Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C338 Desert of Heart

C338 Desert of Heart

When they were in the army, Tieh Tu and the rest knew that Gao Fei's sense of smell was extremely sensitive. He could even smell a dozen different kinds of weak chemical gases mixed together with his eyes closed.    


His nose was now in use in the untraceable desert.    


Tieh Tu, who was waiting at the side, saw Gao Fei looking towards the north of the sand dune. Without any hesitation, he quickly walked over there.    


Sure enough, after walking forward for 50 to 60 meters, Tieh Tu saw a brass shell: Bullet of a Type 64 pistol bullet.    


Then, another six bullet shells were discovered within a few dozen meters in front of him.    


A pistol with a capacity of seven bullets at a time.    


The seven cartridge cases meant that Lao Liu had already emptied all the bullets in his Type 64 handgun.    


However, when Tieh Tu found the seventh shell, he didn't find anything else.    


There was no cartridge case, no Type 05 submachine gun without bullets, and also no Type 64 handgun. Even if Gao Fei squatted on the ground and pushed his nose with all his strength, he still couldn't smell anything.    


Lao Liu and the two guns seemed to have vanished into thin air and went to another world.    


The Taklimakan Desert was known as the second largest flowing desert in the world, and sand was flowing everywhere, so it was impossible to find any footprints here.    


If it was just looking for someone, Gao Fei and the other three could split into three groups (Gao Fei and Qin Chengcheng with one wave, Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang alone) and disperse in search of someone.    


However, the reason they had taken the risk to come to the center of the Guisha was not to look for someone. It was to look for the navel of the dragon vein, or the entrance to the underground ancient city.    


Gao Fei stood up and threw away the sand in his hand. He shook his head dejectedly, indicating that he couldn't find any more traces.    


Aside from wanting to find the danger lurking within the Guisha through Gao Fei, the most important reason why he was so focused on searching for traces of Lao Liu was because, at the most critical moment, Gao Fei had saved Qin Chengcheng by taking out Bai Ge.    


"Forget it, we can be considered to have done our best. His life and death will depend on his good fortune."    


Tieh Tu raised his head and looked at the sand dune somewhere to the south. He pointed and said, "That place is the center of this dragon vein's hinterland. Its circumference can't be more than 100 meters."    


Finding an entrance at a hundred meter radius sounded simple, so Ye Xinshang was excited and charged forward with his gun in his arms.    


The four of them quickly arrived at the location Tieh Tu pointed out and began to search for entrances that could be buried by the sand with tools like a military shovel.    


As long as they were on flat land, the four of them would be able to find an entrance in a range of one hundred meters, as long as they looked carefully, and Tieh Tu had a professional tool (the tornado shovel he got from his comrade at Lao Liu had the same function as a drill bit, so they could drill into the ground and take out one or two meters of soil below to observe the soil, thus determining if there were any compacted soil below), they could do it with a little more effort.    


However, the sand that was lifted up was no different from the sand on the surface. There was a small gust of wind in the desert for three days, a small gust of wind for seven days, and when the wind blew, the entire sand dune could move, so how could they tell the difference between the sand below and the sand below?    


However, quicksand would soon flow out and cover the hole again. Although Gao Fei and the others were sure that Tieh Tu was not mistaken, and the navel of the Dragon Vein was within a hundred meters, they were still unable to find it. Instead, they were very tired.    


While the four of them were searching for the entrance, there wasn't much trouble and the surroundings were completely silent. Even when the sun had risen in the east and the sky had turned white, they still hadn't found the entrance they were looking for.    


"Cao, I'm not looking for you anymore. I'm so tired."    


Gao Fei threw away the water bottle in his hand and lied on his back on the sand. He didn't want to move anymore.    


All night long, they have been constantly searching for that damn entrance, but now they didn't find anything. If they didn't believe in Tieh Tu's inherited ability, Gao Fei would have been annoyed long ago.    


Gao Fei's discouragement also caused the other three to give up on their futile search.    


Qin Chengcheng took out a can from her backpack and walked to Gao Fei's side. She knelt on the ground and said gently, "Gao Fei, eat something first before you rest."    


Although Qin Chengcheng was a coquettish little woman, she also took a shovel when she was looking for the entrance last night. After working like Gao Fei and the other two for the whole night, she was already exhausted, but she clenched her teeth and held on until Gao Fei laid down dejectedly. Then like a good wife, she no longer cared for her own rest and ran over to take care of Gao Fei.    


Teacher Qin's hard work that night had greatly changed Tieh Tu and the others' opinion of her. No one expected this woman to be so hardworking. Then, she began to envy someone: this brat was really lucky to be able to get such a good product.    


Gao Fei raised his hand to block the canned food that Qin Chengcheng handed to him and muttered, "I'm not eating. I want to sleep."    


"En, then go to sleep first and wait for your rest before eating."    


Qin Chengcheng obediently put down the can and sat cross-legged on the ground. She moved Gao Fei's head onto her lap, took off the gloves and started to gently massage his head.    


Very quickly, under Teacher Qin's meticulous care, Gao Fei started to snore evenly.    


