Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C580 White Porcelain Is Not the King of Peace

C580 White Porcelain Is Not the King of Peace

It was normal to see the bones in the coffin, but it would be strange if he saw a naked beauty lying inside.    


However, in Gao Fei's eyes, it was nothing more than a pile of bones. It was just that out of respect for the dead, it merely frowned and retreated a step, then said in a deep voice: "I don't care if you're Mrs. Bai Ci or the Anggui King, but come out right now, I'm very busy."    


The room was still quiet, the white curtains moved without any wind, the dust danced in the diluted sunlight, the bones inside the coffin were still lying flat. The paper men on the sports car seemed to be staring at Gao Fei with a weird smile.    


There was no movement, no living object, but Gao Fei could feel the presence of someone.    


Sixth Sense.    


Gao Fei stood in front of the coffin and waited for five minutes, but there was still no sign of a living thing. His patience was challenged, he grabbed the coffin with both hands and said: "Since you agreed to see me, then don't play games. I'll count to three. If you still don't come out, don't blame me for being reckless. "    


Just as Gao Fei spat out the last word of the last sentence, the white bone in the coffin suddenly came to life!    


He suddenly stood up, and his two white bone claws fiercely stabbed towards Gao Fei's mouth like two daggers.    


The fingertip of the bone claw actually emitted a ghostly blue glow. It was obvious that it was highly toxic.    


Gao Fei leaned his upper body back abruptly like a wooden stake that was blown off by a strong wind. When he grabbed the two bone claws, his right foot kicked out sideways.    




With an explosive sound, Gao Fei stomped his right foot on the skull.    


The white skull flew away with a kick, like a soccer ball shooting at a target. It flew toward the window with a swish, heavily smashing against the tempered glass, and then quickly bounced back onto the ground. It bounced a few times before falling to the side.    


Out of respect for the deceased, Gao Fei did not touch the white bone when it was found in the coffin.    


However, when it suddenly attacked Gao Fei, Mr. Gao definitely wouldn't give it any more respect. After kicking its head away, Mr. Gao swept his left leg across the ground and split the white bone into two halves.    


With a crashing sound, the bones that had lost their heads and had been cut off at the waist fell into the coffin.    


Only then did Gao Fei realize that this wasn't a real bone, but a common plastic replica in the lab.    


"Gao Fei, you and I have no enmity with each other, why did you come here to disturb my peace and tear me apart?"    


A gloomy male voice sounded from behind Gao Fei.    


Gao Fei turned around, but there was no one behind him. His voice came from a sound transmission device above the door.    


He had just turned around when the fake white bone in the coffin exploded once again. At the same time that it crashed into his chest, eerie laughter rang out from all around the room.    


Since the bones were fake, Gao Fei was even more fearless. He bent his elbow and knocked away the remaining half of the bones, then kicked the coffin hard.    


The coffin shattered.    


A black shadow flew out from the shattered coffin, mixed with a cold and sinister light.    


Gao Fei already knew that the person who played tricks on the coffin (there was a layer under the coffin) was inside before he broke the coffin, so when he was attacked by the black shadow, he only sneered and dodged to the side, then his right fist quickly smashed towards the black shadow's head.    


The black shadow stabbed into the air, and without any hesitation, it jumped back in a graceful manner. With a backward flip that was not very standard, it landed lightly on the ground.    


It was a woman wearing a light muslin. Her figure was plump and her entire body was covered by a muslin. Her face was also covered by a black muslin. Only her eyes were shining in the dim light.    


Gao Fei patted the pieces of plank on his body and looked at the woman: "Is there any use in doing all these tricks?"    


"If it's useless, then it won't exist."    


The black shadow took a step forward and suddenly let out a giggle. Its voice was as clear as a bell. "How is it? This kind of meeting gift is pretty good, right?"    


"Ordinarily, even boredom."    


Gao Fei looked at the black figure and asked: "Should I call you Mrs. Bai Ci, or the Anggui King?"    


The black shadow walked back and forth horizontally, and asked back, "Who is the Anggui King?"    


