Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C578 Kim Bing Wants Justice

C578 Kim Bing Wants Justice

At daybreak, Xiao Yu'er slowly opened her eyes.    


Last night, she had only been hit in the back of the head, and the injury wasn't too severe. After being sent to the hospital, she had been given a tranquilizer with a tranquilizer, so last night she had slept soundly without even having a dream. It was as if the night had passed when her eyes were closed and she opened her eyes again.    


If it wasn't for the dull ache in the back of her head, the eye-piercing white ceiling, the pungent smell of soda and the smell of cigarettes in her bedroom, Xiao Yu'er would have thought this was her home.    


"Fishy, you're awake?"    


As Xiao Yu'er stared at the ceiling, trying to remember where she was, a familiar face with a joyful expression appeared on it.    


It was Chen Jie.    


"Ah, I've woken up. What's wrong with you? Where are you?"    


Xiao Yu'er suddenly thought of something and jumped up from the window.    


Just as she sat up, the scene from last night flashed before her eyes like a movie. She had gone to the airport with her good friend to greet her idol, but just as she was about to reach him, she was pushed down to the ground by his bodyguards.    


She cried and shouted at Chen Jie. She wanted to get up, but when she saw her idol, she fell into a state of ecstasy and ignored the fact that someone had accidentally knocked into the back of her head and sent a fan flying and picked her up.    


Then, she fainted.    


However, when Xiao Yu'er lost consciousness, she remembered the face she had when she rushed over to pick her up.    


His face was definitely not as handsome as his idol, Jin Qiqi, and there was no way to compare his attire.    


However, this was ten thousand times more amiable than Xiao Yu'er's idol because it was her second cousin, a arrogant Zhang Family group that even if her grandpa went to eat in his restaurant, he still had to pay a twenty percent discount.    


Thinking about that, Xiao Yu'er turned around and saw Gao Fei.    


Gao Fei sat on the chair, with his feet on the windowsill, his arms in front of him, and his head on the back of the chair. His eyes were closed, probably dreaming, and a bit of saliva was dripping from the corner of his mouth... Disgusting to death, he didn't have the slightest taste of a noble family's child when he slept.    


Xiao Yu'er's eyes slowly curved up as she looked at Gao Fei. She scratched the back of her head and hooked her fingers. "Hey, come over here. I have something to ask you."    


"What? He's so mysterious. "Yawn, I'm so sleepy."    


Chen Jie yawned and sat on the windowsill beside Xiao Yu'er.    


Xiao Yu'er asked, "My cousin was here all night?"    


Chen Jie curled her lips, "Yes, he was worried that I would take the opportunity to sell you to the mountains, so he kept watch over you all night. Chen Jie curled her lips," Yes, he was worried that I would sell you to the mountains, so he was really narrow-minded to keep watch over you all night.    


"Ah, forcing our idol to kneel down and apologize to me? This, what is going on, quickly tell me. "    


Surprised, Xiao Yu'er covered her mouth with her hand. She looked very cute, causing Chen Jie to pout her lips and recount in detail what happened after she lost consciousness.    


Finally, she looked at Gao Fei, who was still sleeping, and whispered, "To be honest, if I didn't see him humiliating my idol like that, I would definitely fight him to the death. You don't know how savage he was last night. Hehe, but I like it. "Yu'er, since we're best buddies, what are you giving that to me?"    


Chen Jie blinked her eyes as she spoke, her face filled with vulgarity. "Once this is done, I will naturally report it to you."    


After listening to Chen Jie's story, Xiao Yu'er's eyes reddened. She didn't expect that her second cousin, who she had never met before, would force a lofty idol to kneel down and admit his mistakes for her sake, despite the danger of enraging hundreds of fans.    


No matter which girl, Gao Fei would be touched by this matter.    


However, Xiao Yu'er didn't think much of it when she first saw Gao Fei: a guy who dared to accept money from her grandfather, why would he care about a foreign celebrity?    


Could the K people of the Nanhan compare to the Gramps who was shaking the earth under the stomping of the gods?    


For a direct descendant of Gao Family, taking care of a celebrity was no different than kicking a dog on the streets.    


Was there a need to be moved by this?    


He was even tearing up. This was truly an affair. This was something that he should do, okay!    


"Hey, my dear, why are you in a daze? If you can't do it, say it. I'm still waiting here!"    


As Xiao Yu'er stared at Gao Fei in a daze, Chen Jie raised her hand and waved it in front of her eyes.    


Xiao Yu'er seemed to have awoken from a dream. "Ah? What?"    


Chen Jie was infuriated as she scolded in a low voice, "Ungrateful bastard, I say …"    


Seeing Chen Jie using her hand to ask him to help her, Xiao Yu'er curled her lips, "Tch, love lady, you don't have to worry about it. Do you know how much my second cousin is? A bunch of super outstanding beauties are chasing after him, yet he doesn't even give them a good look. I definitely don't think that you will be able to win his favor. "    


"Pfft!" Do you think your cousin is a prince? And there were even batches of extremely outstanding beauties chasing after him. You don't blush when you preach for him. "    


Chen Jie reached out and pinched Xiao Yu'er's soft flesh, looking extremely embarrassed and indignant.    