Even sleeping with a beautiful lady serving him, Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang, who were not far away from death, fell asleep one after the other with envy and hate in their eyes.    


Even though Gao Fei and the other two people were asleep, they weren't dead asleep. Even if they climbed over a lizard within the radius of 50 meters, they would immediately wake up.    


Qin Chengcheng, however, did not know about the abilities of the three men, so she did not dare to sleep. She was afraid that if another Spiritual Lizard monster appeared after the four of them had fallen asleep, it would completely destroy them, wouldn't it?    


Therefore, even though her upper and lower eyelids were in constant fighting, she still forced herself to stay awake.    


Afterwards, I was really tired, so I just started humming a song, "I am a fox that has loved for a thousand years, a thousand years of love, a thousand years of loneliness. Long night, you know who my red makeup is for? In the world of mortals, you know who my hair is for?"    


Qin Chengcheng's voice had always been a bit coquettish, but now that she was singing "White Fox" in this strange desert, not only did she sing out a White Fox's longing for a certain bookworm, but she also added a bit of melancholy and deep sadness, so much so that a tear slowly flowed down from the corner of Ye Xinshang's eye.    


His heart was tougher than steel, but deep down, he was a romantic bookworm. The reason he had been able to join the army and become famous today was all because of a phrase that Lily had inadvertently said when she was young: Big brother Xinshang, the person I like is the kind of man who can wake up with a killing sword and get drunk on the knees of beautiful women.    


In order to be a real man that Qin Ziyang liked, Ye Xinshang gave up on his dream of becoming a scientist. He entered the military academy, went to the army, and became one of the Nine Dragon King through hard work.    


Now, Ye Xinshang had done his best. However, for an impure purpose, the girl he loved was blamed by his brother, but he couldn't blame Gao Fei because Qin Ziyang had willingly done all of this.    


After Qin Chengcheng sang this melodious and plaintive white fox, she immediately made him think of that girl. He thought of how all of his efforts had been for naught, how he could only live in melancholy after a hundred years of life had passed. He was no longer able to control his emotions and silently shed tears of sadness.    


Jack, Xinshang.    


Gradually, the sun had become hot, but there was no wind or moving objects on the vast Taklimakan desert. There was only golden sand that shone under the sunlight.    


Slowly, Qin Chengcheng's singing disappeared into the depths of the yellow sand, just like Ye Xinshang's sad tears.    


The entire world sank into a stifling silence.    


Time seemed to stop at this moment.    


However, three hundred meters to the east of Gao Fei and his group, there was a slight movement of sand.    


After an unknown amount of time, Gao Fei slowly opened his eyes. The person who carried him in his arms had already fallen asleep, sitting there with her beautiful head on her shoulder. Her eyes were closed, and her jade-like face was covered with a layer of dust, but it could not hide her enchanting face.    


This woman was dignified and elegant in front of others. On the bed, she was a fox spirit that could mesmerize the dead, but when she slept, she was like Gao Fei's older sister when he was six years old.    


Gao Fei couldn't help but slowly raise his hand and caress Qin Chengcheng's face. There was an unprecedented gentleness in his eyes.    


From the moment the two of them had done that thing to Qin Chengcheng's husband, Gao Fei had identified her as his partner on the bed. Only when they were together would Gao Fei feel that he was a warrior riding a horse.    


This woman, it was as if she was born for Gao Fei to ride. Only then did Gao Fei ignore her feelings for him.    


When Qin Chengcheng fell asleep like a baby, Gao Fei finally found out that this woman was just like Shen Yinbing and Yan Hong, an inseparable part of his life.    


Gao Fei sat up carefully and held Qin Chengcheng in his arms. He stared at the distant sand dune without moving for a long time. Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang, who had recovered their energy, woke up one after the other.    


At this time, the sun had already reached the center of the sky, and the surroundings were still as quiet as ever. It was frighteningly quiet.    


Soon after, Qin Chengcheng also opened her eyes.    


Following that, the four people who had a quick lunch started to look for the entrance to the dragon fountain that might not even exist under Tieh Tu's guidance.    


While the dry, monotonous digging of sand was going on, time passed by very slowly. However, the sun had slowly set the western mountains, and the Taklimakan Desert had once again welcomed its night.    


After nightfall, the whole world seemed to come to life as the sound of the wind could be heard. In the distance, the howls of a sand wolf could be heard.    


The desert might have belonged to the underworld, because many things happened at night. The cool and refreshing temperature at night allowed people to suddenly have a flash of inspiration.    


For example, Tieh Tu.    


Gao Fei, who was digging, was shocked when Ye Zichen suddenly shouted, "Cao, what are you screaming for!"    


"I know, I know where the entrance is! We found the wrong place! "    


At this time, Tieh Tu, who was always calm, became very excited. He grabbed the military shovel and quickly ran towards the east.    


Gao Fei and the other two men looked at each other for a moment before following him, "Hey, aren't you the descendant of Commander Mojin? How could you be in the wrong place when you know how to determine acupuncture points by gold?"    


Tieh Tu suddenly stopped, pointed to the easternmost part and shouted loudly: "Because of the dragon's head!"    


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