Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C1909 Statement by Fang Yunkang

C1909 Statement by Fang Yunkang

Huo Tianqing and Tang Peng were from two completely different worlds. They had never met or even heard of each other before.    


After all, the two of them were engaged in a job that was like two parallel lines that they would never come into contact with. Their identities were also very confidential.    


For example, if this was in an ancient feudal dynasty, Huo Tianqing would be the royal expert while Tang Peng would be the Green Forest Hero who had a special relationship with the imperial government. They would have their own way of life and their own world.    


Even now, other than knowing that the other party was called Huo Tianqing or Tang Peng, who were Gao Fei's good friends, they didn't know anything else. The fact that they were together was entirely due to an incident.    


However, both of them knew each other was no ordinary person.    


Some of them, even if they had never met before, were like Tang Peng and Huo Tianqing, as long as they were given the chance to sit together.    


Thus, when she noticed something, Huo Tianqing asked Tang Peng bluntly.    


Tang Peng lit up his cigarette, smiled and said, "What am I worried about? "As long as it's reasonable, no matter how big the trouble is, there's no need to be afraid."    


After hearing Tang Peng's words, Huo Tianqing knew that he was just fawning on her and didn't want to say anything. She didn't ask any more questions and just smiled as she took out the engine and started lighting up her cigarette.    


Tang Peng felt guilty for not telling Huo Tianqing the truth. After he lit up his cigarette, he coughed lightly and whispered, "Don't worry, I will take care of it, even if the sky falls."    


A light flashed in Huo Tianqing's eyes as she smiled gratefully at him once more.    


He was grateful to Tang Peng for trusting him, otherwise, he wouldn't have said those words.    


At this moment, the door to the meeting room creaked open.    


Wang Dawei walked in from the outside.    


Bai Ci and the others immediately looked at him and were surprised to find that Wang Dawei looked like he had aged a decade in just a few hours. He was a bit stooped and his eyes were bloodshot.    


This was caused by excessive anxiety. From this, it could be seen how much pressure Wang Dawei had to bear during this period of time.    


Seeing him walk in, Bai Ci and Hisao Hiao, who were discussing something in low voices, immediately shut their mouths.    


Out of politeness, Hisao Hiao stood up and asked with concern in her voice, "Director Wang, you... Are you sick?"    


"No, it's just that we're not far from death. If this goes on, we won't be able to survive."    


Wang Dawei smiled bitterly, walked to the window and looked at them. He took a deep breath and changed the topic, "Everyone, I came to tell you that the sub-bureau is surrounded."    


"Who dares to try to attack this place?"    


Tang Peng asked with an indifferent expression.    


"It's some R Country people, most of them are foreign students, participating in demonstrations on the streets."    


Wang Dawei didn't beat around the bush and directly said, "I don't know who leaked the news that you guys are here and lured them here, but they strongly want to punish you."    


As he said that, Wang Dawei opened a thick curtain and opened a window.    


Just ten minutes ago, Hisao Hiao had been standing at the window looking down, not noticing anything out on the street.    


However, when she looked out of the window again, she found that there were at least hundreds of people gathered at the entrance of the sub-bureau. They were divided into two distinct groups, with fists held high, and curses could be heard from afar.    


The ones with a hundred or so people, were the students of R Country who were holding up Paste Chess with faces full of anger. They shouted at the Enforcer in Chinese and R Country to punish the culprit, and unrestrainedly insulted the people of Shen Chao City for being so barbaric.    


The people of the Divine Dynasty on the left of the entrance of the sub-bureau were many times more than the people of the R Country. Very few people held the flag, but their fists were raised very high, and the shouts and curses of those who occupied the field were louder.    


In this case, accidents could happen at any time, that is, large scale conflicts.    


After all, the people of R Country had been arrogant for too long, and the people of the dynasty had endured for too long.    


The Enforcer naturally would not allow this kind of situation to occur.    


Hisao Hiao saw that more than ten Enforcer s had appeared in the courtyard of the sub-bureau, which was still empty ten minutes ago. They rushed out of the sub-bureau's entrance and began to maintain order, sternly berating the demonstrators on both sides for marching in order to maintain the necessary calm.    


It had to be said that Wang Dawei's ability to work was very strong. He knew that he had to use a forceful method to eliminate the possibility of a large-scale conflict.    


"Until now, the number of people participating in the demonstration caused by the case of Imperial Society wounding people has already exceeded several hundred thousand. Among them, hundreds of R Country people, the entire Jingdu City's police force, and even Criminal Law Tribe, have walked onto the streets to maintain order. "Fortunately, even if I were to come to our sub-bureau, I would sooner or later become a focal point, so I didn't send anyone out."    


When Wang Dawei said this, he bitterly smiled in his heart: "How could I have calculated it? That's because I didn't receive any orders to go out on a mission."    


After seeing Wang Dawei's self-deprecating look, Bai Ci had long forgotten about the tough act of bringing them to the sub-bureau according to Faang Yunkang's orders. She felt a little uneasy and guilty, "Director Wang, I'm really sorry. I've caused you trouble."    


