Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1915 He Saw His Own Heart

C1915 He Saw His Own Heart

As for when Gao Fei would return, Han Xuan had no idea about it, just like why he left all of a sudden.    


Actually, Xiao Yue knew that Han Xuan couldn't answer this question, they were just standing there facing each other. If they didn't find a topic to talk about, then it wouldn't be that fun.    


Han Xuan smiled. Just as he was about to tell the truth and say that he didn't know, he suddenly heard a loud bang from Tang Wenju's room. Then, a scream was heard.    


"This is bad!"    


The smile on Han Xuan's face froze. His pupils suddenly contracted as he turned around and rushed towards the corridor.    


Xiao Yue also heard the scream, it seemed to be from Tang Wenju. Without thinking, she followed Han Xuan and ran in that direction, but just when she caught up to him, Han Xuan yelled in a low voice, "Be careful of luring the tiger out of the mountain!"    


Han Xuan was responsible for protecting Tang Wenju and Soong Huiqiao, while Xiao Yue was responsible for protecting Pann Dongdong and Lian Chunfaang.    


Now that something unexpected happened in Tang Wenju's room, Han Xuan's first reaction was that there was an enemy invasion, but he was worried that if he went there with him, Xiao Yue would be tricked by the enemy into taking the opportunity to harm Pann Dongdong and co. so he reminded Xiao Yue.    


Xiao Yue immediately understood what was going on. She stopped in her tracks and turned around like a whirlwind. When she returned, she shouted in a low voice, "Han Xuan, be careful!"    


"I know, you too!"    


Han Xuan answered without turning his head back and rushed forward as fast as he could.    


If Xiao Yue knew that these nine words were all the content of their final conversation, she would definitely choose to replace Han Xuan and check Tang Wenju's room.    


Unfortunately, she didn't know.    


Right now, she only wanted to rush back to Pann Dongdong's room at the fastest speed possible.    


After turning the corner of the corridor, Xiao Yue, who was dashing forward, raised her hand and slapped the door on the left side.    


In this room were Titan and Chen Liuxiang.    


After the slap, there was a loud bang, but Xiao Yue did not stop. She flew over to Pann Dongdong's door with a speed as fast as she could, and before she could knock, she slammed her shoulder against it.    


With a loud bang, Pann Dongdong and Lian Chunfaang, who were closely watching the direction of the Imperial Society, both jumped in fright. They simultaneously screamed: "Ah!"    


After seeing the two of them safe and sound, Xiao Yue, who had broken in, heaved a sigh of relief before charging into the room.    


The interior of the room was normal as well. The windows were tightly shut, giving off a feeling of safety.    


"Xiao Yue, what's wrong?"    


Pann Dongdong was the first to react, she immediately stood up and asked Xiao Yue.    


"When Han Xuan and I were chatting in the corridor, we heard a strange noise from Uncle Tang's room. We were worried that something might happen here."    


Xiao Yue explained very simply. She turned her right hand, and a Short Dagger appeared in it. She quickly walked to the window and looked down. Only then did she heave a sigh of relief.    


Everything was normal.    


The scream Uncle Tang made just now was most likely caused by that woman, right?    


Xiao Yue thought so in her heart, and it made sense.    


Now, even if he was blind, he could tell that Tang Wenju was mesmerized by Soong Huiqiao, and the two of them had been cohabiting in the same room for several days. Although Lao Tang was a bit old, it wouldn't be normal if he didn't do something to a beauty like Soong Huiqiao.    


However, even if she was a fool, she could tell that Soong Huiqiao did not have that kind of intention towards Lao Tang. Every time she looked at him, there was a look of despise and loathing in her eyes — how could this proud woman allow a butcher to take advantage of her?    


Especially after Gao Fei came here once, he warned her not to have any tricks up her sleeve, otherwise, she would regret it.    


Actually, this was the reason why Lian Chunfaang 'reassured' Lao Tang to live together with Soong Huiqiao.    


Now that Lao Tang suddenly screamed, he probably wanted to molest them.    


While Xiao Yue was thinking this, footsteps sounded outside the door.    


Then Titan and Chen Liuxiang appeared at the door. Breathing heavily, they asked, "Are … are you alright?"    


"It's nothing, just a false alarm."    


Xiao Yue took in a deep breath and walked out of the room with a calm expression. She said softly, "You guys stay here and guard Sister Dong. I'll go over to the old man to take a look."    


Since it might be related to Tang Wenju's' good name ', Xiao Yue felt that it would be best if she went over herself.    




Chen Liu Xiang and Xiao Yue, who did not know what was going on, saw the knife Xiao Yue was hiding behind her elbow and nodded nervously.    


Xiao Yue walked quickly towards the corridor that Tang Wenju was in. Just as she turned the corner, she saw Waitress pushing a dining cart over.    


Xiao Yue recognised this waiter as well, and knew that her name was Lee Xiaoyun. It was obvious that she was here to send off the midnight snack.    


After seeing Lee Xiaoyun, Xiao Yue was completely at ease: If something really happened to Tang Wenju, how could Lee Xiaoyun be so calm? Yes, Uncle Tang must have had that kind of intention towards Soong Huiqiao. He must have been taught a lesson.    


Xiao Yue thought in her heart. As she passed by the elevator, she nodded and smiled at Lee Xiaoyun, who was pushing a dining cart into the elevator.    


The smile was friendly, but of course it carried a hint of warning: No matter what you see, don't spout nonsense!    


Lee Xiaoyun was taken aback for a moment before she snapped out of her daze. She nodded her head with a fawning smile, indicating that she understood.    


Xiao Yue liked the intelligent Waitress. She smiled sincerely again and turned around. Just as she took two steps, all the nerves in her body tensed up!    


