Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C256 Rationale for Termination of the Meeting

C256 Rationale for Termination of the Meeting

Chen Potian did not stay for long after he achieved his purpose in coming to the Qin Family. He drank a cup of tea and left.    


Looking at the car's taillights in the distance, Qin Liujia asked lightly: "Are you ready?"    


Qin Ziyang replied in the same tone, "I've been preparing since the day I came back."    


"Then, what about Ye Xinshang?"    


After Qin Liujia asked this question, he turned around and walked into the yard without waiting for Qin Ziyang's reply.    


"Ye Xinshang?"    


Qin Ziyang repeated the name in a low voice. She raised her head to look at the moon in the sky and smiled, "I know he loves me dearly. He loves me more than he loves his own eyes. However, there were some things that could not be accomplished by love. The point is, I don't feel that way about him, not at all. If he'd taken me for a drink that night three years ago, maybe everything would have changed now. "Hai."    


"Unfortunately, even after he got drunk and took off all my clothes, he didn't forget to ask for my permission. In that case, can I agree? Ye Xinshang, are you a true gentleman or are you a big idiot? Don't you know that women are all despicable and serious? "I once gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it. You can't blame me for that."    


Qin Ziyang then walked into the yard after sighing softly.    


The dim moonlight shone on her back, making her look hazy and lonely.    


Shen Yinbing, who had lost her father and Hai Bo, quickly regained her composure under Gao Fei's care.    


Yan Hong had even keenly observed that Director Shen's working condition was much better than before.    


It reminded her of those days when she had just become Gao Fei's woman. She sighed and said, "This is the power of love!"    


In the days after Su Beishan's death or in the days after his disappearance, Gao Fei insisted that he would appear in front of the Beishan Group Headquarters hall on time every day at 5: 30 PM, driving a black BMW 7.    


Every morning at 7: 50, he would send Shen Yinbing to the company on time.    


By now, all the employees of Beishan Group already knew that the beautiful CEO had a name.    


However, the position of this boss didn't seem to be reliable, because many people knew that the CEO's assistant, Jiao Enzo, was patiently waiting for Director Shen to change her mind.    


Originally, Gao Fei's intention was to expel this gentle scum so that he wouldn't dislike him.    


However, when Shen Yinbing took the initiative to ask Jiao Enzo to leave the group, even if it was to give him some money to help him set up his business, Gao Fei refused.    


Gao Fei felt that it was too unmanly to do that. He could only let Jiao Enzo see Shen Yinbing walk into the marriage hall step by step. That would be the biggest blow to his love rival, making him convinced.    


Of course, Director Shen admired Mr. Gao's magnanimity even though he did not say it out loud.    


On the second day after Shen Yinbing was discharged, she accompanied Gao Fei back to the Su Family villa to settle the bill with the security personnel. Now that the protected person is no longer here, what's the point of these security personnel remaining?    


Not only had she dismissed the security guards, she had also put up the Su Family Villa at the housing agency.    


The Su Family Villa did not leave any good memories for Shen Yinbing. As long as she walked into that house, she would think of her father and Hai Bo.    


Shen Yinbing didn't return to her original residential area. Instead, together with Gao Fei, she bought a newly renovated house in Sun Xin City.    


This two-room, two-room, two-room house had an area of more than a hundred rooms. It had a large French window and could be seen from the window not too far away.    


Although the size of the house wasn't as big as the villa, Shen Yinbing felt that this was her home and also the beginning of a new life. The night they bought the house, they lived inside.    


Shen Yinbing had originally thought that someone who wore a gentleman's mask on his face would sneak into her room at night and have sex with her.    


Since she loved him, she would give it to him.    


But, to Lily's surprise, there was no sound from the door all night, and Director Shen could not sleep.    


On the first morning after they moved into the new residence, when the two of them were eating dog food and ignoring buns, Director Shen asked indirectly and finally found out this guy's true thoughts: he didn't want to bully Su Beishan's daughter before his bones turned cold, because Su Beishan trusted him very much and he didn't want to betray the trust of a dead person.    


Director Shen didn't expect Gao Fei, who looked so unruly on the surface, to be such a principled person. From then on, she admired her father's eyes even more and felt that she must cherish him well.    


All girls who had experienced the taste of love knew that having a person and having no one to care about were two completely different things. Take Director Shen for example. Even if she met with more difficult problems, she would still be able to calm down and deal with them calmly.    


When the company's higher-ups reported their work to her, Xiao Soong and the others were keenly aware that Director Shen, who seemed to be listening to her subordinates' reports, would always let out a smile at the corner of her eyes.    


Today was September 5th, Friday, and tomorrow was the weekend.    


At five in the afternoon, as was her custom, Director Shen began to hold a meeting composed of the company's upper echelons.    


The content of the meeting is mainly to summarize this week's company business gains and losses, how to start a new week of work and so on.    


In the past, the leaders of a dozen departments had to report to each other at meetings for at least an hour and a half, sometimes more than two hours, and everyone was used to it: tomorrow was the weekend, so what was an hour late?    


