang appeared at the door with two lunchboxes in her hands.    


Behind her, a nurse stood with her mouth open.    


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