Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C329 The Spirit Lizard of the Asura Dao

C329 The Spirit Lizard of the Asura Dao

Tieh Tu gave the gun to Lao Liu to thank him for taking out the Bai Ge in time.    


Although he didn't understand why the mysterious Black-robed Man left after taking Bai Ge, he knew that if Lao Liu didn't take out Bai Ge in time, things wouldn't be resolved so easily.    


The Type 05 submachine gun was a godly weapon. People like Lao Liu might not have the chance to touch it in his lifetime, let alone have one. However, in Tieh Tu's eyes, a mere gun was nothing.    


Tieh Tu had been to the depths of the desert a few times before and knew some legends about the desert, but he really didn't know where that Black-robed Man came from, or what it was.    


Last night in the temple, Gao Fei had once threatened Wu Tie because he was hostile to Qin Chengcheng.    


Now, he was also very grateful to Lao Liu.    


Since he knew better than Tieh Tu how strange that mysterious Black-robed Man was, he didn't have enough time to comfort Qin Chengcheng. He carried her to Lao Liu and asked, "Lao Liu, what is that Black-robed Man doing?"    


Old Halle definitely knew what the mysterious Black-robed Man was.    


However, after Gao Fei saw him walk far away, he knew that the other party didn't want to say anything, so he had no choice but to ask Lao Liu.    


Lao Liu looked at Old Halle who was resting with his eyes closed, then looked at the submachine gun in his arms, sighed first, and then said softly: "Sigh, that Black-robed Man is not human, its name is' Spiritual Lizard ', it is a thousand years old ghost that specializes in removing filth in the Taklimakan Desert, it is born with an obsession with cleanliness."    


Legend has it that during the prosperity of the thirty-six nations of the Western Regions, there were still no Spiritual Lizard in the Taklimakan desert.    


At that time, whether it was a local woman or a foreign woman, they would all be able to freely enter the depths of the desert.    


However, in the end, a terrible plague swept through the most prosperous of the 36 countries of the Western Regions. In just a few days, more than 10,000 people died, and the remaining people were forced to flee their homes.    


When the homeless elite people left their homes, the high priest that pushed them forward knelt down in tears and begged Hu Da to guide them. What did they do wrong? Why did they suffer such great retribution?    


On the night of people's prayers, Hu Da appeared, causing all those who were fleeing to have a dream.    


In the dream, the benevolent Hu Da told everyone that the culprit of the plague came from a Chinese woman.    


The day the plague began was the Spring Equinox, the most important day in the country.    


In the traditional customs of the exalted states, the dead ancestors would return home from the netherworld on the night of the spring equinox to visit their children and enjoy the worship of their children.    


On this day, it was the fast day in the country. All citizens were forbidden from eating and could only drink water, but they had to make the most exquisite food for their ancestors' souls.    


It was on this day that a lazy Chinese woman followed the caravan to the Absolute Kingdom.    


All the merchants who had been traveling on the Silk Road throughout the year were familiar with the customs of the absolute kingdoms. They knew that today was their most important holiday, so they followed the old tradition of 'going to the countryside to follow the customs'; all of them didn't eat, only drank water.    


However, that lazy girl couldn't hold it in any longer. As night fell, she snuck into the main hall of the inn and ate the delicacies that the boss had bestowed upon her ancestors.    


Perhaps she was too hungry, or perhaps the dishes cooked by the boss were too delicious. Anyway, this girl had eaten up all the offerings.    


A girl with a small stomach would definitely have indigestion after eating so much delicious food.    


It was night, and the merchants were invited to the lake by the enthusiastic citizens of the country to see the great spring ceremony of their people (a ceremony in which the ancestors were asked to bless them so that the lake would never do it).    


In the ceremony, the Chinese woman who had eaten the offerings felt a stomachache, so she walked into the uninhabited grass to relieve her hand.    


Due to indigestion, the thing that the Chinese woman pulled down was practically a worn-out offering.    


Furthermore, at that time, she had just finished her monthly activities. After finishing her explanation, she casually tossed the item to the side, picked up her pants and left.    


However, what she did not expect was that the things she pulled out attracted some homeless souls (which seemed to exist in any dynasty) and robbed the undigested offerings, including the menstrual zone, to pieces.    


In the customs of the people, the lunar scriptures used by women were the most filthy things in the world. If those demons or ghosts were to obtain this thing, their mana would greatly increase …    


However, after those lonely ghosts eat this, they will also have a stomach upset … The lone soul wild ghosts with a stomach upset were extremely furious. They felt that this worshiping was too f * cking deceitful, and that they had to teach the original owner of this offering a lesson.    


At this moment, the inn owner's ancestors were all dead. Because the Guardian was stolen, they found the lake after smelling it.    


Therefore, all the lone souls rushed forward and beat up the inn owner's ancestors.    


The owner of the inn, who had suffered an undeserved calamity, threw his anger on the Chinese woman: "Oh, you stole my good food, pulled it out, left it for the other ghosts to eat, and got them to beat me up. What a fool!"    


Thus, the angry inn owner picked up a piece of leftover sanitary band and drilled into a mouse's body. Following the smell of the sanitary belt, he found her in the crowd and fiercely bit her.    


