Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C555 An Aunt Who Suddenly Appeared out of Nowhere

C555 An Aunt Who Suddenly Appeared out of Nowhere

"He won't die. Back then, there were so many people around my grandfather, but they didn't do anything to him. How could he die so easily?"    


Just when Katrina thought that Nier would embrace her soundless sobs in memory of her lost love, Nier laughed and proudly raised her chin, a stubborn look on her face.    


Even though her deep blue eyes contained a fear that the world's happiest smile could not conceal, she was indeed smiling, smiling very sincerely.    


Katrina did not understand why Nier had so much faith in Gao Fei. In the end, she could only conclude that Nier was blindly worshipping Gao Fei.    


With that thought in mind, Katrina was suddenly envious of Gao Fei: What was so good about that guy that could mesmerize the Fund Queen?    


Although James saw the difference in Nier's appearance, he still felt gratified: "Before I rushed back, I had already hired hundreds of people. "According to the results of the geologists' investigation, these people will find the final exit of the dark river, hoping to find Gao Fei in time."    


"We'll definitely find him. James, count all of the expenses on me. "    


Nier waved her hand to stop James, who was about to object. She stood up and said, "I'll go back first. I'll send more people to rush to the grassland."    


James also stood up, "Nier, I have something else to tell you that is related to Gao Fei."    


Nier bit her lips. "What is it? "James, is there anything wrong with it?"    


James pondered for a moment and then said, "It's about you and Gao Fei investing in a factory. According to Stephen, the chef who was sent to the Sunset Restaurant, Gao Fei's restaurant was sealed by Hua Guo. And Gao Fei's friend, Liang Ming, also offended the people from R Country because he ran the factory … "    


After listening to James's simple narration, a trace of a sneer gradually surfaced in Nier's eyes. She said lightly: "James, you don't need to worry about this matter. I will settle it. I want to let some people know that even if Gao Fei is no longer around, his people are not easy to bully. "    


The female corpse, which had been dead for more than seven hundred years, suddenly came to life and pressed Tieh Tu onto the bed … Anyone who saw this scene with their own eyes would be scared half to death, even if he was Gao Fei.    


Gao Fei jumped up from the window with a "teng". His hair stood on end, and his first reaction was to run away.    


However, just as he raised his right foot, he suddenly realized that he was inside a huge coffin. There were falling boulders and torrential water outside. Even if he could escape the coffin in time, he would probably die.    


If he went out, he would die. If he went out, he would die.    


If he stayed, he might be able to get rid of the corpse and use the coffin to escape this disaster.    


More importantly, the deceived female corpse had already pressed Tieh Tu against the window. Even if the outside world was a peaceful world, Gao Fei couldn't abandon Tieh Tu and escape on his own.    


Unconsciously, Gao Fei picked up the machete from the window. Then, he heard the "female corpse" giggling: "If I were you, I would throw the knife away and kneel on the ground, begging me to not kill your partner."    


The voice of the 'female corpse' was very pleasant to hear. If you listened carefully, you would think of something called 'Yin Ling'. From it, you could hear the coquettish tone of the brothel girl when she was entertaining the uncle.    


Actually, the female corpse had already let out one or two laughter when she was' swindling 'just now, but Gao Fei didn't notice it: not to mention him, even if there were people with ten times more courage than him, they would be so shocked that they wouldn't be able to hear much after seeing the swindled corpse.    


Gao Fei, who was about to swing his sword at the 'female corpse', froze in the air. He looked at the 'female corpse' that was slowly sitting up and his Adam's apple moved a few times. He asked with a hoarse voice, "You, you're alive?"    


The 'female corpse' pressed the tip of her blade against the big artery on Tieh Tu's neck, but she stretched out her left hand. Her eyes slightly blinked, and her tone suddenly became strange and cold, "Of course I'm alive, I'm a dead body."    


The corner of Gao Fei's eyes twitched. The knife in his hand shook even more as he asked in a hoarse voice, "You … are you a living corpse?"    


"Yes, I've been dead for hundreds of years. Alas, for hundreds of years, I have been lying here peacefully, in my dreams before death. In my dream, I dreamed I was riding a white horse across a field of wildflowers. The birds are flying in the sky, the hare is running on the ground, the wind is howling in my ears, my favorite brother is raising sheep there. "    


The 'female corpse' 's voice became ethereal, and at the end, it was filled with malice and resentment, "Who are you people? Why did you wake me up from my beautiful dream? I want to kill all of you. I want you all to compensate me for the sudden disappearance of my blue sky, white clouds, green grass, red flowers, birds, wild rabbits, and my Brother! "    


As the 'female corpse' spoke, her mouth slowly opened, and her tongue slowly stretched out at the outermost layer, turning red, as if there was an irresistible suction force that would suck him into her mouth and chew him.    


Tieh Tu, who was pressed against the window by her, could not move at all. His arteries would be cut by the sharp blades.    


Staring at the "female corpse" 's slowly opening mouth, Gao Fei started trembling even more, as if he was playing with something: "You, don't come over!"    


After shouting those five words, Gao Fei threw away the machete in his hand. He didn't care about the machete and almost stabbed Tieh Tu in the back of his head. He turned around and ran towards the ladder.    