Wang Dawei was aware of his own situation, so he shook his head and smiled, "Mrs. Bai Ci, you don't need to comfort me like this. As the saying goes, trouble comes when people ask for it. If I didn't go to the clubhouse to handle it myself, I wouldn't have ended up like this."    


Wang Dawei's words gave Tang Peng a sliver of good impression of him, so he asked, "So, Director Wang, what do you plan to do? You're not going to let us go just like that, are you? "    


"I don't have the guts."    


Wang Dawei smiled bitterly again and quickly walked to the west wall of the meeting room. He pressed a button on the wall and the flag hanging on the wall slowly rose up, revealing a big monitor.    


He took out the remote control and turned it on. "I want everyone to watch the news, especially from the internet. That way, you will know how big this incident has become."    


Actually, they didn't even need to watch the news. Just by looking at the crowd of demonstrators at the entrance of the sub-bureau, Tang Peng and the others could tell how serious the situation outside was.    


"Up until now, there are estimated to be close to a hundred million netizens in both countries who have participated in scolding and attacking each other on the internet. They have escaped from this incident and have risen to a debate on the legacy of history. This is truly a battlefield without smoke."    


Pointing at the screen, Wang Dawei seemed to relax a little: "But so far, none of the leaders have stood out and expressed their attitude towards this incident. But it is undeniable that the two countries' top officials must have begun to meet to work on how to quell this incident. "    


Tang Peng and the rest didn't say anything. They still didn't understand why Wang Dawei wanted to tell them this.    


Could it be that he wanted them to stand up for him?    


"The reason I'm telling you all these is to let you all be mentally prepared."    


As if he knew what Tang Peng and the others were thinking, a clear look of dissatisfaction flashed across Wang Dawei's face. With a hint of anger in his voice, he said, "Now, Mr. Fang (Faang Yunkang) is in a hospital and has made a statement jointly with Ambassador Chunmao, who is staying at the Holy Dynasty with R Country.    


Tang Peng's brows slightly twitched, and a trace of a strange smile appeared on his face: "Oh, Faang Yunkang's declaration with the R Country people, was definitely made to defend that Yamaguti Shiqi, calling him injustice, and demanding a severe punishment for this assailant, right?"    


"It seems like Mr. Tang, you were prepared a long time ago."    


Wang Dawei raised his hand and drew a few lines on the screen. He immediately opened up a web page: "I'll show you that announcement. But no matter what, you'd better stay calm. Don't destroy public property due to anger."    


Hisao Hiao was a little confused. "Why are we destroying public property?"    


Huo Tianqing explained calmly, "Director Wang was afraid that we would lose our minds due to anger after seeing that statement and destroy his laptop."    


"Mr. Huo is right."    


Wang Dawei shrugged and moved to the side: "This is the statement."    


Bai Ci and the others took a few steps forward and looked at the declaration.    


Just as Wang Dawei had said, this statement was jointly issued by the ambassador of R Country, Chun Mao, and the person involved in the case of Tang Peng, Faang Yunkang.    


Bai Ci only saw half of the contents of the announcement before she screamed. She grabbed the teacup on the table and was about to throw it at him.    


"Director Wang said just now, don't break public property, how could you forget? Don't forget that this is the sub-bureau, they even caught you without bringing you out."    


Tang Peng raised his hand in time to block Bai Ci as he took the teacup from her hand.    


"Bullsh * t! Th-they're too much of a bully!"    


Bai Ci bit her lips and tears of humiliation flowed down her face. If it wasn't for Tang Peng grabbing her wrist, she probably would have jumped over and smashed the monitor with her head.    


The fact that Bai Ci was so angry that she had even lost her rationality meant that this statement was too much for her.    


The message was as follows: At around 4 o'clock this afternoon, under the warm invitation of the city's Superior and Faang Yunkang, Mr. Yamaguti went to play tennis in Imperial Society. Originally, it was a very happy event, but a certain female boss of the club was attracted by Mr. Yamaguti's mature, witty, and humorous gentleman demeanor after playing a game of tennis with him out of politeness.    


As a result, when a certain female boss was on the court, she gave Jack a flirtatious look, constantly making provocative hints.    


Mr. Yamaguti, who was born with a natural disposition, did not reject the suggestion of a certain female boss. Instead, he took the opportunity to go with her to the VIP lounge in the clubhouse.    


Thus, an unfortunate tragedy happened: a certain female boss's boyfriend came to look for her and saw all of this in the resting room. He was infuriated and lost his mind when he tried to kill Mr. Yamaguti, causing Mr. Yamaguti to be in critical danger.    


To this, the Ambassador of R Country, Chun Mao, who had rushed to the scene immediately, was furious. He demanded that the Enforcer must severely punish the assailant and request the concerned party, Mister Chun Mao, to testify.    


Mr. Faang Yunkang, who was the direct witness of this incident, was trying to stop this disgraceful act in the resting room due to his dignity as a member of the imperial court. However, he was hurt by the boyfriend of a certain female boss.    


Mr. Fang was very angry.    


However, the more regretful thing was that the current situation was complicated due to the participation of a large number of people from the Divine Dynasty who did not know the truth. He had issued a statement, hoping that everyone would remain calm and not be taken advantage of …    


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