She smelled something fresh and bloody.    


Xiao Yue was an assassin and never drank alcohol, so even if she was given an 84 year old Lafite, she would not be able to detect the quality of the wine, but she was especially sensitive to the smell of blood.    


This was a twenty-three story building. Even if there was blood on the ground, it would not have reached such a high place. The most important reason was that the bloody aura was coming from Lee Xiaoyun's body.    


Very fresh.    


Why did Waitress carry such a bloody aura with her?    


The killer's sharp sixth sense made Xiao Yue suspicious of Lee Xiaoyun. The reason why Xiao Yue was nervous was because Han Xuan had already rushed to Tang Wenju's room. How could he let a bloodied Waitress leave so easily?    


Completely out of instinct, Xiao Yue's left shoulder sank as she twisted her body to raise her right leg and used the most ferocious force to whip Lee Xiaoyun!    


They would rather kill the wrong person than let him off!    


This was a habit that Xiao Yue developed when she received cruel training from the assassin.    


Lee Xiaoyun was about to push the dining car into the elevator when Xiao Yue lashed out with her leg. Her body suddenly leaned forward and landed on the dining car. At the same time, her right foot stomped on the ground forcefully — The dining car suddenly accelerated and rushed into the elevator.    


With this method, Lee Xiaoyun easily avoided Xiao Yue's attack.    


After she calmly avoided the attack, Xiao Yue would definitely be shocked, but she took advantage of the moment of calmness to start moving. Her right leg lightly touched the elevator door, and her body soared into the air, stomping her left foot towards Lee Xiaoyun who was lying on the dining car.    


Almost at the same time, the Short Dagger in Xiao Yue's hand had already been flung out like lightning, accurately piercing towards the back of Lee Xiaoyun's head.    


Lee Xiaoyun's reaction was fast as well, but she was at a passive disadvantage. In a hurry, she flipped her body to dodge Xiao Yue's kick, and her head rolled just in time … … The Short Dagger that was like lightning pierced her ear, making a 'dang' sound when it hit the dining car.    


Just like a loach, before Xiao Yue could make her next attack, Lee Xiaoyun had already entered the dining car. With two kicks from her left foot, the stainless steel dining car was sent flying and slammed heavily towards Xiao Yue.    


Xiao Yue was forced to dodge to the left, the dining car smashed onto the Corridor Wall, and then bounced back, landing in the corridor.    


Xiao Yue leaped up and was about to rush towards the dining car when the elevator door began to slowly shut. A wisp of green smoke was ejected from the door, bringing with it a suffocating stench.    


The green smoke was poisonous!    


In a flash of inspiration, Xiao Yue's forward movement changed to a slanted lunge, and she flew past the elevator door like a bat.    


The moment she passed by the elevator door, Xiao Yue took a quick glance at the closed elevator and saw that Lee Xiaoyun had turned into a white-haired woman.    


It was a very charming and rosy face, but it had white hair and white eyebrows.    


Even though it was just a cursory glance, Xiao Yue was certain that the other party was a trusting young woman.    


When Xiao Yue saw her face, the woman inside smiled at her.    


There were all sorts of flirtatious feelings.    


By the time she hit the ground, the elevator doors had completely closed and were starting to descend.    


Xiao Yue knocked on the elevator's button a few times, but she didn't stop it from descending. Just as she was about to turn around and rush to the stairs, she suddenly remembered what she was going to do.    


At this point, even if the woman opened the elevator, Xiao Yue would not chase after her.    


She had to hurry to Tang Wenju's room to see what was happening there.    


She turned to run but stopped. As she bent over, her right hand shot out and grabbed a hairpin from the food cart that had fallen to the ground.    


Lee Xiaoyun wore a thin mask on her hairband. It was not much thicker than the balloons her children used to play with, but it was a vivid image of her.    


This hairband was thrown by the Short Dagger from Xiao Yue's hand.    


Even if she used her toes, Xiao Yue knew that this Lee Xiaoyun was disguised as Tang Wenju.    


"Sob, sob...    


At this moment, an ear-piercing siren suddenly shook the corridor.    


This alarm bell was installed in the rooms of Pann Dongdong, Tang Wenju, and the others to prevent any accidents.    


The moment the alarm bell sounded, Tang Peng's subordinates that he brought with him from the Shen City appeared in the twenty-third floor with their fastest speed.    


Xiao Yue ignored the sirens, she didn't even have time to throw away the hairpin in her hands and rushed towards Tang Wenju's room with her fastest speed.    


When she was only seven or eight meters away from the door, Xiao Yue stopped running, but due to her body's inertia, she swiftly slid across the smooth floor, and like skating, she slammed straight into the door, raising her right hand to support the door frame, before knocking open the door with her knees.    


Then, she stared blankly at the door, her eyes wide as if she had fallen into a cave of ice.    


Inside the room, Tang Wenju was lying on the floor, looking for death.    


Soong Huiqiao sat paralyzed at the door of the washroom, her left hand covering her mouth. Her pale face was covered with tears that flowed down like a broken string. Her eyes were filled with fear as she stared at the east wall.    


A person was standing under the east wall with his left knee slightly bent forward. His hands were pressed against the wall while his head was lowered. His eyes were almost bulging out as he stared at his own chest.    


There was a hole in his chest.    


A bloody hole.    


It was as big as a fist. Its heart — its heart — was actually hanging outside, and it was being grabbed into a few pieces. It was as if it was being torn to shreds by a wild beast.    


This person was Han Xuan.    


Han Xuan's heart was actually taken out alive from his chest.    


His men were long dead, but they were still leaning against the wall, looking at their own hearts.    


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