The 'female corpse' let out a vicious and proud laugh, "Ha, ha, ha, do you think you can escape?"    


"Of course I can't run away, because I never even thought of running away!"    


Gao Fei, who had already taken a step towards the ladder, suddenly shouted. When he turned around, he had a strange golden sword in his right hand.    


The Golden Snake Sword turned into a pale golden ray of light and shot towards the 'female corpse's' throat as fast as lightning. Accompanying Gao Fei's shout, it said: "Anggui King, hand over your life!"    


The sword that Gao Fei turned around and thrusted out, was definitely the most powerful, fastest, angle accurate sword attack he had ever performed in his life. The curved sword body actually let out a faint dragon chant, turned into a golden dragon, and with a speed that could not be seen with the naked eye, it pierced towards the throat of the 'female corpse'.    


"Yo, brat, I didn't expect you to be so cunning, to actually guess that your aunt was the Anggui King. Hehe, interesting, I'm beginning to like you more and more."    


Facing this lightning-like sword, the 'female corpse' laughed once again.    


Amidst the "female corpse" 's laughter, Gao Fei's Golden Snake Sword had already pierced into her throat!    


However, there was no splatter of blood.    


With one hand, Bai Ci's white and delicate fingers grabbed onto the blade of the sword. No matter how Gao Fei tried to pull back, he couldn't move at all.    


If this was a movie, the audience would see that just as the Golden Snake Sword was about to stab into the female corpse's throat, her beautiful and slender neck suddenly curved in a strange way, like a noodle that had twisted out an inverted 'hole'. The tip of the sword pierced over like lightning, only able to graze the female corpse's neck.    


After that, a very good-looking hand lightly grasped the sword's body, as if it was a Buddha touching a flower.    


Gao Fei, who tried his best but failed, was stunned on the spot.    


The 'female corpse' seemed to enjoy Gao Fei's dumbstruck look. She chuckled and asked, "Brat, what other tricks do you have up your sleeve?"    


Gao Fei shook his head blankly, indicating that he had exhausted all of his skills.    


A 'cheated female corpse' didn't have any objections to Mr. Gao calling himself Aunt Gao Fei: if he could get rid of her, then Gao Fei could call her Zu.    


The 'female corpse' became even more pleased with herself, and asked again: "Then tell Aunt, how did you find out that I'm the Anggui King?"    


The blank look on Gao Fei's face was replaced with a bitter smile: "Other than Anggui King, I really can't think of anyone else who could instantly control Lao Tieh and dodge my sword turn around."    


After pausing for a moment, Gao Fei lowered his eyes and continued, "And most importantly, when I came in and sat down there to rest, I saw an embroidered shoe under the window. The shoes you're wearing do not have any embroidery. They are the common boots of the modern prairie people. "    


The complacency in the eyes of the Anggui King diluted by a lot. Although her smile was still as enchanting as before, she still addressed herself as aunt: "Oh? So it turns out that the two of you had already figured out who your aunt was after finding out that I had already rescheduled with the empress. However, you all did not point it out, and even brought your trump cards over to plot against me. "    


Gao Fei was a very straightforward person. After failing the assassination attempt, he frankly admitted: "Not bad. I had thought that after Lao Tieh took the initiative to be restrained by you and I was scared out of my wits by you, you would be complacent, and thus lose the sword that I had suddenly used with a backhand thrust. It's just that I didn't think of it. "    


Looking at Gao Fei who had shut his mouth, the Anggui King's eyes were once again brimming with a pleased smile: "Hehe, you didn't think that your aunt would see through your scheme and even dodge your sword which you are so determined to win."    


Gao Fei sighed dejectedly, "Sigh, I admit that our plan is useless to you."    


"Kid, you should know that in front of absolute strength, any schemes or tricks are nothing."    


With a slight shake of the Anggui King's right hand, Gao Fei felt an 'electric shock' coming from the Golden Snake Sword, and subconsciously released his hand.    


While slowly swinging the Golden Snake Sword with his finger, the Anggui King lazily said: "In my aunt's eyes, you two are just two little urchins. Actually, I really like to coax kids."    


"Really?" But I don't like to be coaxed. If people treat me like a child, I usually only deal with her in one way, and that is to get rid of her and make her regret her self-righteousness. "    


Slowly, he took the Golden Snake Sword from the Anggui King's hands and placed it against her snow-white long neck, saying leisurely: "If you can dodge this sword strike this time, then I'll chop off my right hand."    


The smile on the Anggui King's face froze, and her face slowly turned green. Facing the Golden Snake Sword that was flashing with sharpness, she did not retaliate at all because under her waist, there was an additional bent blade.    


The scimitar was the one that Gao Fei threw when he turned around to escape.    


However, it was in Tieh Tu's hands right now, and the sharp tip of the blade was right at the center of the Anggui King's waist: No matter how fast she moved, as long as she moved, the blade tip would ruthlessly pierce into her body!    


The 'lively' from earlier was no longer present within the voice of the Anggui King, and there was only unease, "Actually, all of you did not see the corpse of the Empress under the window at all after you entered. You didn't even know if I was dead or alive before I took hold of your companion. nor do they know that I am the Anggui King. "    


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