Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1938 If There Is Enmity There Is No Night

C1938 If There Is Enmity There Is No Night

"What? You, you still have things to do?"    


After hearing Shen Yinbing say that there was still another matter, Director Mark felt his head grow bigger.    


To Director Mark, releasing Hera was just a matter of words. No matter how he dealt with Hera, no one would say anything to him. However, it was still a blow to his prestige as an immortal in the Atlantis.    


Furthermore, he had a faint feeling that the matter that Shen Yinbing was about to bring up would be a little tricky to handle.    


"Yes, one more thing."    


A hint of ruthlessness appeared in Shen Yinbing's eyes, but she smiled and said, "If you agree to do this for me, then I will agree to follow you to the divine mountain. Otherwise, there was no need to talk about it. Of course, this is also my last request. I won't make things difficult for you again. "    


Women were definitely the greediest creatures in the world. It was as if they were never satisfied!    


Director Mark cursed in his heart. However, he clearly knew that the most important mission was to get Shen Yinbing to the God Mountain. Thus, he could only pretend that it was nothing much to him: "Mrs. Gao, what do you need me to do for you?"    


With her hands behind her back, Shen Yinbing raised her chin and looked at the sky. She walked a few steps back and forth before making her last request, "I want to see Mrs. Karen and Miss Demi."    


Just this morning, Mrs. Karen and Shen Yinbing were the first 'friends' she had met since arriving at Atlantis. However, she didn't expect that the other party's relationship with her was just helping Dr. Casta plot against her.    


If not for the fact that Lily saw something was amiss, she would have informed Hera in time — Shen Yinbing didn't dare to think about what would happen in the future.    


No one could scheme against Wolfmaster Shen, except Gao Fei.    


If Director Mark didn't agree to her request, he would have to pay the heaviest price. This was a must, and there was no room for negotiation … Then, okay, you let whoever you want to see your King Zeus go. Anyway, I won't accompany you.    


"Mrs. Gao, you're making things difficult for me."    


After hearing Shen Yinbing's request, Director Mark felt really awkward: "I think you should know that Hera and the others are incomparable to her. They were also immortals. "Even if they committed an unforgivable mistake, it is not something that you want to punish."    


Shen Yinbing also knew that perhaps Director Mark was right. After all, those two evil women were also immortals.    


However, she did not care about that. She only said: "Since you are in a difficult situation, then forget it. "Hera, come back with me."    


With that, Shen Yinbing turned around and prepared to leave.    


Director Mark quickly stopped her, "Mrs. Gao, please hold on!"    


"You've agreed to my last request?"    


Shen Yinbing turned around and looked at him with a faint smile.    


Director Mark smiled bitterly: "Why don't you find trouble with them after you've met King Zeus?"    


"For me, what I believe the most is in distinguishing between kindness and grudges. "If there is injustice, there shall be injustice; if there is vengeance, there shall be."    


Shen Yinbing said unhurriedly, "To be able to repay grudges today, I never wish to drag them out until tomorrow."    


"But they are Immortals …"    


Director Mark wanted to explain something to Mrs. Karen and the others, but he was interrupted by Shen Yinbing, "Don't worry, I won't force you to kill them, nor will I treat them like how I treated Casta. At most, I will only give them a small punishment, letting them understand that even if they are immortals, they will have to pay the price for their wrongdoings."    


Dang, dang, dang!    


Far away, the faint sound of a bell suddenly rang out.    


After hearing the bell chime, Director Mark's face changed: This is the Olympus Mountain's bell chime, it's urging him to quickly bring Mrs. Gao over, otherwise Wu Tie will be dissatisfied.    


Shen Yinbing naturally heard the bell chime as well.    


She, who was very smart, could tell what Director Mark was worried about from his slightly changed expression. She let out a sigh, bent her knees and sat on the grass, supported her chin with one hand, and said faintly: "Sigh, I'm really tired. It's time to lie down and have a good rest."    


Good boy, don't lie down. This is forcing me onto a dead end!    


Director Mark naturally saw that Wolfmaster Shen was coercing him to nod his head in agreement. He helplessly gritted his teeth and turned around to instruct Gerard: "Run over again and let Mrs. Karen and the other two wait at the side of the road. Hurry!"    


After the Gerard flying horse had left, Director Mark asked Shen Yinbing with a wry smile: "Mrs. Gao, shouldn't we be on our way now?"    


"Alright, I am simply too kind. I can't stand seeing others making things difficult for me. This weakness, I must fix in the future."    


Shen Yinbing shook her head in distress and extended her right hand towards Hera.    


As Hera helped her up from the ground, she whispered, "Lend me a knife."    


Seeing Shen Yinbing's lazy attitude, Director Mark heaved a sigh of relief and quickly led the way towards the plains.    


Shen Yinbing completely ignored the few riders beside her. She turned around and said to Jess who was at the back: "Jess, come here, I have something to ask you."    


Jess didn't dare to come over immediately. He used his gaze to ask Director Mark for his approval before riding over. He asked respectfully, "Mrs. Gao, what do you need me to explain?"    