"Ha, haha, let go of me! You like him, so why don't you chase after him yourself and drag me instead? You really don't have the guts!"    


Xiao Yu'er giggled as she was pinched. In her heart, she thought, "That's not right. If it was before, her second cousin would almost be a prince."    


Chen Jie and Xiao Yu'er were best friends in school, but they didn't know her true identity.    


"Sigh, can the two of you settle down a little? Don't you know that disturbing Qingmeng is one of the three great crimes?"    


Just when the two girls were having fun, Gao Fei raised his hand to wipe the saliva at the corner of his mouth and yawned.    


Actually, he woke up when Xiao Yu'er woke up, but he didn't bother to open his eyes.    


Speaking of which, Gao Fei might be struck by lightning if he pretended to eavesdrop on the two girls' conversation. However, all men had to do the same even if they were struck by lightning. Gao Fei was no exception.    


The two of them were shocked. Chen Jie thought that Gao Fei might have heard their conversation and her face immediately blushed, but she immediately raised her head.    


Xiao Yu'er's long eyelashes fluttered as she asked curiously, "What are the other two great sins?"    


"If you have money, don't let others spend it. On the wall, you are forbidden to urinate on the spot."    


Gao Fei lowered his foot and looked at Xiao Yu'er, "Girl, if you dare to chase after a star like that again, I will definitely tell your mom and have her lock you up."    


"Tsk, this is my freedom, alright?"    


Xiao Yu'er's black and white eyes rolled, and then she giggled, "But since you will buy me breakfast, I'll reluctantly agree." "Remember, I want the farmer's soy milk and the rich and powerful pot paste."    


Chen Jie immediately shouted, "At least two!"    


Gao Fei took out two bills from his pocket, "Let's cut off a bundle of cash. Whoever loses can buy it."    


Immediately, Xiao Yu'er hugged her head and lay down on the window. "Aiyaya, I have a headache."    


"Forget it, let me go. I admit that I can't beat you two siblings."    


Chen Jie rolled her eyes in disdain, snatched the note from Gao Fei's hand and left angrily.    


"Bro, my classmate likes you."    


Xiao Yu'er sat up right after Chen Jie left the room.    


"Kids know what to like."    


Gao Fei shrugged his shoulders in disdain. He picked up the remote control on his desk and turned on the TV: "Hurry up and go wash up. After breakfast, I still have things to do."    


Xiao Yu'er went down the window, "Brother, you won't tell this cowardly thing of mine to Grandpa, right?"    


Gao Fei changed the stage casually and said casually, "If you give me back the breakfast, I won't tell you."    


"Stingy, I really don't know how you had the nerve to say those words."    


Xiao Yu'er snorted, took out a stack of notes from her bag and threw it to Gao Fei: "Excessive, count it as your reward."    


"It's the middle of the day to hoe the grasses. Sweat drips down the ground. Who would have known that all the grains on the plate would be so hard to eat."    


Picking up the bills and beating them in his hand, Gao Fei folded them neatly and put them in his pocket.    


Half an hour later, Chen Jie bought breakfast. The three of them gathered around the table and started eating.    


"This wok paste doesn't taste too good."    


Gao Fei took a bite of the pot and was about to find something to say, when a voice suddenly came from the television, "Gembin, what do you think about what happened last night?"    


The three of them looked up at the TV on the wall.    


On the TV, Gembin, whose face was bruised and swollen, seemed to be sitting in a studio as he was being interviewed by the host. His face was filled with righteous indignation, "All along, I have thought that the Holy Dynasty is a state of etiquette. There is no racial discrimination here, and the citizens are very hospitable to foreign guests. However, what happened last night made me doubt this great country. I don't understand why a citizen of your country would arrogantly walk away and not even one person stood out to uphold justice for me, even though he was in public and was violently assaulting my people. I admit that it was my fault that a female fan accidentally fell down and helped me up when I was receiving the warm welcome from my fans. "    


Facing the camera, Gembin fully utilized his professional acting advantage. With a heartbroken look, he narrated in detail the injustice he suffered last night.    


In the end, he said with a firm tone: "I came to the Divine Empire this time because I was sent by the company to attend a celebration party in your nation's Jinnan. As a highly qualified professional actor, no matter how unfair, I will complete the task given to me by the company. But what I want to say is, after this performance, I won't step into the Holy Empire again! and tell all my fellow performers to respect me! "    


With a "pa" sound, Chen Jie slammed the table and scolded angrily, "This piece of trash. Last night, he was clearly not concerned about the life and death of Yu'er and only cared about his cool attitude. This really pisses us off. "No, I'm going to post online right now. I want to expose this trash's ugly appearance!"    


"Forget it, after being beaten up, you still won't allow it to howl twice? He doesn't know who we are anyway. "    


Gao Fei waved his hand and said with an indifferent expression: "Being angry with this kind of person is not responsible for your body. Hurry up and eat, do what you need to do after eating. I still have things to do."    


"Wait, look."    


Xiao Yu'er pointed at the television.    


The two of them looked up and saw a bunch of pictures of someone hitting someone appear on the TV.    


In the photo, Gao Ye was stepping on Gembin's head with a hideous smile. His image was even more villainous than a villain.    


The fans on the side were all far away, as if they were running away from the plague.    


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