Because of the disaster of the previous generation, their resentment had greatly increased, and they had used the rat to take revenge on the Chinese woman. This caused the poisonous gas from the rat which already had germs in its teeth to become even more potent, causing a terrible plague.    


After being bitten, the Chinese woman died within the time it took for an incense stick to burn. The people next to her also suffered from the same illness, which soon caused them to die.    


In just a few days, more than half of the citizens of the country which had hundreds of thousands of citizens had died. The remaining people could only run away in panic …    


After realizing that all of this came from a foreign woman, the High Priest of Absolute Monarch Sanctuary was furious and swore to take revenge on all those foreign women who dared to trespass into the desert. He then chanted an incantation, and the few huge desert lizards turned into human figures, patrolling the desert to deal with those foreign women.    


These giant lizards, which were specifically designed to deal with unclean foreign women, were known as Spiritual Lizard s.    


Spiritual Lizard usually loved to eat dirty things, so they specifically dealt with women who urinated in the desert.    


A few years later, when the High Priest died, these Spiritual Lizard became ownerless. In order to be able to eat a rich meal, they searched everywhere for women, and even took the initiative to invade the local houses.    


In this way, the women of the Desert Divine Dynasty would suffer.    


Being forced into a corner, the other empires had to choose the most powerful one, the Wu Sun Empire, and ask the king to send the High Priest to deal with these Spiritual Lizard.    


However, because the High Priest of Absolute Monarch Sanctuary who placed the curse on them was dead and no one could undo the spells of these Spiritual Lizard, High Priest Wu Sun had no choice but to use the Yang God (the soul of the human body) to escape to the Heavenly Court.    


The Heavenly Emperor was merciful to the world, so he sent the Asura King to come down to the mortal world to collect the Spiritual Lizard.    


According to the legends of the desert, the Asura King was known as the Evil God. She was extremely beautiful and had the help of the Celestial Emperor to create her Asura Dao.    


Thus, the Asura King was a monster that was not a god, nor a ghost, nor a human. It was a monster that existed between gods, ghosts, and humans.    


After the Asura King descended to the mortal world, he quickly took back a few Spiritual Lizard s and kept them in the Asura Dao. He also harshly warned them that they must abide by the rules set for them by the High Priest of the Absolute Monarch Sanctuary.    


Of course, not all of the foreign girls deserved to die, as they had to give their sisters a chance to start anew.    


Therefore, the Asura King set another rule: When the Spiritual Lizard meets a woman with filth while on official business, if the other party can take out Bai Ge, the cleanest person in the world, and let her go … …    


"Honestly speaking, this brother has been to the desert many times and has never met the legendary Spiritual Lizard before. However, he was worried that he would run into them, so he brought Bai Ge along as a precaution. "Who would have thought that we would actually meet each other today?"    


After explaining the origins of the mysterious Black-robed Man in detail, Lao Liu bitterly smiled and said, "This story sounds absurd and preposterous, but in the desert, it would be better for you to believe it or not."    


Looking at Qin Chengcheng who had already gotten down from Gao Fei's arms, Lao Liu forced a smile again, "My bosses, I believe you have already guessed what the brothers are up to." "That's right, we are Commander Mojin."    


"We are in this business, and we value these folklore the most, even if it is the 21st century," Wu said. So, just like Old Halle who believes in the legends of the desert, he became hostile towards this lady upon seeing that she was going to accompany him. However, he did not sigh, let's not talk about that anymore, since it has already happened and the mysterious Spiritual Lizard have also appeared, it means that we can't head towards Lou Lan's side anymore. Otherwise, we might run into something even more sinister.    


Tieh Tu said coldly: "We have to go there."    


Lao Liu looked at him with a peculiar glint in his eyes: "Boss, forgive me for being stupid, but are you a mediator, a Taoist, or a strongman?"    


The three things that Lao Liu said, in addition to his field officer, were the four great tombstone sects that had been passed down since ancient times: the middle general of Fangqiu, Commander Mojin, the Taoist of Hanshan and Li Shiji.    


Tieh Tu was still as cold as ever: "I'm nothing, don't ask anymore. It's not good for you."    


"Oh, oh, thank you for your reminder, Boss."    


Thinking about how Tieh Tu casually gave him the submachine gun that the tomb robber dreamed of, Liu Tie quickly bowed and bowed, not daring to say anything more. He turned around and signaled his comrade to leave, but Gao Fei said: "Liu Tie, I want to ask you a question."    


Lao Liu stopped and said, "Boss, please speak."    


Gao Fei rubbed his hand on Qin Chengcheng's neck and asked casually, "What are the unique features of the legendary Spiritual Lizard?"    


Lao Liu pondered for a moment before saying: "Legend has it that Spiritual Lizard belongs to the Shura Dao, and mortals can't kill them, so they float in the desert instead of walking. They live underground all year round, so their blood is cold, their eyes red and yellow, like rust. As for the rest, I'm not too sure myself. "    


"Mm, thank you very much."    


Gao Fei said his thanks in a low voice. He put his right hand on Qin Chengcheng's neck and looked. He saw yellow mixed in with the red blood.    


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