Therefore, everyone was ready to leave work late at night.    


As usual, Deputy Director Yan was the first to speak.    


Deputy Director Yan was the company's busiest person recently, and was mainly responsible for Racetrack projects in the south.    


Seeing that his Racetrack was about to open, most of his energy was focused on it.    


Yan Hong began to talk to Director Shen and the other leaders of the participating organizations about the progress of Racetrack preparation. After she had finished her business, she began to make a detailed work plan.    


A project worth several hundred million yuan, especially one with good prospects for development, was definitely the most important project for a private enterprise. Therefore, when Deputy Director Yan began to explain the work plan in detail, all the higher-ups listened attentively.    


However, Xiao Soong, who was in charge of recording at the side, noticed that when Deputy Director Yan said the most crucial points, she actually lifted her hand to look at her watch.    


Xiao Soong subconsciously checked her watch. It was 5: 26 AM and less than five minutes before closing time.    


She didn't mind and continued to do her job, but she started to observe Shen Yinbing secretly in her subconscious.    


In the next four minutes, she noticed, Director Shen looked at her watch six times, almost every minute.    


Not only did Xiao Soong notice Shen Yinbing's actions, but the other executives also noticed it.    


Could it be that Director Shen was in a hurry to leave?    


Some of the higher-ups looked at each other and saw the meaning in each other's eyes: That's not right, the last meeting of the week is Director Shen's most important meeting. Every time she's especially serious and forgetful, but what's wrong with her today?    


"Everyone, according to the special group established by the company and the expert group sent by Eagle Britain Conner Group, all the preparations for our Racetrack have been perfectly completed. "Of course, there are a few things I need to pay attention to, such as …"    


While Yan Hong was talking to the rest of the higher-ups, Shen Yinbing suddenly raised her hand and interrupted her, "Deputy Director Yan, please wait a moment."    


Yan Hong did not understand and quickly shut her mouth. She looked at Shen Yinbing with a puzzled expression.    


Seated in the middle of the conference table, Shen Yinbing stood up and briefly organized the information in front of her. She looked around and said indifferently, "Everyone, I have matters to attend to so I will have to leave first. The next meeting will be hosted by Deputy Director Yan. Well, I wish you a good weekend. "    


With that said, Shen Yinbing picked up the small bag on the chair beside her. Under everyone's surprised 'how could Director Shen leave earlier', she walked out of the meeting room quickly with her heels on.    


Only Jiao Enzo, who was sitting to her left, had a shadow flash across his eyes.    


Shen Yinbing had already been gone for a long time, but no one spoke in the meeting room. Everyone was still astonished by what happened to make Director Shen leave early.    


"Cough, alright. I'll be presiding over this weekend's meeting."    


As if she already knew what Director Shen was going to do, Yan Hong coughed and looked out the window.    


All the higher-ups looked towards the French windows subconsciously.    


Through the wide floor-to-ceiling windows, one could see the parking lot below.    


Everyone saw Director Shen, who had light footsteps, 'flying' towards a black car like a happy little bird.    


In front of the black car stood a young man.    


Everyone sitting there basically knew who this young man was. He was Director Shen's boyfriend, Gao Fei.    


The reason why Director Shen left early was because Gao Fei was waiting for her there.    


For Gao Fei, she gave up the unfinished work!    


After they figured out the real reason why Shen Yinbing left early, it was because she didn't want Gao Fei to wait down there for too long, so the higher-ups were stunned for a moment.    


Everyone in the room knew that even though Director Shen was young and beautiful and made men think wild thoughts every time they looked at her, she treated her work seriously and it would not be an exaggeration to call her a workaholic.    


But now, because Gao Fei was waiting for her below, she didn't want to wait for the meeting to end, even if it took a minute longer, as if staying here for a while would result in her losing the most precious thing.    


Director Shen had really changed.    


Just when the upper echelons were full of emotion over Shen Yinbing's change, Gao Fei held her hand and wiped off the sweat on her forehead with a tissue. He smiled and said, "Why are you in such a hurry to leave? "Oh, by the way, today is Friday. You should have a weekend meeting."    


Shen Yinbing turned her head to look at the building and chuckled lightly. "I asked Sister Hong to preside over the meeting in my place. Come on, stop standing here. I'll bet they're all upstairs watching me and wondering how the proud Director Shen could possibly give up her job for the sake of that stinking brat. "    


Gao Fei raised his arm and sniffed at the tip of his nose: "Huh, actually, I do smell a bit of stink."    


Shen Yinbing was stunned. "What? You didn't take a bath?"    


"No, this smell doesn't come from me."    


"Then who was that stench?"    




As Gao Fei said that, he suddenly kissed Shen Yinbing on the cheek.    


"Get lost!"    


Shen Yinbing raised her hand and lightly patted Gao Fei's shoulder. She quickly took out her Large Dark Glasses and put it on her face before getting into the car.    


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