"I just want to know, can Lily be resurrected?"    


Shen Yinbing asked bluntly.    




Jess shook his head and said with certainty, "Because she has been completely burnt by the lava inside the volcano. Not a single strand of her hair was left, so she can't be resurrected."    


Shen Yinbing was silent for a moment before asking, "She must die?"    


"Anyone who goes to the pool without permission would be punished like this. There is no possibility of forgiveness."    


Jess explained in a low voice: "Here, the servants are the lowest, they are just like weeds."    


"I know."    


Shen Yinbing closed her eyes and pursed her lips.    


Only after hearing Jess's words did she realize that Lily had risked her life to go to the hot spring pool. She only hoped that she wouldn't be discovered, but she didn't expect that Director Mark and the others would go that fast.    


How could a servant care so much about Shen Yinbing?    


Now that she was dead, how could Shen Yinbing repay her kindness?    


Shen Yinbing opened her eyes and looked at Jess, "Why do you want to follow me?"    


"Because he is a member of the church who invited you to the Atlantis together with me, it is very possible that the almighty King will ask him some questions."    


This time, it was Hera who answered Shen Yinbing's question.    


"I know."    


Shen Yinbing nodded. The tip of her foot lightly tapped on the horse's abdomen. The horse immediately sped up and started to gallop with Director Mark, who was at the front.    


Along with the clatter of hooves, a group of seven to eight horses galloped across the grassland. As they passed by a group of mountains that looked like they were floating in the air, the immortals who were playing on the grassland all glanced over in this direction.    


Shen Yinbing didn't know how many mountains she had passed by or how many small streams, how many immortals she had seen, and how many small animals she had scared off. When she was tired, she finally saw the tallest divine mountain grow even taller.    


However, he didn't see Mrs. Karen or Miss Demi along the way.    


However, Shen Yinbing didn't care because she was sure that Director Mark wouldn't dare to lie to her. Otherwise, even if she reached the foot of the divine mountain, she would still turn around and return home.    


Sure enough, after about fifteen minutes, Shen Yinbing and the others finally arrived at the foot of Godly Mountain (in fact, all of the mountains belonged to one mountain, and everyone lived here could only be considered to be halfway up the mountain. The peaks of the mountains were connected by the grasslands and were far away from the foot of the mountain).    


The two women that Shen Yinbing wished to see the most were standing beside the Gerard Knight, their faces no longer as carefree and carefree as they used to be, only filled with fear of unknown dangers. However, they were under the control of some sort of force and could only brace themselves and wait for the wrath of a certain old lady.    


As for the other men and women, most of them were Rogue Immortals, a few of them were Middle Immortals, and two of them wore gold-colored long gowns and gold carved masks. It was impossible to tell whether they were men or women, but they stood at the highest point with their hands behind their backs, looking mighty and domineering.    


"Mrs. Gao, the person you want is over there."    


Director Mark, who was walking at the front, reined his horse and jumped down from the horse.    


Shen Yinbing held onto the saddle, jumped down from the horse, and asked indifferently: "Is there any way to verify that they are really me? You don't have to frown. You complain that I don't believe you because it's too easy to change a person's appearance. "So I'm really not sure if these two people were a substitute that you found."    


Director Mark's mouth twitched a few times, then he suppressed his anger and said, "Mrs. Gao, please believe in my immortal personality. How could I do something that would harm my identity?"    


After seeing that Director Mark was angry, Shen Yinbing knew that the two of them were 'real people'. She didn't bother apologizing to him and walked towards them with her hands behind her back.    


"Is this the guest invited by King Zeus?"    


"I heard she came from the Eastern Asura Dao."    


"It was Dr. Casta who wanted to humiliate King Zeus, but ended up getting... sigh, these two girls are too stupid. How could they help others ambush King Zeus's respected guest?"    


As the crowd of immortals discussed amongst themselves, Shen Yinbing slowly walked in front of Mrs. Karen and Wu Yi.    


The two of them had obviously noticed that Shen Yinbing had arrived with ill intentions, so they subconsciously retreated, only to hear her say, "Stop."    


Shen Yinbing's voice wasn't loud, but both Mrs. Karen and Han Li felt a sense of majesty, so they obediently stood there.    


Shen Yinbing didn't waste her breath and bluntly said, "I know one of you two definitely doesn't agree to help Casta scheme against me. However, due to the other person's power, I can only help the evil." "Tell me, who is the mastermind behind this?"    


In reality, Shen Yinbing knew that since these two women were trying to persuade her to go to the Tahu Li Hot Spring Pool and take advantage of her sleep to sneak in, they were actually the same kind of trash.    


Still, she asked.    


She wanted to see the way these two bitches bit each other when they were trying to avoid the main punishment.    


As expected, before Shen Yinbing could finish her sentence, Mrs. Karen and Miss Daimi raised their hands and pointed at each other, saying in unison, "It's her. She was the first one to come up with this plan to help Casta scheme against you!"    


"Who is it?"    


Shen Yinbing smiled with a gentle expression. Her right hand, which was hidden inside her sleeve, clenched the hilt of her saber tightly.    


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