Gao Fei was a bit annoyed, he didn't want to say anything to her anymore. He quickly walked over, grabbed the black veil covering her face and pulled it down.    


Under the black gauze was a standard oval face, as beautiful as a painting. Her eyebrows were green, her eyes were autumn, her nose was slightly raised, and her thin lips were covered with colorless lipstick. Her skin was as delicate and glossy as Bai Ci's.    


Jack had never seen this face before, but he felt that it must be Lily, the Bai Ci that the Anggui King had become.    


Or rather, it could be said that Bai Ci was from the beginning, one of the many identities of the Anggui King.    


After the veil was torn off by Gao Fei, Bai Ci took a step back in shock and asked nervously, "Wh-what are you trying to do?"    


Tossing the black muslin on the ground, Gao Fei asked: "Is it fun to put on an act? To tell you the truth, if I had the ability to kill you, I definitely wouldn't have let myself live another minute. "    


Bai Ci frowned slightly and asked softly, "Gao Fei, what do you mean by that? Just because I made a little joke with you? I am just an ordinary woman who has trained in fitness techniques for a few days. How can you not have the ability to kill me? Also, who is the Anggui King you mentioned? "    


Gao Fei did not mind the beautiful woman saying that he was a fool, because normally, when a woman said that a man was a fool, they would flirt around. However, he did not want to be treated like a fool by women, especially since this woman was a Anggui king who was stronger than him.    


Gao Fei was very angry as he felt like he was being played by someone. He grabbed her by her shirt, grabbed her neck with his right hand, and shouted, "Stupid woman, can I trouble you not to play this low-class game to slander everyone's IQ, okay?"    


Gao Fei had lifted Bai Ci onto her tiptoes. She used both of her hands to break his arms. With a panicked tone, she asked, "Gao Fei, what … what are you trying to do?" "Let go of me, or else I'll scream and assault you. You should know the consequences of bullying a third generation martyr's widow!"    


Bai Ci's clumsy performance made Gao Fei even more annoyed. He grabbed the front of her shirt with his left hand and tugged: "Shout!"    


With a ripping sound, the light muslin on Bai Ci's body was torn apart. There was not a single piece of clothing under the muslin.    


Gao Fei was stunned, then he frowned. He didn't have that intention, even though the two of them slept naked for several days on the prairie, he was pitifully rejected …    


Right now, he really didn't have the mood to look at this external beauty, and this evil body on the inside, even if this was an absolutely perfect body.    


After the clothes were torn, Bai Ci's face turned red, and her watery eyes quickly turned watery. She said with a trembling voice, "S-Gao Fei, you went too far! How could you be so rude to a third generation martyr's widow? Aren't you afraid of getting your revenge?"    


If Bai Ci didn't say anything, Gao Fei would definitely let her go. He impatiently made her hand over what he wanted and turned around to run away. When he didn't have any confidence to deal with this woman, he could only temporarily evade.    


However, Bai Ci, or rather, the Anggui King was pretending to be disgusted and pitiful, adding that her perfect and mature body was trembling, it instantly aroused his anger. He raised his hand and grabbed her hair, then turned and walked towards the sportscar: "Alright, since you like to act, then laozi will act it out with you enough!"    


"Y-you let me go!"    


Bai Ci struggled as her fists rained on Gao Fei's body. It was as if she was giving him a massage; she was so light that she didn't have any strength left.    




"Gao Fei, don't be like this! Otherwise, you will regret it. You definitely won't! "    


Bai Ci was pressed down against the car and she turned around to look at Gao Fei screaming and struggling. However, her hair was held firmly by Gao Fei as if she couldn't break free. She could only scream and beg, "No, no!"    


Gao Fei, who was being controlled by a strong sense of pride and relief, used his valiant actions to change Bai Ci's cry into an involuntary groan. Suddenly, he stopped what he was doing, as his mind rang with a loud bang: This woman, was definitely not the Anggui King.    


Along with Gao Fei's pause, Bai Ci, who was biting her lips, couldn't help but let out a whimper, "Gao Fei, I, I said, you will regret it!"    


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